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Topic subjectRE: hey hey hey
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=7971&mesg_id=8168
8168, RE: hey hey hey
Posted by MFreeman, Tue Jul-09-02 02:50 PM
>are the bantu in south africa immigrants? i mean, at what
>point do people stop being immigrants?

I don't there's an end to immigrant status. To disclaim that status is like deleting one's history.

i'd say at the point
>when they are no longer recognizable to people of the
>culture they left as being one of them.

But we are physically and socially recognizable...that should account for something.

>well, but they did. i mean, look, it was a european named
>karl marx who wrote one of the first critiques of
>capitalism. there were socialists all over europe, and i
>should also say that the french workers party was co-founded
>by marx's haitian son-in-law, paul larfargue, and the
>british communist party was co-founded by the indian r p
>dutt. i mean, europeans *suffered* under capitalism, and the
>dark satanic mills of manchester before it was exported to
>the colonies.

Yeah....Marx championed socialism. But what bothers me is that he was only concerned with intra-European working-class. Anti-capitalism only became an issue when "Europeans" suffered from its consequences.

And to add, the glorification of European philosophers give Europeans further reason to assert their superiority. Marx did not invent socialism. Socialism was present in other societies long before he mapped out his theory. It's like a concept doesn't get approved until it gets authorized by the white man.

>i don't know, motivation is whatever to me. like my homey
>voltaire said, a man could be virtuous to impress his
>mistress but who cares? he's being virtuous and that's what
>counts. sure the europeans would protest less about the US
>if they weren't also experiencing powerlessness, but so
>what? i mean, wouldn't you protest less if you weren't an
>urban af-am? i'd protest less if i was a colored girl. so
>what if part of our protest is for our own gain? our gain
>counts too.

That's true.