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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectThe Game Master
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=3883&mesg_id=4147
4147, The Game Master
Posted by 7thwardhardhead, Thu Apr-01-04 06:35 PM
Maya the bee
Ahh real monsters
Tiny toon adventures
the chipmunks
cbear and jamal
where on earth is carmen sandiago

I'm not like you and I cannot pretend. Cee Lo

I Will Not Lose! S.Carter

Shit on that Shit! ???

Don't compare me to you nigga you ain't this! Malice

Sit your five dollar ass down before I make change!
-Nino Brown

Where you at? If your mind is somewhere else then pick your ass up and take it over there and keep it company. I'm not having my time wasted by some half-ass, fish cake opponent today.
Samuel L. Jackson

When you see you're playin' a man who feels naked without his lady, use her. Jump in there and take her, tease her, threaten her and he won't be able to think about his game anymore. That's when you make your real move.
.......Same as Above..........

You ready to be the king!
.......Same as Above..........