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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectdo you know what evidence means?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=110748&mesg_id=110805
110805, do you know what evidence means?
Posted by jambone, Wed Aug-27-08 01:29 PM
>>>You have no evidence that people liked it just because
>You can claim that people only liked it because of QT's name,
>but there is NO evidence.
>Your personal opinion that the movie wasn't good does not
>count as evidence by any stretch of the word.
>In fact, MOST people liked the movie, so the notion that it's
>all based on QT's name is pretty damn weak.
>Approval ratings (rottentomatoes):
>--- Grindhouse: 81% critics (76% top critics), 92% users
>--- Death Proof: 61% critics, 76% users
>Regardless of whether you trust rottentomatoes or not, 92% is
>quite fucking high. Most people loved Grindhouse. Period.

thats not evidence, thats fanboy logic.

again, your reaction is the all evidence that is needed.