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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectThe problem is you are intentionally negative from the get go.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=115567&mesg_id=115727
115727, The problem is you are intentionally negative from the get go.
Posted by bwood, Mon Oct-07-13 05:48 AM
>>You could've said it didn't live up to the hype and left it
>>at that. Then you had to go and say I know a few posters are
>>gonna come at me.
>Yep, because that's the way it is. I know you and others like
>to believe every instance of snark around here is done by me
>and me alone, but that's quite far from the truth.

Actually no I don't. It just you come through more times than not with a bitter attitude.

Deal with
>it. The fact that you point to me noting that as 'proof' that
>I'm looking for a fight is hilarious because the logic doesn't
>even add up. It's' telling that you didn't even READ MY
>FUCKING POST to begin with, because you just assumed I didn't
>like it despite clearly saying I did. So, who came looking for
>a fight again? Because you only read the damn header and threw
>a fit over that, and your own post proves you didn't read it.

My beef is the shots you're taking not the opinions of how I over-hyped it or if you did or didn't like the movie. I think it's valid if you think I over-hyped and it didn't meet that so stop bringing that point up cause that has nothing to do with what I'm trying to get at.

>>You were clearly looking for a argument. That last little
>>blurb in your post was not needed at all. The rest of what
>>posted was fine as that's how you felt. But like I said
>>earlier there was no need for the sideways shots and you had
>>to be an asshole and say no I'm not buying it.
>Nope, sorry. I know you would like me to post some bullshit
>"didn't live up to the hype" post that ended in the header,
>and KIM, buuuuuuut unfortunately it doesn't work that way. The
>hype was insane, and I illustrated what the hype was like.


>YOU read that and decided to throw a tantrum. That's on you
>champ. I'm sorry you over hyped the shit out of a good movie,
>but I'm not sorry I took note of it. If you can't handle that,
>you need to grow thicker skin.

No. You gotta have a better attitude towards things. But I see you don't want to and if you want to continue being an asshole then fine.

>Edit: I'm more than happy to keep going back and forth with
>you, and you're more than welcome to keep insisting that I
>baited you. If anything, it shows that you were dumb enough to
>fall for it, but I digress. You can continue to derail this
>post with your hurt ass feelings, or you can let it go and let
>the thread get back on track.
>Your call.

So then let this be it. You just said that came in here baiting a fight. You could've said the movie was fine, but bwood hyped it up more than it should of instead of once again going for insults, that don't help help your point.

In the future how about just trying to post about the movie instead of making a whole tirade of how the world hates me cause guess what 90% of the time you bring up very valid points that get lost in the negativity that makes up more than half your posts.