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Topic subjectRE: well...
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16110, RE: well...
Posted by SankofaII, Fri Feb-15-02 05:24 AM

>man, I rented it to and
>I STILL wanted to kick
>the ass of everybody involved
>with that mess! to be
>honest, I actually felt personally
>betrayed because of that email
>campaign they had to drum
>up support for the film…
>I responded to that and
>I believed in them that
>they were really trying to
>get quality Black product out
>there. that was the last
>time I responded to any
>of THAT propaganda…I was so
>pissed that not only was
>the movie badly written, directed,
>acted, lighted and edited, but
>for a film with the
>subject matter at hand, they
>didn't even give me any
>sex to hold on to!
me and dad were like where's the fatal attraction shit where'e the BOUND esque lesbo sex scenes? nothing shit was weak...i really did want to hurt everyone behindthe film for giving me this crap and calling itg a movie.

>did you see Deadly Voyage? that
>was the film that gave
>me a new respect for
>him that has managed to
>withstand all the Screams and
>Dracula 2000s… and I thought
>he was shaping up well
>on ER, I don't know
>why he decided to leave
>the show (he says that
>it was HIS choice to
>be written out, btw)… that
>could have given him the
>financial freedom to do other
>kinds of things. that made
>me wonder how serious he
>is with his career, really…
yea i forgot about deadly voyage adewale was in that too right? see that was a fragment of talent..the whole ER thing i dont know why he left ER he made that show interesting as hell (him and jorjan fox, who played the lesbian intern maggie doyle who is NOT making $250K an EPISODE on CSI...:)) i think if he stayed hed be doing more films..but he didnt and he aint done much lately. well at least his fiance Sanaa got some sense--though shes about to take Nia Long's place as overexposed black actress--but ithink she hasthe talent to surpass that and do a lot of roles that are across the board--in different genres, and most definitely "raceless" (written for anyone, etc.) i just hope she KEEPS doing more work though.


>I agree with you there. I
>think his look works against
>him, too… he's too much
>of a type… in fact,
>he's too much of THE
>type, if you know what
>I mean…
yup i know what you mean for real. and its sad too cause his career could have gone to MANY places had he followed clockers up with something OTHER than high school high. but that's just me.

>oh snap… I forgot he was
>on that show! never seen
yup the show is off the hook...marg helegenberger (china beach) william petersen (to live in die in la, and manhunter the FIRST hannibal lecter film), jorjan fox (er, memento {lenny's wife}), etc. good strong ensemble cast that KILLS IT every week! :) and gary too...:) :P

>>all im saying is that an
>>actor gets my respect if
>>he not only is good
>>but can play a variety
>>of characters..i like terence because
>>he has variety and i
>>respect that. he could have
>>easily done stuff JUST LIKE
>>THE BEST MAN (morris chestnutt
>>in the brothers anyone?) but
>>he didnt....
>>in general, i just want MORE
>>black actors to get their
>>shot to do movies--and not
>>just the usual suspects (vivica,
>>nia halle, morris, taye, etc.)
>okay, we're eye-to-eye there.
yup like i said....you give me films with nbushe, thandie, rachel true, phina, carmen ejogo, jeffrey don gary hill harper etc. then ill say that black film is TRULY starting to have a renaissance..until then EFF IT...im wathing foreign films and writing my own. :)
im STILL going to write my own of course (as wellas bring some books to the silver and small screens..:)) but still....give these people more roles and we can talk.

>ps. I LIKE Vivica. a lot.
>but then, maybe it has
>little to do with her
I KNEW IT you are OVERCOME by her breasts! youve been BAMBOOZLED by her breasts and thickness! :) my dad is the same way...he says she cant act for shit but hell say: "DAMN! she fill out a dress though!" :)


"Self love, my liege, is not so vile a sin as self-neglecting."

donwill on the internet:
i look at the web like its a video game...who cares if some shithead dont like u, think about it...when u log off...u log off..when they log off..they go meet each other..it doesnt stop for them...