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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectRE: Whoa!!!
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=20760&mesg_id=20817
20817, RE: Whoa!!!
Posted by guest, Tue Sep-12-00 06:09 PM
yogaflame, you are friggin' amazing!! I look forward to hearing more of your knowledge, n/m? Thanks for all of that! Peace, Love, and SOUL!!!

"It's deep soul, deep church, spiritual roots and deep jazz... I just go as far as I can inside and I bring it out. The thing the church showed me was conviction. DMX rhymes with conviction. Soul is honesty." Bilal, on his music.

"Bilal WILL be an Okayartist!!" -me

"to aim
is to take oneself too seriously
by focusing without instead of within

re arrange and re member

aim...i am

the right letters are there
it's the wrong composition"
-Saul Williams