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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectAli
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=17050&mesg_id=17050
17050, Ali
Posted by guest, Mon Dec-24-01 08:22 PM
I just finished watching Ali. I do film work at my job, and I screened the film. On the scale of 1-5 I give it a 2.5. The in the fight scenes, the camera work was too shaky with some of the angles Michael Mann was trying to show. I think it would have been a better film if Spike lee done it. Will smith did a decent job, Jamie Foxx was Hilarious. The begining was unnecessary, showing shots of a Sam Cooke Concert, with him singing for about 20mins of the opening of the film. I kept thinking to myself, the movie is called Ali not Sam Cooke. While cutting to scenes of Muhammad Ali (will smith) training. It would have been better if they played the music in the background. The movie dosen't cover enough of Ali's life on screen. I think the film would have worked out better if it was a Mini-series on primetime Television. Rather than showing it on the big screen, over the Holidays to make a quick billion or 2. A lot isn't explained about Ali, Like in terms of his religion. Why did he Join the Nation of Islam? Many people do not even know that Muhammad and Malik El hajj Shabazz (Malcolm X) where good friends. Although the relationship between the two was shown,I felt this should have been expounded upon. The film did shed light on matters that I wasn't aware of. Like the Nation of Islam using Muhammad Ali as well as Muhammad not to fond of Don King. I don't know if that there is any validity to that imformation portrayed on the film. They skipped some fights, infact the greatest fight he had against Joe Fraizer in the 70's when they almost half killed each other in the ring. Like said before, the film would have worked as a Mini series, not featured film in the theaters. I wish they went a little bit more indeep with Ali's psyche, his thoughts, pains, his fears, his happiness, his truiumphs. Things were just skimmed off the surface. It was simply to short show the entire lifespan of the great Ali. Even the Relationships between his wives weren't to detailed. And they only harped upon two of his wives for the most part,(Jada Pinkett smith and Nola Gaye*marvin's daughter*). I can tell you right now, Will smith doesn't Deserve an oscar for this film. And Michael Mann Messed up this picture big time...Spike would have probably captured more of the essence of Ali, rather than capturing more so the Glory of Ali. Basically the film was like watching a heavy snow fall; while the snow looks so beautiful, it doesn't even stick to the ground because it melts to fast right before your eyes.