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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectthere's always been silly shit in wrestling.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=102112&mesg_id=102155
102155, there's always been silly shit in wrestling.
Posted by Commie, Mon Jun-30-08 06:21 PM

this bothers me a lot when people pretend that wrestling used to be so much more believable. kids have always marked out to it, but i cant believe that grown men back in the 80s really thought that the characters they saw were real.

we're not getting clowned. the product itself acknowledges the fact that its not sport. thats part of the appeal. its more than sport, its more than drama.
in its best form, it becomes something that is completely unique and organic.

wrestling fans have all that shit on there side too. they also have the classic hero dramas, burlesque, and a rich tradition of improvisational performance.

also, as for the defending it to a non fan. its mighty hard to defend most aspects of Star Trek to a non fan. And too, if you dont like it, you probably arent going to start based on the arguments of fans.

lets be real. star wars fans didnt come to star wars because they saw the mythology in it. and wrestling fans arent coming to wrestling because they see the rich history of performance.
they both come because its a form of escapism and its fun.
that other shit is icing on the cake.