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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectFew things
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=101994&mesg_id=102037
102037, Few things
Posted by cereffusion, Tue Feb-05-08 05:24 PM
1) Doesn't Wiebe admit to meeting with the guys who went to his house? They still took advantage of the grandmother to get in.

2) Billy Mitchell buying lunch at his own restaurant? What a hero.

3) Billy Mitchell clearly avoided Wiebe at the Guinness event. Maybe they had played before and met before but that doesn't mean Billy wasn't rude to him and OBVIOUSLY awkward about it. He refused to play there in his own hometown, why? Mitchell was MAD!

4) I admit they should have included that Mitchell's tape wasn't accepted after 48 hours but the point was clear: They rejected Wieber on some BS claim and then accepted Mitchell's 'glitchy' tape because they were clearly all his pawns. Wiebe can't even watch the tape? Did the film makers force Kuh to say that?

5) Kuh CLEARLY was trying to rattle Wiebe because he was a Mitchell pawn.

6) Billy Mitchell WAS an asshole.

So - basically, this dude obv has an agenda. But what happened in the movie still appears to be true: Wiebe was blocked and everyone fawned over Captain American Flag Tie.


<---The Chosen One