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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectI feel the same way. Great movie, but docu.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=101994&mesg_id=102031
102031, I feel the same way. Great movie, but docu.
Posted by James Peach, Sun Feb-10-08 09:53 AM
I guess the fair play in me dictates that I sympathize with anyone, even a guy like Billy, when they're portrayed unfairly. What really sucks is I believe it was unnecessary, because I'm certain those guys have tons of other footage to show you how much of a dick Billy is without implying things that aren't true.

No, they ever come right out and say he never showed. They have a scene where Sanders tells Wiebe Billy can't make it, but Billy drives by. Then Sanders says "Billy's gonna be in the back." Then they don't finish what happened, they leave it at that. It's purposeful, so that you only see Wiebe and Billy in the same frame at the arcade at the end of the movie.

I still don't doubt that Billy's a prick. I'm just calling foul ball on some aspects.