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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectIt is, I was sorta going off a tangential point
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=102112&mesg_id=102191
102191, It is, I was sorta going off a tangential point
Posted by MothershipConnection, Mon Jun-30-08 09:08 PM
I was referencing the essay about the modern country and wrestling both reach their audience in similar ways, which was sort of a subpoint in that essay.

I think one of the main arguments about wrestling is that it is "fake" and tries to pass itself off as "real", at least to a lot of outsiders, when most of the target audience realizes its not real but sucks it up anyway. My argument is that just cause it isn't "real" doesn't make less valid as a phenomenon. It clearly reaches and entertains their audience. There is definitely a craft behind wrestling. It takes a certain amount of athleticism and a certain about of charisma and showmanship to be a good wrestler. And if people want to get really into studying that, what is necessarily wrong with that?

I mean with the amount of cheating going on in sports, it is really better to pass yourself off as a true competition and have certain players or teams or whole leagues cheating behind the scenes, or for wrestling to pass itself off as "sport", when everyone knows its not real, and simply do their best to entertain their audience?