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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjecti started reading BONE when it started
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=47114&mesg_id=47151
47151, i started reading BONE when it started
Posted by duD, Wed Jan-04-06 10:02 PM
i wish i still had the first issues

but i decided that it was just too much effort to keep up with it every month and i'd just pick it up in trade.

eight years later, it finally came out and i read all 1000+ pages in one sitting.

i never saw the story developing into a war story from the beginning.

i always got a Bill Watterson/ calvin and hobbes vibe from the artwork. While the Bones looked so cartoonish, the rest of the drawings wereso realistic, but it all fit together flawlessly.

I'm just waiting for them to make it into a movie (animated of course).