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Topic subject& X covered more ground
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=17050&mesg_id=17054
17054, & X covered more ground
Posted by jvictoria, Tue Dec-25-01 10:21 AM
in terms of time. Ali only covers ten years and "X" covered
about two decades.
One could also argue that Ali is a more charismatic figure across the board than Malcolm, so it's harder to capture his essence than it was for Spike to capture Malcolm's.

If anything I do, in the way of writing novels (or whatever I write) isn't about the village or the community, or about you, then it is not about anything...The best art is political & you ought to make it unquestionably political and irrevocably beautiful at the same time." ~ Toni Morrison

To accept one's past -- one's history --is not the same as drowning in it; it is learning how to use it. ~ James Baldwin, The Fire Next Time.
