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Topic subjectRE: Alright, now tell me...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=6399&mesg_id=6477
6477, RE: Alright, now tell me...
Posted by THE TROLL UNDER THE BRIDGE, Thu Nov-14-02 06:20 PM
seperated by an interval of seven years doesnt mean revealed 7 years later......very few surahs were revealed in totality.....and most of them are in juz 30.......so there i did answer your question....but now i am entertaining you....

and yusef ali's commentary is not the best.....look at ibn ata'allah or ibn kathir......yusef ali was a translator and his commentary is akin to saying that the king james version of the bible is the best one.........not by a longshot.

its funny, you say that you are taking it easy on "us" ignorant muslims....so my question to you is this............why is you weakest effort so weak? i say pump up your kufur to level 10..(i would rather you dont, but the sunnah of being a kafir is the more you loose, the more straws you clutch..its in the quran, you should know this)....if you are proud of being a kafir (and not just someone who doesnt want to be muslim, thats just a nonmuslim, a kafiir is who fights it).....trust me you havent scared us yet.....so dont be scurrd...um ummmmm, dont be scurrd....