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Topic subjectDreamgirls revisited; 2nd Thoughts...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=36319&mesg_id=36472
36472, Dreamgirls revisited; 2nd Thoughts...
Posted by CaptainRook, Sun Jan-21-07 09:27 AM
First of all, how did I sleep on Sharon Leal? I didn't even realize that was her at first!!!! She was the main reason I kept coming back to watch Boston Public, week after week. I must be slipping.

Jennifer Hudson's performance, 2 things:

It was not as bad as I initially thought. I mean, she did a good job, not great (still) but definitely a solid performance. Given how green she is as an actress and how dynamic the character she had to play was, she really did well. Her character had to go through the most changes in the movie and needed to show a fair amount of depth.

Her degree of difficulty was considreably higher than most of the other characters in the movie (most of the characters were pretty flat throughout the movie or at least, much flatter than Effie) and for a newbie, she did just about as well as any newbie would do in such a roll.

Jennifer Hudson's performance of "The Song" was still impressive to me, but I think that Jennifer Holliday out sang her on that song, but Jennifer Hudson outperformed Holliday on the performing of singing that song. In short, I think Holliday demonstrated greater vocal ability in performing that song than Hudson's but Hudson's managed to communicate stronger emotions in her performance of that song.

If I heard both songs on the radio, Holliday's performance would stick out to me as the better of the two; in viewing both of them perform the song, Hudson's performance was better. Holliday has the stronger voice with greater range; Hudson's performance much more theatrical in her performance.

I know Hudson will no doubt be nominated for an Oscar (her winning the Golden Globe solidified that), but in some ways, I hope she doesn't win it. Not that I'm hating on her and not that I don't think she's worthy (if Halle can get an Oscar on her limited acting ability, Jennifer is she surely worthy of an Oscar nod for Effie), but where would she go with acting after this? She's still new to this acting game and she showed strong potential for possibly becoming a great actress. If she wins an Oscar at this stage, the rest of her acting career could be anti-climatic. I'd like to see her hungry for a while longer.

I still don't understand why Dawn Lewis was cast in the movie to say absolutely nothing. She's a much better actress than that. Why put her in some dummy, fill-in type roll, that a mute could play?

Deanna apologized for the role she played in stealing Effie's song "One Night Only", but never apologized for

1) her role in not only kicking her out of the group, but
2) eliminating her historical role in forming the group, or
3) stealing her man.

As stubborn as Effie's character was made out to be, it's hard for me to believe that she would just let that shit slide without a confrontation.

One last thought: was that Sole (sexy female rapper who had 15 minutes of fame about 7-8 years ago) with Curtis (Jamie Foxx's character) on the red carpet at the Dreams' farewell event, who he introduced as Tamia Williams?