31904, Tell me more about Posted by ya Setshego, Tue Nov-29-05 02:39 PM
this HIP HOP DVD. Who narrated it?
WTF R U eating LAMB?! If U aren't vegetarian yet, U need 2 start w/ the basics: read Dick Gregory's "Cookin' W/ Mother Nature", and "The Farm". Give up ONE thing a week, 2 give your system a chance 2 get used 2 being w/o it. Do U still eat pork? Once U start reading those books, U can post about what U R learning, etc., & I can provide support/suggestions. Or, just inbox me, if U don't want others in on the conversation. :)
>>Well my diet consist of: BULLSH@T >more detail: Fast food, chips, soda, basically a wack typical >AMEIRKKKAN diet. I eat lamb meat (w/ fries) about 4 days a >week (its around the corner from the crib). I say the only >time i fast is on the Sabbath (not planned...usually cant make >it anywere before the sunsets on Friday evening) and on the >Day of Attonment. Which is quite sad because i read the Bible >and even the Essenes/Gnostic gospels which talk about the >benefits of fasting exstensively. That Wholistic health >Hip-Hop DVD i have talked about cooked food being addictive >also. He gave an example of us basically being drug >addicts...examples like poppy >plant(natural)extracted=heroin(drug), coca >leaves(natural)extracted=cocaine(drug), >sugarcane(natural)extracted=granulated sugar(drug). He also >said that the sugar has the same molecular properties -1 as >crack. He said "you have never seen a person fienin' for an >apple or grapes(naturally sweet) but you have for little >debbie(added sugar)." I was blown away......If you could get >me started on something i would greatly appreciate it. I need >help,lol.