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Topic subjectRE: Wow we're really talking about this aren't we?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=102112&mesg_id=102168
102168, RE: Wow we're really talking about this aren't we?
Posted by buckshot defunct, Tue Jul-01-08 11:48 AM
>i'm not saying that the culture doesnt exist, cause obviously
>im a part of it. im just calling to attention the fact that it
>is generally looked down upon moreso than other subcultures
>within fandom/geekland/dorkworld, etc.

Hmm... I think typically it isn't looked down upon *moreso*, but just in a different way. We're going thru kind of a 'geek chic' phenomenon right now where being a trekkie has sort of an ironic coolness to it, so that kind of confuses the issue.

But with the sci-fi shit, there's an element of intellect to it. With the comics, there's an element of literature to it (even the low brow superhero stuff which you seem to be referencing here as comparison)... with wrestling, I like many others just have trouble seeing the 'art' or redeeming value of it.

I get that its elements of 'sport' and 'drama', but I still see it as less than the sum of its parts. And I get that it has a rich tradition to it, but not all traditions are necessarily good and not all things build on their traditions in a positive way. And I also get that many smart and talented people watch pro wrestling. Many smart and talented people also eat at Burger King, it doesn't change the nutritional value of the product.

There's probably an element of classism to it as well, yes. When I was in gradeschool, Hulkamania didn't discriminate. But by the time I got into high school wrestling was strictly for the rednecks. Not necessarily rednecks within a particular income bracket, but rednecks nonetheless.

I mean, you do bring up some interesting points I suppose, but in the end all that means is I'm more interested in reading about wrestling than actually watching it. Wrestling is the least interesting aspect of this entire post to me.

But I say all that knowing full well that I haven't seen nearly enough wrestling to speak with any authority either way. I'm the equivalent of a guy who read a couple Incredible Hulk issues in grade school and now thinks of comics as being kid stuff.

So who are the Alan Moore's and Art Spiegelman's of Professional Wrestling? Where's the *good* stuff that nobody here seems to know about?

>this is interesting to me. I love sports just as much as any
>other red blooded male. but i wonder sometimes what the real
>redeeming quality of sports is. I mean, i dont really think
>any of this (wrestling, comics, sports, etc) need any academic
>justification, its just odd that we put more value on certain
>things than others.

Well, some things have more value than others.

>Essentially, when we boil all of this down
>to its most basic level, none of this shit really matters. But
>then, it matters quite a bit to so many people.

Yeah, I mean, let's not get too nihilistic about things, but I see your point.