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Topic subjecthold up a minute.
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16234, hold up a minute.
Posted by jvictoria, Tue Feb-19-02 12:53 PM
I know Thandie is
>a stretch, but she has
>done more stuff where they
>don't bother to mention (or
>at at least don't make
>a big deal of) her
Plus, take into account
>her personal life, and I
>can see how people could
>say she is an honorary

there are few black women in films that can get the honorary white woman title. Whoopi (because SHE is constantly beating on my last nerve playing androgynous, sexually undesirable characters and whenever she's in a dress, she's a buffoon. But white audiences love her like she's one of their chicks.) the light girls...like vanessa williams and michael michelle...they can get the honorary white woman title cuz you can pretty much forget their black unless it comes up in the movie.
basically, thandie is too damn brown. it's not about the person's character as much as what they symbolize (or don't...)

At the very least,
>I wouldn't expect her to
>show up in a Spike
>Lee movie or anything.
>Penelope Cruz, aside from Vanilla Sky,
>I can't think of a
>movie she did where the
>character's ethnicity wasn't important to
>the movie.
>If her character in Captain Corelli's
>Mandolin wasn't Greek, the movie
>would be over. Who cares
>if a black person has
>ever been asked to play
>a greek person?
>It certainly can be argued that
>Spanish people are not "persons
>of color" (not my contention)
>or that Greeks are not
>ethnics (maybe not Greek-Americans, but
>certainly Greeks in Greece).
>But we're only talking about Penelope
>Cruz because someone said she
>was an honorary white because
>she plays roles where her
>ethnicity wasn't an issue. And
>I disagree.

actually, she was just the first person who came to mind. specifically, in vanilla sky, she was the HWG.

>I certainly see the point of
>the original post. I just
>think Penelope Cruz and her
>career is a bad example.

you're right...it's not the best example.
i'm still trying to figure out what day it is and it's almost 3 p.m. :)

>No dream. Lose the race, fat

It's better to be hated for who you are
than to be loved for who you are not ~ random bumper sticker quote.

Direct Quote:
"bitch don't threaten me over the internet
fuckin' keyboard thug."