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Topic subjectannnd...
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36352, annnd...
Posted by ju_BOOM, Thu Dec-14-06 10:20 AM
John Lithgow & dude from the Office LOL
Ken (forget his last name) from Orig. Aint Misbehavin B'way cast

>As for the dropped Broadway stuff...
>Bill Condon originally had kept the sung dialogue where C.C.
>apologizes to Effie - "Effie it's been all these years/you
>haven't even said hello". It was cut & replaced with a
>dialogue version because test audiences began to snicker. It
>will be on the DVD.


>The following elements from the play were written out of the
>script and never shot:
>-Much of the sung dialogue, including the "show-biz" chorus.

that wouldve made the scene more haunting imo

>-Both "Press Conference" songs (I guess they thought they'd be

that was one of the best melody parts...tell us miss jones how does it feel..to be the lead of a hot new group todaaaay? *music buildup* Denna: wooooonderful, all i can say is wonderfuuuul *strings*

>"Love You I Do" was a good non-original tune and "Listen" too

"When I First Saw You" the 2nd "oh my" was not needed

>-Lorrell's "Ain't No Party" song (presumably because they
>couldn't "R&B" it up successfully)

Anika needed a song to shine but she repped her role too