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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectDamn. This made me think of Six Feet Under.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=36490&mesg_id=36512
36512, Damn. This made me think of Six Feet Under.
Posted by kurlyswirl, Fri Mar-10-06 07:23 PM
There was an episode where the death of the week was someone being pounced on by a mountain lion while out running (hiking, biking, whatever).

>I wish I could tell you that I fended off their attack with
>nothing more than a pair of nunchucks hastily fashioned out of
>two twigs and a shoelace,


>Basically I was just up running through the mountains, looked
>up and there were 3 mountain lions up on a rock looking down
>on me. But that was it. They just looked at me and I looked at
>them and that was pretty much the end. I don't think it even
>registered with me until later that day, like "oh damn, I
>coulda been lunch."

Damn. I agree with okaycomputer...you need to rethink the jogging. lol

<-------------- You need to be watching this show.

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