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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectI love Seth's linework
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=47114&mesg_id=47178
47178, I love Seth's linework
Posted by buckshot defunct, Wed Jan-04-06 01:07 PM
This book really looks great. Man, I love his attention to architecture. This guy can draw some damn buildings, I'm telling you.

And even though he is kind of doing the autobiographical thing here, he doesn't fall into the traps of a lot of other autobiographical comics. For one, it's not really in first person, so we get a sense of this Seth guy as a character, and not just an author talking directly to us. Ironically, this makes him a lot more real to me.

Can't say I completely relate to the guy, but I am pretty fascinated with him. You think you suffer from nostalgia? You ain't got shit on Seth.

The story is kind of mundane, but due to my personal love for the subject matter I can still get into it.