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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectThere are two responses regarding this rant...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=41194&mesg_id=41311
41311, There are two responses regarding this rant...
Posted by Dr Claw, Sun Aug-27-06 11:39 AM
And this will be probably buried under Deluge's hilarious snark, but should be heard anyway.

First, the rational/longwinded response:

We all here in this forum, are pretty much old enough to know where such a movie or a comic book, or whatever are aimed, and (generally) don't spend our lives fretting over how crappy something is. We all recognize, the silliness of certain things in our childhoods to varying degrees, and are able to look at such things with adult eyes. We all here in this forum, by proxy of posting on an Internet message board devoted to some of the more nerdy mediums (TV, literature, and film) are at least a little "nerdy" in some way or fashion.

It's important to realize that being "grown" is not determined by how one entertains him or herself (generally); however, when one is "grown up", one has the freedom to determine to entertain him or herself anyway he or she may like. It's less "grown", rather, to throw stones at someone just because they may have passionate views either way about something they might have been interested in seeing but turned out to be garbage in the end. There's seriously nothing wrong with a 30-year old that decides to watch Pokemon and somehow might enjoy it. The Doc personally isn't entertained by such a show, but many of our parents ended up watching (and enjoying) television shows with us growing up, and might be inclined to watch it later on, without the kids' insistence. On another hand, one shouldn't be forced to like so-called "grown up" shit that doesn't interest him or her solely on their given age. If being "grown up" means The Doc has to sit through 70 minutes of artsy-fartsy, Skinemax-ed out, bloody, violent compost on film, then The Doc will gladly turn in the keys to his Volvo station wagon and sit at the end of the children's table.

Let The Doc be straight with you; he lives in an entertainment vacuum. Outside of NFL football, The Wire, and scattered television programs here and there, he doesn't watch TV, or definitely watch movies. Music nowadays sounds like noise to him, so he might be listening to some old(er) hip-hop or the likes of Bob James, Chick Corea and Herbie Hancock. With music especially, The Doc can be a cranky ass old man with what he likes, and he knows that no matter how many times he tells people how much he thinks "Sexyback" is the biggest piece of shit to ever be recorded in years, an aural turd if you will, they ain't gonna listen. People will still get drunk and dance to it, and what they eat won't make The Doc have to visit the bathroom anytime soon.

In short, People are gonna like what they like and dislike what they dislike. It's their right as "grown ups".

And now the concise/kneejerk/inflammatory response:

Kindly STFU. People are "grown" so they're gonna watch what they want, motherfucker(s). Anyone seriously bitching/ranting about other people ranting/bitching about something shitty on a message board which is designed for such behavior, regardless of the reason, is guilty of irrefutable mental faggotry. Fall back, and holla at an oncoming vehicle with your back turned, if it bothers you so much, fam; it ain't that serious.

Now you can come back with your requisite shots about how a "grown man" speaking in the third person as a quasi-alias on a message board is a loser DURHUUUUUURRRRHURRRHEEEEEEE -- but the fact of the matter is that you (and everyone else who makes posts like these in other forums) already lost, doggie.