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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectthe love triangle.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=19574&mesg_id=19593
19593, the love triangle.
Posted by teapoetess, Thu May-10-01 11:40 AM
u're definitely right, there. a chunk of screen time coulda been eliminated if they'da left that out.... i, did, however really value the scene where sloane and manray were @ his new loft and they were having that conversation about reading.

granted, i felt that jada's character was EXTREMELY preachy... i did think that that scene btwn her and savion (not to mention the one btwn her and mos def) did much to capture the dichotomy that occurs within our generation and culture... it's like we do all feel that we're on different (and some would argue transcendent) levels of so-called 'enlightenment." so i thought that surfacing that was one of the most realistic exchanges in the flick. true enuf, that coulda been done without having the two of them flirt with the idea of being involved... but still...