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Topic subjectEh...
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36479, Eh...
Posted by jambone, Sun Jan-21-07 02:38 PM
>>Again, Dreamworks was a perfect role for her,and really the
>>entire cast.
>>The acting, without the music, was mediocre at best in that
>I disagree here. Danny Glover and Jamie Foxx were very good
>in their roles. Granted their characters were relatively
>flat, especially considering their experience and acting
>ability, in particular, Danny Glover.

Danny Glove did fine. A limited role, he did fine.

Jamie did his best acting performance of his career. Which isn't saying much because he is a hack of an actor.

But Jamie did an adequate job of being the glue and central theme of this movie.

>Jamie was a convincing scoundrel, although he didn't reach the
>level of Larry Hagman playing JR on "Dallas". His character
>was a believable as a "snake" and most viewers developed some
>level of contempt and/or dislike for "Curtis."

Not really. The story wasn't developed enough to have that contempt. It wasn't developed enough to really feel Deena's pain. When she sang "listen" it was Beyonce singing. Not Deena. There wasn't any depth to the characters except for Effe's character really.

And that is basically the inherent flaw of the movie. The characters aren't believable and aren't viewed as such. But its a musical. Its not necessarily suppose to be that way, no? I mean you are there for the music and the performance mostly.

Everybody is viewed for what they are outside of the character.

And definitely Eddie.

>This was Eddie's best acting job that I've ever seen.
> Much of
>his role was still that of a comic, which of course, is more
>natural for him, but he showed greater depth than what I
>thought he was capable of.

???? Did Eddie even act?? Or did he just do his SNL routines from the 80's?

And what depth was that? Having a scene where he does drugs? lol

>And as previously stated, I thought Jennifer gave a solid
>None of these performances were great, but they were
>definitely better than mediocre.

They weren't good either.

>>Jennifer's performance as a singer, particulalry her voice,
>>the movie, is what is garnering all this attention and
>>rightfully so.
>I don't think that this is true in and all by itself.
>Everybody who has any idea of what "American Idol" is, knows
>she can sing.

Really? Then why did she get voted off? Why wasn't she in the top 3?

>It was her acting ability that surprised most
>people and has brought her all of these accolades. Her
>singing alone, by no means, is responsible for all of the
>attention that she has garnered.

Eh...YES it is. Her voice is the star of the movie.

When she was on American Idol she wasn't as developed vocally as she is now. In fact, Latoya London was the best vocally out of all them at that paricular time in their group.

Jennifer could always hit those home runs and long notes on Idol. But her mid-range vocals needed some work. She has that now, and is more polished. And it is evidenced in Dreamgirls. She has fully blossomed vocally now.

> She did a respectable acting
>job too on a character that was not easy to play (for a newbie
>in particular).

Yes she did. But her singing supersedes her acting a great deal.

>I should've been more specific when I mentioned "talent".
>Jennifer appears to be a more natural ACTING talent; Beyonce
>is not. If Jennifer works at it, her natural raw talent can
>be developed into a seasoned veteran acting pro. Beyonce
>either just doesn't have it and/or is not willing to work at

Ice Cube is a natural acting talent. He plays roles that fit him, that aren't beyond his scope. And it works.

Does that mean he is going to be the next Denzel? No.

That is what Jennifer did in Dreamgirls. But what has people raving and in awe is her gut-wrenching vocals. Not her acting. Her acting in the movie is the icing on the already deliciously tasting cake.

>>>She has a lot of the elements that are needed to at least
>>>box office draw in the coming years but I think she could
>>>develop into a great actress.
>>She isn't a box office draw type performer. UNLESS she gets
>>her acting chops up. And that still doesn't matter. Having
>>acting chops and being a box-office draw, are, a lot of
>>two differnt things. Look at Adam Sandler's and Don
>>careers for examples.. lol
>You're right about her acting chops; I agree that does need to
>improve to solidify her place as a box office draw. But even
>if her acting game never improves, she has something that Adam
>Sandler has and that Don Cheadle lacks: a following. People
>relate to and identify with Jennifer from her time on
>"American Idol". (Similarly, Adam Sandler has a following
>from his time on "SNL"). Not only does Jennifer have a
>following, she (like many "American Idol" alums) has a STRONG
>following. Almost cult-like.

Cult-like? Maybe

Box-office smash-like, or profitable movie-like? NO.

>>>I don't see this acting thing being a one hit wonder deal
>>>her with this role. I see it as a beginning to possibly
>>>bigger things, more movies, bigger roles as her talent
>>It could be. That is nice "dream" (no pun intended).
>>A lot of that has to do with her. And how she approaches it.
>Depending on how dedicated she is and how hard she's willing
>to work at it, this "dream" could become a reality. And
>that's part of the danger of her being awarded such a
>prestigous award, like an Oscar so soon. It could kill her
>work ethic and her desire to improve. Even worse, she could
>become one of these Diva-Divine type of chicks, thinking that
>she's already arrived and become a person with an inflated
>attitude and inflated sense of self worth and become hard to
>impossible to work with.

True. And she has been asked in interviews what she is going to do next, and it seems like she has no clue or is not really thinking about that right now. She is signed to Clive, but...who knows? Seems like right now, she has caught up into the hype, which is understandable with a newcomer. I hope she has a good team around her, and I hope she realizes this a business. Here today, gone tomorrow.

>>>In short, I see her as a potential long-term talent; you
>>>apparently, see her as a one hit wonder, one and done type
>>I don't see her as that. And I hope that isn't the case. I
>>just won't be surprised if this turns out to be her first
>>only time she climbed Mt. Everest.
>>People weren't really floored with her awe-inspiring acting.
>>They were floored with her awe-inspiring voice in a musical.
>Anyone who went and saw this movie and was overwhelmed by her
>singing alone, has been living in some remote location for the
>past 2 years or so. Her singing ability is a given for anyone
>who saw her on an episode of "American Idol".

Again, her singing ability on American Idol was not on the level it was in the movie. That is a fact.

Her performances on American Idol was where you could see the potential of her greatness.

Her performance in DreamGirls, was her potential fulfilled.