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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectBatman sucks
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=26079&mesg_id=26203
26203, Batman sucks
Posted by McDeezNuts, Tue Jul-12-05 08:38 AM
Basically everyone's argument is, "If he's been beaten before, by anyone, Batman would just do that to him. He has infinite brains and money, so he can do anything."

Isn't that cheating?

Batman is just a human being. Most of the superheroes people are listing have fucking super powers. Any of them could beat Batman if ya'll weren't cheating and setting the fight up for Batman to win.

Basically, ya'll are making this battle take place in a Batman comic. He's the hero, so he gets infinite time to prepare and has infinite resources and always catches his enemy off guard. It should be taking place in a neutral venue, where Batman is not the hero. This is why you can't cite shit that happens in DC comics, because Batman is their most popular character and the odds are always in his favor. Obviously we're just talking shit, but surely anyone can understand that DC is not gonna make their most popular hero and biggest moneymaker look like a pussy. Ever. That's why he always "finds a way" to beat people he has abso-fucking-lutely no business beating.

In a fair fight, both sides have zero (or equal) time to prepare. If Batman brings a kryptonite rock or a huge cannon into battle, his opponent is bringing something equally badass into battle too.

Neither side has the advantage of surprise. Batman can't take off Juggernaut's helmet if Jugs knows Batman is trying to do so.

Also, if Batman and Professor X both find out about their upcoming matchup at the exact same time, Batman never has a chance to build his helmet to block Prof's mind shit. As soon as Professor X finds out he's gonna fight Batman, he can either control or destroy Batman, right then and there. Batman can ONLY win if you stack things in his favor by saying, "Batman builds a helmet that blocks Professor X's mind powers and then Batman surprise attacks him."

To me, the ONLY fair fight is two people in a arena (or whatever agreed upon venue), squaring off. It's just not fair that since Batman is a detective, he gets time to prepare, time to research his opponents, time to build weapons or defenses, and he gets the surprise attack. Meanwhile whoever Batman is facing is just sitting around doing nothing, waiting for Batman to surprise attack him.

IMO, virtually anyone with actual bona fide super powers can beat Batman's ass in a FAIR fight.