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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectScenes Likely To Be In Snakes On The Plane
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=29958&mesg_id=30098
30098, Scenes Likely To Be In Snakes On The Plane
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Wed Jan-11-06 03:19 PM
Swiped from imdb boards:

A. Snakes are released, they go crazy, cobra bites Air Marshall,Air Marshall falls and drops gun, Samuel jackson picks up gun and starts wasteing snakes left and right screaming "DIE MUTHAF@#%IN SNAKES!!!"

B. Stewardess is bringing Samuel his drink, but giant snake flys outta no-where and kills stewardess. Samuel Jackson's drink falls and spills, he goes nuts and beats the snake to death with his bare hands and screams "MUTHAF@#%IN SNAKES! MA DRINK!!!".

C. Samuel Jackson walks down the aisle, giant fake snake pops outta the over-head compartment and lands on his back. Samuel Jackson runs up and down the aisle twirling around screaming "THEY GOT MUTHAF@#$IN SNAKES ON THE PLANE!!!". Samuel Jackson knocks over several people including and old man w/ a cane, a pregnant woman, and several small children.


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"To Each His Reach"
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