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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectRed-winged blackbirds are some mean bitches.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=36490&mesg_id=36506
36506, Red-winged blackbirds are some mean bitches.
Posted by kurlyswirl, Fri Mar-10-06 04:31 PM
I used to go walking by Lake Michigan on the Northwestern University campus in Evanston, IL, and red-winged blackbirds would nest in the bushes right next to this one part of the trail. So, whenever someone walked by there, they'd fly out squawking and chase 'em down, all mean. It got so I had to change my route to avoid that area every spring.

I've also had geese hiss and come after me. I was provoking them, though, so I deserved it. lol

>Had a pretty bad run in with a bluejay once, too.
>Yeah man... fuck birds.

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