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Topic subjectRE: Jordan; Courts; Divorce.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=9596&mesg_id=9670
9670, RE: Jordan; Courts; Divorce.
Posted by guest, Thu Jan-17-02 02:49 PM
>>ah, expertise, i was wondering what
>>was up wit u...still stirring
>>up trouble i see...well, let's
>>mix it up for old
>>times sake...
>yeah yeah.
>Look, Jordan IS providing for those
>children. He is giving
>them shelter, he's giving them
>clothing, he's giving them food,
>he's giving them educations, etc.
> If anything, this has
>nothing to do with the
>children because they were winners
>of the "Lucky Sperm Club",
>hence they won't have to
>worry about anything in their

so i see he should just provide for his children, because his penis just happens to be made out of gold...which ejaculates gold nugget sperm at will...nice justification for providing for your children...and it has everything to do with the children...it takes more than money to raise children expertise...look at dr. jay's children...his son was a crack head suicide statistic...

but that's neither hear nor there...i know he is providing monetarily(sp) for his children...and after the divorce he should continue to do so...

>You see, this is nice spin,
>easy for the mothers to
>make themselves look like a
>potential victim, in order to
>claim they deserve half for
>doing little to nothing in
>order to produce that wealth.
> It doesn't matter if
>they get $40 million or
>$200 million, you're still rich.
> You still can afford
>damn near anything and everything
>you need or want.
>Therefore, no "quality of life"
>will "suffer" by not getting

i said he should provide for her and the children, so their quality of life would not suffer...how did you know that jordan didn't want janita to work...he can't just up and divorce her and expect her and those children to fend for themselves...if he didn't want her to work and that's the agreement they both made...he should continue to honor that agreement after the divorce...

>Jordan does have a responsibility to
>provide for his kids, but
>that doesn't mean he has
>to shell out millions of
>dollars in order to do
>so, nor does it mean
>that he has to take
>care of Juanita to do
>it either. This is
>the problem with civil courts,
>as they allow women to
>take up a life of
>dependency on successful husbands, and
>it really doesn't matter what
>the circumstances are in the
>relationship. That $200 million,
>nor one cent of that
>money is about the kids,
>it's about JUANITA. JUANITA
>wants the money. JUANITA
>wants the property. JUANITA
>wants the houses. She,
>like women constantly do, are
>using the kids in order
>to justify virtual thievery.

it was the dependency that jordan created...so he suffers for making her dependent...

>If Juanita wanted $200 million, why
>didnt she go out and
>get it? Because it's
>easier to marry for it
>and then divorce to get
>your own. Considering she
>has dated NBA players before,
>including Reggie Theus, before she
>met Jordan, I'm sure she
>knows that fact real well
>and used it to her
>advantage. But the bottom
>line is, it's bullshit.
>And it's a sad testament
>to our court system that
>she's most likely going to
>be allowed to get away
>with it, instead of going
>out and getting a real
>job and earning it like
>others do.
again, jordan, didn't want her to go out and get a real job...don't think jordan didn't use his money to get her attention...don't think jordan didn't tell her, baby i got all this money and i take care of you for the rest of your life...he equated his love with his money...and in the end the only way juanita could get the love...was to get the money...see my post on the dynamics of money...coming soon...

>Meanwhile, you the other suckers fall
>for it. Do you
>actually think that Juanita Jordan
>or Mike's kids are ever
>going to touch poverty?
>Yeah the hell right.
>Wake up Phila, Juanita Jordan
>is NOT a victim; in
>fact far from it.
>She didn't sacrifice NOTHING, absolutely
>NOTHING for him. She
>knew what she was doing
>the whole time! Women
>like you are always going
>to see the estranged wife
>and automatically think it's the
>MAN'S fault.

women like me...expertise you don't know me...if it was me my name would have been on every contract he signed...he wouldn't have signed a contract, business deal, or check without us both reading it and both our signatures being on it...

i would have never divorced him...i would have bought a home for me and those kids...and continued to write those checks...i wouldn't even get the court systems involved...

if he wanted to see those kids...i would ask him is he going to retire and be a full-time father...if he wanted to see me...i would ask is he going to retire and be a full-time husband...if he wanted to have sex...i would ask him is he going to retire and be a full-time lover...if he asked me and the children to come home...i would ask him is he going to retire and be there always...

expertise, as far as i'm concerned juanita letting him off easy...i wouldn't...i'd have jordan so wrapped up tied up...he would be teary eyed on t.v. talkin' bout...'i got to retire, because my family need me'...

i would let my husband know that i needed him to be the father, husband, and lover he promised he would be when we took those vows...and i would let him know that there are consequences and repricussions(sp) for breaking his promises to me...

so in the end, expertise, you would rather give me half...because it would be too hard for you to be the man i would need you to be....

cause you ain't ready...

peace in love,