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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectRE: Whoa!!!
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=20760&mesg_id=20814
20814, RE: Whoa!!!
Posted by Yogaflame, Tue Sep-12-00 01:48 PM
The Worm:

The character of the Worm was originally written to have a much larger part in the film. The Worm, whose full name in the film is Jerome Samuel Hall, is the son of Marcie who John C. Reilly arrests in the beginning. The kid Dixon that raps is the Worm's son. That figure in the rain who John C. Reilly sees is the Worm. The man in Marcie's closet is Porter Parker, Marcie's husband and the Worm's step-father. The Worm was the one who killed the white man who actually is the "long time opressor" Dixon raps about. The Worm is played by Orlando Jones of the Replacements and Mad TV fame. He is thanked in the credits unlike the other actors, and PTA resents not being able to give him a larger role.

Other things of note:

When Claudia is in her apartment sniffing coke off what seems to be a book, she is actually snorting right off the CD case of an Aimee Mann release.

Besides the 8:2 images, look for the Masonic imagery in the film. In the backlit section of the game show behind Stanley, there is a series of icons, one of them being the compass that represents Freemasonry. When we see Burt (ricky Jay, the big fat bearded guy) put his hand on Jimmy Gator's shoulder we see a Masonic emblem in his ring. Also, one of the books on the table in the library with Stanley is a book on Freemasonry.

The bar that Donnie goes into is called the Smiling Peanut. In Boogie Nights, the bar where Reed Rothchild performed his magic was called the Smiling Peanut.

When John C. Reilly is with Claudia in the apartment he says something about receiving a "422" call on his radio. Add 4 + 2 + 2 it equals 8. Divide 8 by 4 and you 2; 8:2! (?)

In Boogie Nights Dirk Diggler played by Mark Wahlberg is from Torrence, CA. In Three Kings, Mark Wahlberg's character is shown working at a carpet (?) store in Torrence, CA. Could it be that Dirk cleaned up, left the porno biz and joined the army for Desert Storm and is now working in his home town of Torrence, CA????????

In Boogie Nights, there are three characters of interest: Rahad's bodygaurd played by B. Philly Johnson, the Colonel's bitch in prison played by Goliath, and chinese Cosmo played by Joe GM Chan.
I looked these cats up and Boogie Nights is the only movie they have everbeen in. Apparently PTA picked them off Sunset Blvd...they were all gigilos working the same block or something.

In MAgnolia, they use REAL phone numbers not 555 bullshite. I forget most, but one them is 818-753-0088. I called one once, and it was Fiona Apple's voice saying "leave a message for Fiona", she is afterall, PTA's girlfriend.

Dirk Diggler's classic "You Got The Touch" is actually from the 1985 Transformers movie. PTA got the rights to have it in Boogie Nights.

Also, Cruise has a massive weiner and so does Wahlberg....and both are fake.

I have much more to dispell, but I am tired of typing. BTW, I MET PHILIP SEYMOUR HOFFMAN ON FRIDAY AT THE TORONTO FILM FEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE IS THE SHIT!


"That's not an MP, that's a YP -- Your PROBLEM"

"No need for braces Donnie"

"I'm not going to shoot you in the state you're in"

"Whddya mean state? State of California????"

#'s, Trrence 3 king, bphillygoliath, masonic, ock
smilingopenut, 422 suicide call police