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Forum namePass The Popcorn Archives
Topic subjectbut... he isn't portrayed in that scene at all, is he?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=23&topic_id=101994&mesg_id=102030
102030, but... he isn't portrayed in that scene at all, is he?
Posted by buckshot defunct, Wed Feb-06-08 07:27 PM
Unless they showed some scene indicating Mitchell never shows up or pays for anything, or showed another scene where Wiebe pays for his meal while everyone else eats free, I don't really see anything contradictory about the dining scene.

The only involvement I remember Mitchell having with that scene, besides it being in his restaurant, is the phone call his friend makes to alert him of Wiebe's presence. But nobody seems to be disputing the phone call, they're just pointing out Mitchell paid for the meal as if that debunks anything at all.

I'm not saying I take this film as the gospel, far from it. It's just that...well, James... I guess I don't give much of a damn either way to tell you the truth. The movie was made irresponsibly, it will probably be watched irresponsibly, but as far as I'm concerned I just took it all with a grain of salt and enjoyed a highly distorted but well told underdog story.

Granted if it were a documentary of equal distortion concerning a topic I was more serious about, I would likely be taking issue. So I'm aware of the hypocrisy of my stance here.