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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectMad Story Lines
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=2462&mesg_id=2522
2522, Mad Story Lines
Posted by nipsey, Tue Apr-06-04 06:53 PM
>no man ever wants to encounter in life, dude wouldve had to
>put a bullet in my head, this season is really startin to
>heat up, mad story lines goin....

So many story lines out there:

1) The pervert raping old ladies all over town. How can you do that isht?
2) Money Train Money is out there and now the Feds and Aceveda know about it?
3) Tayvon
4) Shane: He must really love that girl. He probably told her about the money train.
5) Aceveda: That camera is out there and having a camera phone picture (Hello Moto) of you sucking another man's dick doesn't do much for your political career. (Side Note: This probably wouldn't have happened if Vic didn't make that guy suck the glass dick to begin with.)
6) Other miscellaneous storylines still out there:
a) Vic's crazy daughter.
b) Julian: The perpetual "Am I gay or straight?" storyline.
c) Home gurl on Decoy Squad: When will Vic hit that?