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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectPass that Dutch Ep:4/20 (he,he)
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=2462&mesg_id=2546
2546, Pass that Dutch Ep:4/20 (he,he)
Posted by guest, Wed Apr-21-04 03:55 AM
I told you Dutch was a perv. Kiddie porn research,huh? It didn't work for Pete Townsend and it ain't going to work for Dutch boy either. His card is going to get pulled eventually. Besides that this episode was pretty lame to me. The only good part was seeing Aceveda crack. He needed to be taken down a peg anyways,he was too smug to begin with. He ain't gonna kill nobody though. Unless he wants to rock mics for the rest of his life. Wouldn't that be ironic? Damn, can we at least see how Tayvon is doing,damn!! I can't wait for the next episode,more of Tish or Trish. I just call her Vanessa Blue, thats who she reminds me of.