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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectMy thoughts
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=10597&mesg_id=10633
10633, My thoughts
Posted by KangolLove, Sun Feb-16-03 10:38 AM
Well, I went in with low expectations since the original Frank Miller Bullseye vs Elektra is my favorite comic story ever. I thought it was ok, but disappointing.

- First of all, they screwed with the origin by not having Matt save an old man from being hit by a truck. This is very disappointing, since that's a big part of the character, showing his generosity towards helping people.
- DD chases the rapist and lets him get killed which is bullshit. Daredevil DOES NOT KILL! He's not the Punisher. He upholds the law no matter what.
- Ben Affleck actually gave a pretty good performance, but I agree that he's not built enough. At times he looked like a regular guy running around in leather pajamas.
- Who is this girl calling herself Elektra? This isn't Elektra: Asassin trained by the Hand. She's more like Elektra Lite, a rich man's daughter. Jennifer Garner was good. My complaint is with the characterization.
- Bullseye stole the show. Colin Farrel was great at playing a certified nut.
- The Elektra/Bulleye fight was too short, but they got the killing right, even including the dialogue.
- The guy playing Foggy Nelson was pretty good, but at times he seems to sleazy, only caring about money. Foggy is more of a loveable goofball.
- The guy who played Ben Urich wasn't bad, but I would've picked someone else.
- I hated how they made Kingpin responsible for DD's dad's death. That's the same Hollywood junk they pulled in Batman.
- It was cool to name-drop the writers & artists - Colan, Romita, Miller, Mack, Bendis.

Overall it would probably be better to someone who never read the comic, which kinda sucks since DD is a comic reader's superhero who doens't have the mainstream identity of Spider-man. They failed to capture the heart & emotion of the comic.