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Topic subjectNot quite...
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36477, Not quite...
Posted by jambone, Sun Jan-21-07 12:46 PM
>...right here:
>>I don't really see a career in acting or even singing for
>>Jennifer in the future. I *hope* I'm wrong, though. Her
>>signing with Clive Davis to a record deal has me worried.
>>I think this may be a once in a lifetime occurence for her,
>>and then its a wrap.
>I see her as a potentially serious talent in film. What she
>did with Effie as a newbie, was amazing, and with an acting
>coach, training, and more experience, she will definitely get

Again, Dreamworks was a perfect role for her,and really the entire cast.

The acting, without the music, was mediocre at best in that film.

Jennifer's performance as a singer, particulalry her voice, in the movie, is what is garnering all this attention and rightfully so.

>She can develop into an awesome talent. She's got
>alot of things on her side:
>She's young,
>She's got talent,
>She's a natural performer,
>She has charisma, and
>She's a pretty woman.

^^That doesn't automatically make you a great actress.

Beyonce has all those traits and more. Is she a great actress? No.

>She has a lot of the elements that are needed to at least be a
>box office draw in the coming years but I think she could also
>develop into a great actress.

She isn't a box office draw type performer. UNLESS she gets her acting chops up. And that still doesn't matter. Having acting chops and being a box-office draw, are, a lot of times, two differnt things. Look at Adam Sandler's and Don Cheadles's careers for examples.. lol

>I don't see this acting thing being a one hit wonder deal for
>her with this role. I see it as a beginning to possibly much
>bigger things, more movies, bigger roles as her talent

It could be. That is nice "dream" (no pun intended).

A lot of that has to do with her. And how she approaches it.

>In short, I see her as a potential long-term talent; you
>apparently, see her as a one hit wonder, one and done type

I don't see her as that. And I hope that isn't the case. I just won't be surprised if this turns out to be her first and only time she climbed Mt. Everest.

People weren't really floored with her awe-inspiring acting. They were floored with her awe-inspiring voice in a musical.