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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectAre you kidding?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=26079&mesg_id=26184
26184, Are you kidding?
Posted by rorschach, Mon Jul-11-05 09:57 PM
Ozymandias from Watchmen was literally the smartest man in the world. Also, I think that he might have been richer. He would have hired so many people just so he could make his plan a reality. I could see it now:

Superman: Ozymandias, I'm glad we got here before you went through with all this "assassinate Batman" stuff. I mean, did you seriously think that you would actually do it.

Ozymandias: Clark, I'm not Lex Luthor. Did you actually think that I would tell you my master plan with there being a slight chance of you stopping it. I did it thirty-five minutes ago.

Then Superman would start crying like a damn bitch.