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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectall this would be true if you didn't see it from a mile away...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=102112&mesg_id=102194
102194, all this would be true if you didn't see it from a mile away...
Posted by disco dj, Tue Jul-01-08 08:53 AM

> pro wrestling gives you the chances to do what
>great television does, what great sports does, what great
>theater does, what great stand-up does, what great film does,
>even what great music does--all during the same show.

and therein lies the problem. It's ALWAYS the same shit. There's twists, sure "Heel becomes Babyface for a couple weeks" and Vice Versa, or "Evil manager gets his comeuppance at ringside", or "Pretty girl leaves Heel and joins up with Babyface".

It's essentially the same subplots over and over.

>i can go deeper with this if we want to have this discussion,
>but the basic point is this: if a wrestling company had the
>WWE's resources and then hired really strong writers on top of
>that (and i'd say a playwright with a knack for story
>structure, an experienced show runner, and some quality
>dialogue writers), and they weren't afraid of moving behind
>lowest common denominator stuff, they could create some of the
>most complete art in the country.

it wouldn't be HIGH Art (IMO), but it might lend it self to a bit more credibility. I won't say it's NOT art, though. And to be fair, I've always maintained that Pro Wrestling is HIGHLY Athletic.

if not, like I said, it'll continue to be seen as "Big guys throwing each other around in front of 5,000 Hillbillies".