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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectlol @ Urkel.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=36319&mesg_id=36351
36351, lol @ Urkel.
Posted by Nukkapedia, Thu Dec-14-06 09:38 AM
Yeah. We were like "wasn't that Steve Urkel?" after the movie.

As for the dropped Broadway stuff...

Bill Condon originally had kept the sung dialogue where C.C. apologizes to Effie - "Effie it's been all these years/you haven't even said hello". It was cut & replaced with a dialogue version because test audiences began to snicker. It will be on the DVD.

The following elements from the play were written out of the script and never shot:
-Much of the sung dialogue, including the "show-biz" chorus.
-Both "Press Conference" songs (I guess they thought they'd be too close to "Chicago's" "We Both Reached for the Gun")
-The "Party-Party" sequence (replaced with "Love YOu I Do" and the scenes at the Cadillac dealership turned record label - can I just say that is one fo the best set designs I've ever seen?)
-The "One More Picture Please" was folded into "When I First Saw You"
-The Five Tuxedos and "Got to Be Good Times" were replaced wit hthe Campbell Connection and "Perfect World" a(a good move, IMO - audiences will be more responsive to a Jackson 5 parody than a Temptations/Four Tops one)
-Lorrell's "Ain't No Party" song (presumably because they couldn't "R&B" it up successfully)