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Forum nameOkay Activist Archives
Topic subjecttime to dream a NEW DREAM
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=4255
4255, time to dream a NEW DREAM
Posted by cosmicgirl, Thu Aug-28-03 10:19 AM

The preoccupation with matters such as race relations, wars, crime, social status, physical appearance, and all other intricacies of human interaction are, as we will see, manifestations of a limited (ignorant) intellect which has not been able to transcend the pettiness of the apparent world condition in order to see the larger reality, the Absolute reality that lies beyond the apparent differences that seem to exist in the world. Yes there are practical realities in the world to be dealt with in one's physical existence, but these are not to be accepted as Absolute realities, for acceptance of these as Absolute realities leads to bondage to them.


4256, RE: time to dream a NEW DREAM
Posted by blueology3, Thu Aug-28-03 10:31 AM
The practicalities of life is what we used to evolve depending on how we deal with them. Ignore them and I don't care what Muata Ashby says a racist ass cop will still put a bullet in your back. Issues are bigger than race, I attribute them to a messed up spirit and mental. I like to think of Malcolm as someone who was stuck on race but evolved as a person when he realized it was a good and evil thing.
4257, our dreams
Posted by cosmicgirl, Thu Aug-28-03 10:39 AM
both waking and sleeping, define the reality.
4258, RE:Translate
Posted by blueology3, Thu Aug-28-03 10:43 AM
don't know what you're asking or saying. Dreams are just different states of consciousness right?
4259, dreams
Posted by cosmicgirl, Thu Aug-28-03 10:57 AM
are part of a collective dream field.

This collective dreamfield feeds on beliefs, dramas, human suffering, and human emotions. Without realizing it consciously, people are programmed to feed the nightmare (Called everyday reality) with their own fears and furies.

For instance, a major aspect of the dream is the fact that the Earth is a warrior planet, run and dominated by warrior mentality. The population is made up of seven different role types, with twenty-five percent of the population making up warriors. So they get to decide the game plan overall. Why? Because we are humans and we are experimenting.

BUT reading a lot of the posts, it is definitely time to just change the dream. We all have our own truths based on our experiences, and need to learn to respect and listen a little more. Or just change the dream. I vote for changing the dream.
4260, RE: dreams
Posted by blueology3, Thu Aug-28-03 11:27 AM
So what is this change you speak about?
4261, from reading the posts
Posted by cosmicgirl, Thu Aug-28-03 11:35 AM
while I was broswing through, they are really disheartening.

There is a difference between desires, wishes, fears, hopes, fantasies, and dreams. In undisciplined and immature people, thesee things all tend to run together, one contaminating the other without any knowledge of how to separate them.

IT is time we start separating our fears from our dreams. The reason that the collective dream is so successful (That of the warrior) is that it has been and is being sold exceptionally effectively by individuals, universities, corporations, societies, and cultures that have absolute faith in it. These concepts are spread 24 hours a day by a media that is completely caught in the dream and doesn't know it.

This board is totally ridiculous, bordering on disgusting. I consider myself an activist, and this boards says nothing of activism to me. Just a bunch of egos trying to out-clever and outwit the next cat.

I was told that the reason this board started and it's actual function are two VERY DIFFERENT THINGS. People should start thinking about that.
4262, RE: from reading the posts
Posted by blueology3, Thu Aug-28-03 11:37 AM
What are the other 6 roles?
4263, i haven't learned them all yet
Posted by cosmicgirl, Thu Aug-28-03 11:40 AM
the studies focused on the third and fourth stages of humanity development. I will ask for you
4264, RE: i haven't learned them all yet
Posted by blueology3, Thu Aug-28-03 11:43 AM
OK, so what do people dream about who buy into the warrior mentality
4265, RE: time to dream a NEW DREAM
Posted by LK1, Thu Aug-28-03 10:54 AM
If an "Absolute Reality" existed in our physical realm, which it most certainly does not and cannot given our physical limitations of human conception, I believe we'd all be there. But truth is truth, and people ARE suffering, so rather than selfishly removing ourselves from the world's troubles, we should recognize that we KNOW people are suffering and adhere to THAT consciousness. Peace,
4266, peace by piece
Posted by cosmicgirl, Thu Aug-28-03 10:59 AM
If an "Absolute Reality" existed in our physical realm, which it most certainly does not and cannot given our physical limitations of human conception, I believe we'd all be there. But truth is truth, and people ARE suffering, so rather than selfishly removing ourselves from the world's troubles, we should recognize that we KNOW people are suffering and adhere to THAT consciousness. Peace

Who said that the Absolute Reality and the physical realm cannot coexist? Cuz in fact they are. I know people are suffering, believe me... but do you really think yelling, pointing, and deferring blame time and time again is gonna get us anywhere as a unit. EVERYONE who woke up this morning woke up for a reason. WE are all on the same plane, and we need to start consciously changing the landscape.

You say, you believe that if an Absolute Reality, did indeed exist, we would all be there. It is available to you anytime you are ready actually. It is just that we as humans have this thing called "Reason" and we often view that as our God, before the Absolute Reality of which I speak.
4267, RE: peace by piece
Posted by LK1, Thu Aug-28-03 11:07 AM
um.. please explain to me what the Absolute Reality is... I mean, considering color, sound and light have all been scientifically proven to be illusions created by our own perception, how can we possibly even conceive what a reality is?
4268, the Absolute Reality
Posted by cosmicgirl, Thu Aug-28-03 11:13 AM
is God, or Oneness.

All of these apparent pieces and divisions are actually all part of the same thing.
4269, more to think about
Posted by cosmicgirl, Thu Aug-28-03 11:04 AM
Earth, at this time, is heavily influenced by a young soul mentality that is in many ways akin to the desires and wishes of a ten-year-old. That mentality is a "me first," "he who dies with the most toys wins" value system. This is not a bad thing, but simply a developmental stage of humanity that has outlived its useful life at this time. The planet is ready to enter the fourth stage, the mature stage of development. As the third stage corresponds to the warrior, the fourth stage corresponds to the scholar.
4270, yall dont wanna know my dreams....
Posted by twilite, Thu Aug-28-03 11:30 AM

4271, humor me
Posted by cosmicgirl, Thu Aug-28-03 11:35 AM
4272, yo for real...
Posted by twilite, Thu Aug-28-03 11:53 AM
u dont wanna know ..they too freaky.. a woman like me shouldnt think like this. Its too much for activist.
4273, yeah,
Posted by cosmicgirl, Thu Aug-28-03 11:56 AM
sounds like you should save it for Real Sex, or Red Shoe Diaries or somethin.

4274, dont have showtine,i'll stick to..
Posted by twilite, Thu Aug-28-03 12:05 PM
4275, funny
Posted by cosmicgirl, Thu Aug-28-03 12:10 PM
4276, This is semantically dichotomous, everything's physical
Posted by Intelligently95, Thu Aug-28-03 11:48 AM
We're physical beings, in
a physical world.
You say that God or oneness
is the absolute reality,
so then...how do you explain
this or make "god" or oneness
(as u put it) tangible/material?

4277, it is an idea of complementary opposites
Posted by cosmicgirl, Thu Aug-28-03 11:56 AM
God manifests. God is refelcted in each individual. All objects are given existence by Neter, (Neters being aspects of God). All objects, including humans are Neter.

The reflection of God in say, one's life, is proportional to the degree of mental conditioning one has.

4278, I bare witness to this statement
Posted by Intelligently95, Thu Aug-28-03 12:02 PM

>The reflection of God in say, one's life, is proportional to
>the degree of mental conditioning one has.

Thusly, to an atheist or an agnostic for that
matter...this would not be absolute...
its moreso equivocal

4279, I Have A Dream Too (c) dead prez
Posted by Intelligently95, Thu Aug-28-03 11:55 AM