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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectGrow up nerds. AKA Transformers: who gives a shit.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=41194&mesg_id=41194
41194, Grow up nerds. AKA Transformers: who gives a shit.
Posted by PolarbearToenails, Sat Aug-26-06 06:22 PM
I liked Transformers when I was a little kid. At one point, I also tried eating dog food. Children are stupid.

Transformers was stupid show for little kids who were too naive to realize that it was a toy commercial.

So what Michael Bay changed the designs? Who gives a shit?

Fucking nerds trapped in their childhoods. I can't believe it. They'll talk your ear off about how you should take comic books or anime or cartoons or whatever seriously, and then they turn around and act like something like Transformers matters. Like they're defending something.

Listen, if Michael Bay was directing a film adaptation of Watchmen, then I can see getting annoyed. That's a work of literature. If he was directing a version of Batman, I can see being dissapointed. Some variations of that story have been relatively serious.

But this is TRANSFORMERS. You are a GROWN-UP NOW. This is like people being dissapointed that the film adaptation of Kaptain Kangaroo isn't gritty enough. Give me a break.

A few related notes:

The kids cartoons you watched as a kid probably sucked. There have been very few exceptions to this rule. If you are young enough to have watched Batman or Animaniacs, they didn't suck, but they were still unquestionably for kids and not grown adults.

Just because something is dark, violent or only appropriate for adults does not make it sophisticated. Just because kids shouldn't watch/read it doesn't mean adults should.

Superhero comics almost never rise above the level of a supermarket novel. There are a couple of exceptions to this, but don't act like you buying all these superhero comics every week is some literary endeavor. Comics as a medium are just as good as books, but they remain almost exclusively targeted at kids and perpetual adolescents.

If you have ever had even one serious thought about Pokemon, and you are over the age of 14, then go away.