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Topic subjectI liked it...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=10597&mesg_id=10645
10645, I liked it...
Posted by BigReg, Sun Feb-16-03 06:32 PM
First of all, as much as I was into comics when I was younger, I rarely read Daredevil. Alot of his characters(and himself) had bleed over into some of the comics I regularly read, but Im not a big a fan as some of you.

Now thats out of the way, Ill tell you what I liked.

1)Daredevil. Although reading the posts they took alot of liberties with his origins, I liked the way he was portrayed by Affleck, and the script. He got hurt physically, he wasn't happy with his life the way it was, shit wasn't peechy keen like it normally seems in the other adaptations. It could have been ALOT stronger, but at least they bothered showing the fact that he was cool with the daily grind that was being a superhero. And Affleck made me believe that he could pull it off, abiet DD requires alot less charisma then lets say Wolverine.

2)Side characters(well, most of them). Froggy Nelson, Electra, Bullseye were played excellently, you couldn't have asked for more. Nelson kept the jokes coming, Electra(Jennifer Garner, who I always thought was a generic looking white girl made me a believer) was believeable abiet not too 3 dimensional in a role that required you to believe she was a trained ninja who shops at Sax Fifth Ave. I remember reading one of her solo comics and it would have been nice for some background, but then again, its Daredevils movie. And Bullseye was overracted with the right amount of cool. Im happy they didn't give him a large backstory about getting picked on in school, sometimes you just need a badass just to go in there and kick ass, which he did.

3)Daredevils 'sight'. Wow, kudos whoever thought of how to portray that concept on film deserves an applause. Imho, the best portrayal of a superpower in a comic movie thus far.

Now, what sucked.

1)The Matrix. There's no reason why every movie feels it must compete with the Matrix. The Matrix worked because it took place in a dreamworld. Every movie that is inspired with the wirework/cgi fails because they don't have that suspension of disbelief. When you've got Electra taking 20 foot leaps UPWARD onto a ledge, and Daredevil scampering up buildings like he's weightless, there's a problem. As ugly as old school action choreography looks now, post Matrix, it was believable. Personally, it distracts me from a movie when im forced to laugh at some really bad special effects, just put in because its all the rage.

2)Kingpin. Although he didn't have much to work with, Michael Clarke Duncan didn't show enough charisma for the role. And Kingpin was something special in Marvel comics, not only was he a criminal genius, but a proper badguy in his own right. He used to knock heads out on the regular, here, he was just a generic badguy. There's a reason why his name was the KINGPIN, here he went out like a punk.

Overall, the good outweigh's the bad imho. Id put it as one of the better