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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectvery impressed
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=17050&mesg_id=17132
17132, very impressed
Posted by the2ndsurvivor, Wed Jan-02-02 06:32 AM
I have to give it to will smith b/c he did an excellent job. He knew he was setting himself up for boatloads of criticism for even considering the role but he impressed the heck outta me!! The fight scenes were excellent (and I am a boxing fan) and I was surprised at Will's performance in them. Jamie Foxx is so indescribably talented (although his role was underused). He will definitely be around for a long time if he plays his cards right. Jada made a huge impression for such a short time on the screen. Eff what you heard, "Ali" is a great body of work. Oh, and Jon Voight just keeps proving his worth again and again.

...if I were a superhero, I'd be Had-It-Up-to-Here Woman, sneaking around grocery stores, malls, and amusement parks all over the world. With lightning speed, I'd snatch up bad azz kids and give them three swift licks with my golden switch and vanish into thin air before anyone knew what happened...

Pet Peeve of the Month:

Just because you love pets does not mean that I feel the same way. I see you walking Fluffy and, out of politeness I say, "Awwww, Fluffy is so cute!!" That does not mean that I want Fluffy rubbing all up on my leg and sniffing my shoes. You may like the scent of dog lingering on your pants but, guess what buddy?? I don't care for it. And another thing, if you've just finished rubbing your hands all on Fluffy's mouth, don't extend your hand to try and shake mine. Now that's just nasty.