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Topic subjectThanks!
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=34491&mesg_id=34504
34504, Thanks!
Posted by kurlyswirl, Sat Jun-04-05 01:43 PM
These all sound great.

>5. The Tempest. This probably wouldn't make my list normally,
>but I read it a few months ago again and it really stuck with
>me. It literally has in my opinion the most beautiful,
>delicately worded passages Shakespeare ever wrote (is my
>biased love of Shakespeare clear? haha), and being the last
>play he wrote by himself, you can tell he wrote it as a swan
>song. There's an appreciation for art and nature that hits a
>high never matched in his previous plays, and a feeling of
>slight sadness when the play is over, because you and
>Shakespeare both know it's the end of his career.

Ah, The Tempest. I'd really like to see this. I'm reading a book for an Anthropology class and The Tempest is referenced in relation to black-white relations in Virginia in the early 1600's.

>Sorry about the delay!! :)

It's all good. :-) Again, thanks for the recommendations!


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