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Topic subjecthere's where i stands
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=38367&mesg_id=38392
38392, here's where i stands
Posted by AnaStezia, Fri Nov-18-05 01:08 PM
>Are you a fan, or not? Love it, like it, hate it?
>Add comments as desired.
>Fight Club --- Liked it, for the most part
>Donnie Darko --- ditto
>Pulp Fiction --- loved it
>Star Wars episodes I - III --- saw I, wasn't impressed, haven't seen 2 &3
>Crash --- twas okay
>War of the Worlds --- didn't see it
>Napoleon Dynamite --- liked it
>Lord of the Rings trilogy --- liked
>Sin City --- didn't see it
>Matrix series --- liked 1st one, hated the rest
>Memento --- loved it then, like it now
>City of God --- love it
>Lost in Translation --- meh
>Scarface --- love it in a campy sense
>Training Day --- liked it
>Family Guy --- don't really watch it
>Simpsons --- liked it in the beginning, stopped watching regularly
>Aqua Teen Hunger Force --- never seen it
>Arrested Development --- see above
>Lost --- gave up on it
>The Office, American and British --- seen british, liked it
>CSI (original and spinoffs) --- original yes, spinoffs no
>Sopranos --- love it
>Wonderfalls --- never seen it
>Freaks and Geeks --- never seen it
>Undeclared --- never seen it
>Marvel vs DC --- don't care
>Batman and prep time --- huh?
>Harry Potter (books and/or movies) --- NO
>George W. Bush (just curious) --- NO