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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectRE: King of Bullshit? (swipe)
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=101994&mesg_id=102034
102034, RE: King of Bullshit? (swipe)
Posted by Jeremiah Mercer, Tue Feb-05-08 04:58 PM
I think it's reasonably clear after doing a small amount of research that the way everything is presented in the film is not 100% factual.

That doesn't mean it's not entertaining as hell. Whether the details are right or wrong, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie, and it MADE me want to see what details were true and what ones weren't.

Billy Mitchell still comes off as a total prick. I don't care what kind of editing they did. So he and Wiebe have played together before...so what. You can't refute what is seen in the movie as coming out of his mouth. And just that is enough for most people to realize he's a total asshole.