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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectRE: oh i hear you, but that still goes against the message in the film
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=103582&mesg_id=103615
103615, RE: oh i hear you, but that still goes against the message in the film
Posted by rhymesandammo, Wed Oct-14-09 02:29 PM
>the second he gave in to compromise his morals.... everything
>went from shit presumably near-fatal.
>according to this notion that the ending set... arent we to
>believe that if he beat the shit out of Sy earlier in the film
>that the doctor would have called him that instant with the
>bad news?

It's possible, but I still think the end deals with the idea of: is this Hashem punishing me for doing something wrong/against my morals or is it simply fate/a coincidence.

I ask this because I understand why Hashem would punish Larry with that phone call and what appears to be his eventual demise, but why is his son being punished w/ the possible death in the tornado? Because he was listening to his walkman during class?