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Topic subjectf!#@ the police...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=30957
30957, f!#@ the police...
Posted by analoguegirl, Thu Jul-28-05 09:51 AM
go to artist discussion board
check my post
f!#@ the police

this world is so dramatic
30958, Hmm...
Posted by LK1, Sun Jul-17-05 02:42 PM
Seemed pretty accurate.

Honesty is a tough thing to come by these days. We're all to blame for the crap this country is in.

Some are unjust victims.

Those who perpetuate (on either side) are conscious criminals.

"All are punish-ed"

phew. peace,

30959, You should do a remake of " FTP"on your next LP featuring...
Posted by CHASE SwAyZe, Sun Jul-17-05 02:50 PM
...Dead Prez.

Aiight... At least, put it on a soundtrack or sumpthin.

Mama's Gun is my shit btw...
30960, I second that.
Posted by win or lose174, Mon Jul-18-05 11:00 PM
30961, This part right here....
Posted by FireBrand, Sun Jul-17-05 03:13 PM
This brings it home:

who is the police?
not the officers who have given thier lives on 911.
not yo uncle Micheal.
not LATIFAH's pops ( who happens to be an x-cop).
...they all WORK for THE POLICE.

representing the HOOD

We on that carpetbaggin hustle in the '05-'06:


Brooklynite by birth, Southern by the Grace of God.
30962, yup yup.
Posted by LexM, Mon Jul-18-05 10:55 AM
>This brings it home:

>not LATIFAH's pops ( who happens to be an x-cop).
>...they all WORK for THE POLICE.

my dad's an ex-cop. my grandfather was one, too.

my dad always broke down the differences between the "cowboys" and the folks trying to earn a decent living while maybe helping a person or two.

when he hears about diallo and things like that, he's just as pissed as the rest of us.

so while i respect those trying to make a difference, the system can kiss my ass.

~*~musical revolution~*~

"The world was warned about this...The CIA calls what happened in London today "blowback." It is wrong, it is heinous, it is murder plain and simple, and it was as predictable as the sun rising in the East." ~Wm Rivers Pitt
30963, Sugarwater reminiscin'
Posted by Shakeet Lokh Em, Sun Jul-17-05 05:45 PM
I was at yalls show in Columbia, MD. And when you said this on stage, EVERYBODY started clappin. Because everybody understood. We know there are good cops who go into that profession because they actually want to help people. But we know the flipside to that too. And in reality it's bigger than police. Blacks don't own the airstrips or the airplanes, the ports or the ships that bring that crap in. We in the hood...and it's brung right to us.
30964, dirty dirty
Posted by analoguegirl, Sun Jul-17-05 08:26 PM
peace and light
down here in the dirty dirty we know what happens next , brothers and sisters...

1. badu shows up on stage headwrapped and strapped , fist waving , dropping 120 and khemetic science (1997)

2. badu shows up on stage afro'd with tuning forks re callobrating the rooms she plays in

3. badu moves around country w/ dp from community center to community center (2002)

4. badu brings attention to the dope game, again, on world wide underground ( 2003)

5.badu shows up with the MINISTER on cspan talkin about the new world (2005)

...... heres where it gets tricky

6. badu , after sayin f the police since 1999 , finally makes heasdlines in 2005 a.d. (2005
SUGAR WATER FEST )see ny post

...... and quite possibly

7. badu 's tour bus WILL be planted w/ drugs or her name and character is defunked so SHE
is a specticle of '' celebity entertainment'' or some bullshit like that.

8. misunderstanding THE GAME, the masses fall for it

9. badu is persicuted by her own people .....to be continued

thats kwoledge to born

but it dont have to go down like that, soldiers...not this time.

i wont stop sayin FUCK the police
i wont stop defending the poor by sharing the truth about love
i will not stop waving mamas gun
i will not stop building bridges
our children depend on that
i am not affraid.

representing, GOoD,
im erykah badu
no strawman

peace after revolution
30965, badu is persicuted by her own people?
Posted by CHASE SwAyZe, Sun Jul-17-05 08:33 PM
Never that sis..... NEVER that.

30966, Name a Afrikan in this country that championed a cause
Posted by FireBrand, Sun Jul-17-05 08:38 PM
that dealt with opression at it's root that wasn't crucified or discredited, and in the end they legacy was tainted by a schicsm left in the community of those that believed in them, in what their message was and those that believed the shit folk said and prolly never proved about 'em.

We on that carpetbaggin hustle in the '05-'06:


Brooklynite by birth, Southern by the Grace of God.
30967, Entropy
Posted by Dun_Duddah, Sun Jul-17-05 08:43 PM
The law of entropy states that there is one body of energy which keeps the world going. During times of productivity, this energy is used to create, to build, to improve. Any energy which is left over must, by scientific law, be used to destroy the very society that we create.

Because of this, we'll probably never rid the world of evil, greed, or jealousy. Peace and freedom can only be found in death, as no actual examples of either peace or freedom can be found anywhere in the modern world. As long as the good fight evil, the evil will fight the good.

So...to summarize, fuck the police to the fullest, but fuck the delusional do-gooders too.
30968, Damn that's a morbid outlook.
Posted by FireBrand, Sun Jul-17-05 08:52 PM
I mean damn, so with that in mind...why even care?

Or are you saying that the battle aint to win the war, but instead to fight the good fight?

We on that carpetbaggin hustle in the '05-'06:


Brooklynite by birth, Southern by the Grace of God.
30969, Yall need ta lighten up........
Posted by CHASE SwAyZe, Sun Jul-17-05 09:54 PM
For "Her own people" I meant the one's that are *truly* down with her... Not that "no Black people breathing in existence would ever sell her out and turn on her based on what THEY say..."

Prolly shoulda just spoke for myself... I know the game.

So........ *ME* persicute Miss Badu?

NEVER that.
30970, You need to re-check your scientific laws...
Posted by te_pakeha, Tue Jul-19-05 10:42 PM
'cause you should never apply the laws of physics and chemistry to our social constructs, the analogies just won't bend to fit eh.

The only way to win is to fight the fight, some of us can fight the big battles, may more of us can fight the little ones; promoting nihilism just ain't gonna cut it.

*edit* And I'm not just talking about drugs in the States either, I'm speaking much more universally.

*extra edit* And to get real technical, the entropy part of the laws of thermodynamics state two things: systems (and we're talking systems at an atomic scale) will revert to disorder if possible, and that no reaction is 100 % efficient, but that's it; they're laws for systems in which the parts = the whole, but the way people live is different (any society is greater than the sum of its parts).
30971, RE: You need to re-check your scientific laws...
Posted by nyazevincent, Thu Jul-21-05 04:20 PM
>'cause you should never apply the laws of physics and
>chemistry to our social constructs, the analogies just won't
>bend to fit eh.

they do in some instances. check out game theory or just watch a beautiful mind. that dude's whole premise was that certain socio-economic factors can be quantified and predicted based on certain mathematical models. or for that matter, check out Aasimov's "Foundation" series...it's fiction but its ideas are baseed on sound, if speculative math

>The only way to win is to fight the fight, some of us can
>fight the big battles, may more of us can fight the little
>ones; promoting nihilism just ain't gonna cut it.

i don't see the cat's philosophy as nihilistic. just as buddhism, which advocates the non-existence of a soul or any permanent intrinsic object-properties, was called nihilistic by the early hindus who believed in the positive existence of one, so the idea of non-violence and non-resistance (King, Jesus, Buddha, almost every "mystical" religious leader) seems hopeless when compared to dualism or social conflict theory--where society, the universe, existence, is veiwed in terms of discrete parts all operating with their own movement, bumping into each other, causing friction and the appearance of a divided universe. to the contrary, co-operation theory advances the notion that all things are just one big thing (like the cells of your body are just you but YOU are not just the cells of your body), sum being larger than the parts, that's the universe viewed thru unity. in such a system it becomes obvious that two actually unified forces competing with one another set up the apperance of good and evil where in actually mutuality prevails: ergo, common enmity. eureka, the two foces who think they are enemies are actually partners in the same lethal dance! ah but how to tell that to the little cells who must be shed?

>*edit* And I'm not just talking about drugs in the States
>either, I'm speaking much more universally.
>*extra edit* And to get real technical, the entropy part of
>the laws of thermodynamics state two things: systems (and
>we're talking systems at an atomic scale) will revert to
>disorder if possible, and that no reaction is 100 % efficient,
>but that's it; they're laws for systems in which the parts =
>the whole, but the way people live is different (any society
>is greater than the sum of its parts).

yes, absolutely. what's funny is that i can almost restate your reasoning verbatim and come in my mind to the exact opposite conclusion because in a reaction (whether as simple and inert as mixing kool-aid, water and sugar or as complex as the exchange of energy and transformation of matter that is bloodshed) nothing is 100%, thus nothing is finished, perfected, leaving the door open for later reactions--everything evolving--the "fighting" never ends, "reactions" never end, it does, at some point, taken to its logical conclusion, does sort of beg the question of "What's the point?"

Or put it like this, We as black folks with our allies fight segregation and win! Yay! Then all of a sudden all the money flows out of our "system" and we're broke in the hood, leaving a whole new battle to fight, say, for dough, which we start making through, say, music, basketball, entertainment, media, and that's good, but then we have to fight to keep our morality in check because the entertainment world basically tries to strip that shit away quick, and blah, blah, it does go on and on. I don't know if that's nihilistic or just clairvoyant.

be god!
30972, Now I'm just getting petty, but....
Posted by te_pakeha, Mon Jul-25-05 06:04 PM
>>'cause you should never apply the laws of physics and
>>chemistry to our social constructs, the analogies just won't
>>bend to fit eh.
>they do in some instances. check out game theory or just watch
>a beautiful mind. that dude's whole premise was that certain
>socio-economic factors can be quantified and predicted based
>on certain mathematical models. or for that matter, check out
>Aasimov's "Foundation" series...it's fiction but its ideas are
>baseed on sound, if speculative math

Half the world's problems might have been solved if people stopped mixing fiction up with fact (Beautiful Mind was BASED on a true story, but that doesn't make the movie real). You can't possibly try to tell me that sound math can be speculative at the same time can ya?

My objection is simple: the laws of thermodynamics do not inevitably mean that no struggle is worthwhile, that's all. I'll put the challenge this way: Show me a social example that fits the equation G=H-TS (G being Gibb's Free Energy, H being Enthalpy, T being temperature and S being entropy), and I'll take it all back. And I don't mean find substitutes for the variables, I'm talking about a literal interpretation of the laws of thermodynamics at a macro-scale. Too petty? Maybe? But my point is that just because one relationship has the same mathematical description (y=a-b*c in this case), doesn't mean that they're the same (Don't get me started on social darwinism).

Now I'm a free-wheeling cat, horrifically cynical but at heart an optimist, and I refuse to believe the whole "It'll never work, so why bother trying" argument....Imagine if slaves and abolitionists thought like that? Or if Nelson Mandela had gone "Well, it might mean hard work, and I can't guarantee that we'll end apartheid"? Given that you can't guarantee that your children will grow up to become perfect adults, does that mean we should just turf 'em out if the going gets to tough?

If it didn't involve hard-work and a sturggle against a bleack outlook, it'd probably be sorted by now, but that's not to say it's not worthwhile trying to improve the lot of everybody doesn't it?
30973, RE: Now I'm just getting petty, but....
Posted by moot_point, Mon Jul-25-05 06:41 PM
>Half the world's problems might have been solved if people
>stopped mixing fiction up with fact (Beautiful Mind was BASED
>on a true story, but that doesn't make the movie real). You
>can't possibly try to tell me that sound math can be
>speculative at the same time can ya?


>My objection is simple: the laws of thermodynamics do not
>inevitably mean that no struggle is worthwhile, that's all.
>I'll put the challenge this way: Show me a social example that
>fits the equation G=H-TS (G being Gibb's Free Energy, H being
>Enthalpy, T being temperature and S being entropy), and I'll
>take it all back. And I don't mean find substitutes for the
>variables, I'm talking about a literal interpretation of the
>laws of thermodynamics at a macro-scale. Too petty? Maybe?
>But my point is that just because one relationship has the
>same mathematical description (y=a-b*c in this case), doesn't
>mean that they're the same (Don't get me started on social

Co-sign. Look at Russell's work; the shift from Pythagorean dream to nightmare.

30974, And that's real. The instant recongnition to how the game
Posted by FireBrand, Sun Jul-17-05 08:34 PM
go down is given a pulpit, they gon rush to discredit.

Keep strong, cus someone gotta let folk know wsup. Seems like noone even paid the Kerry comission no mind.

And the cycle continues.

We on that carpetbaggin hustle in the '05-'06:


Brooklynite by birth, Southern by the Grace of God.
30975, i'm wit you badu...
Posted by iLLoGiCz, Sun Jul-17-05 09:40 PM
glad to see some artists out here that still got love for the People, got love for the poor & oppressed communities.. tired of all these cats with that "get-rich-and-fuck-the-hood" (mos def) mentality.. i got ya back 100 percent..

stay free & strong badu...

30976, whoa...
Posted by suave_bro, Sun Jul-17-05 10:15 PM
did she just take a shot at THE GAME?

i hope so. the one thing that pisses me off about artists like dead prez, is that they don't critisize artists for gloryfying the wrong things. its one thing to give us a history lesson about the ills of the community with the drugs and what not, but to give niggas who CELEBRATE/GLORIFY the shit a free pass? you mean to tell me niggas like Jeezy and 50 (who are pushing more units that all okayartists for some "mysterious" reason) can brag and boast about being dope pushers, and the conscious artists dont have SHIT to say!? cmon now - silence is deadly.

30977, Co-sign
Posted by brokenchains79, Sun Jul-17-05 10:22 PM

Gina is out of control
I'm out of control
the whole--damn--party
--is--out--of control!
(c) White Bob
30978, see this is what i don't understand...
Posted by iLLoGiCz, Sun Jul-17-05 11:22 PM
>i hope so. the one thing that pisses me off about artists like
>dead prez, is that they don't critisize artists for gloryfying
>the wrong things.

i had an argument with this cat about this.. he asked how come "conscious" rappers like kweli, mos, common, thought, and dpz don't call out bullshit rappers (eminem was the main topic, but also ferrari f-50 and the like)..

my thing is:
-first of all, how do you know they haven't??
these artists do a lot of mixtapez and shit..
a lot of their shit is underground..

-second of all, why should they??
why waste time and energy sayin that rappers are bullshit for braggin about material possessionz or that eminem is a racist cracker?? got more important shit to teach...

30979, RE: see this is what i don't understand...
Posted by suave_bro, Mon Jul-18-05 09:38 AM
>my thing is:
>-first of all, how do you know they haven't??

- because we havent heard them.

>these artists do a lot of mixtapez and shit..
>a lot of their shit is underground..

- man this is the age of the internet. when mos def called out lil john and his SAM-BO's that shit was on every hip hop message board on the net. imagine what an entire song would do...

>-second of all, why should they??
>why waste time and energy sayin that rappers are bullshit for
>braggin about material possessionz or that eminem is a racist
>cracker?? got more important shit to teach...

- because its like this: what sense does it make to be anti-this and that, when you've got million dollar multiplatinum niggas promoting and rapping against what YOU are preaching. how can you be against drugs in the community and crack and its affects on our people, when young jeezy is sitting over there pushing more units than you, getting more love from the streets than you, all the while rapping about pushing mad weight being the "SNOWMAN" because he got so much white. surely you can differentiate between somebody BOASTING and bragging and loving the lifestyle as oppose to somebody rapping about the harsh realities of it dont you?

30980, RE: whoa...
Posted by analoguegirl, Sun Jul-17-05 11:49 PM
no child,

''THE GAME'' refers to the dope game, the pimp game ,the slave game etc...

THE GAME ,THE M.C. uses that as his name cause he understands the game, dont sleep.

and for the record , MOS DEF is as awake as they come. (listen to his work some more)

i would never take a shot at an artist for saying their peace.

infact, that is the very thing i fight against, brothers and sisters.

all points valid.

free badu!
30981, please tell me
Posted by JIHAD, Sun Jul-17-05 11:56 PM
you gonna keep dropping science for the next 7 years

Cause if you do, I want to make sure I see it.

30982, Stay strong Sista
Posted by Bdiddy04, Sun Jul-17-05 11:55 PM
Keep teaching the babies cause they all we got.
Peace & Love.
30983, LAPD, killin weekly
Posted by ElaghiSincere33, Mon Jul-18-05 10:44 AM
Be careful in LA sis cause LAPD/Military/Homeland security/CIA aint fuckin playing. OPERATION NUTCRACKER is real and coming to a city near you.Shit. are fuckin police chief Bratton went to isreal for terrorist training. and Guess who they using thier tactics on. Many Black asses. Those pigs killed a father and his toddler this last week.

Listen to Cephas!!
Electric Soul Music!!
30984, RE: LAPD, killin weekly
Posted by rossimo, Thu Jul-21-05 12:53 PM
>Be careful in LA sis cause LAPD/Military/Homeland
>security/CIA aint fuckin playing...
>Those pigs killed a father and his toddler this last week.

You forget to mention the fact that he (the father) used his OWN child as a human shield while firing his gun at the police. What tactics would have been better under such situation where the lives of innocent people hang in the balance of the father's bullets?

It is absolutely ridiculous to dream and want a society without law enforcement. Can you imagine what your life would be like without the police, military and government agencies protecting our rights and liberties in a free society?? Obviously not by your comments. Anarchy is not the way, my friends.

Have there been injustices perpetrated by those who would abuse their positions of authority? Absolutely there have been. However, to generalize, profile and discriminate those agencies as a whole is just as bad as economical/racial profiling. Two wrongs do not make a right.

Time to take responsibility for one's own actions and start to end this horrible cycle. It starts and home and ends with a united community.

Peace and Love, Incorporated-
30985, was the original verse one dollar and 2 dimes?
Posted by Allah, Thu Jul-21-05 01:00 AM
30986, sall I gotta say is "MANTAN"
Posted by buttersoul, Tue Jul-19-05 06:30 AM

"What people think of me is none
of my business." ~O.Winfrey


30987, RE: sall I gotta say is "MANTAN"
Posted by analoguegirl, Wed Jul-20-05 02:41 PM
soul sister,
either you sad or mad or a frustrated artist, so
i love you ,sis
but you aint the only sister who visit they man in jail , sweetheart.
and im not here to judge you...nor you i.
or better yet , scratch that. ...thats ''x- zakly'' what this board is for.
so keep on sayin what you ''FEEL''.
but KNOW this.....
we all in this struggle , love.
i love bein an entertainer....love my job.
but peep game, im no celebrity.
i love the hood...but i dont love poverty
i love yo opinion ....but i 'm no asshole.
i post just so you can write the lil' comments that make you feel like someone speacial.
i got news for you, precious.... you are. (print this out)
i know nothing for sure...but i have a STRONG feeling i might have to whip yo ass at some point and help you drop some of that excess baggage .(lol)
lets hope not.
we'll call it tough love....wink .

seriously tho,
you got some nerve and an intelligent head on ya. but im not the enemy , friend.

peace and light
30988, i'm impressed by your
Posted by Otto, Wed Jul-20-05 04:12 PM
sense of humility.

30989, RE: ....
Posted by Airbreed, Wed Jul-20-05 06:16 PM
...tell me about it.
30990, WTFU reading?
Posted by SoulSis_7, Thu Jul-21-05 03:18 PM
I post just so you can write the lil' comments that make you feel like someone speacial.
i got news for you, precious.... you are. (print this out)
i know nothing for sure...but i have a STRONG feeling i might have to whip yo ass at some point and help you drop some of that excess baggage .(lol) - BADU

The mind is everything; what you think, you become. -Buddha

Knowledge of self is like Life after Death -Talib Kweli

How you gone have HIGH expectations but got LOW patience? -Mos Def

Peace, Luv, Power
30991, I'm reading the same thing you are...;your're just reading it
Posted by Otto, Fri Jul-22-05 01:01 PM
incorrectly. the "lol" is an indicator...and the word "precious"....


30992, read between the lines
Posted by SoulSis_7, Fri Jul-22-05 06:05 PM
I post just so you can write the lil' comments that make you feel like someone speacial.
i got news for you, precious.... you are. (print this out)

The mind is everything; what you think, you become. -Buddha

Knowledge of self is like Life after Death -Talib Kweli

How you gone have HIGH expectations but got LOW patience? -Mos Def

Peace, Luv, Power
30993, RE: excuses.
Posted by Airbreed, Sun Jul-24-05 11:22 AM
30994, RE: I'm reading the same thing you are...;your're just reading it
Posted by analoguegirl, Sun Jul-24-05 06:51 PM
a person reading....
and not just looking for flaws....
30995, RE: I'm reading the same thing you are...;your're just reading it
Posted by SoulSis_7, Sun Jul-24-05 09:05 PM
Don't assume. Please. I don't have time to search for flaws in others. I got my own shyt to worry bout. I simply thought the stmnt was EXTRA and thats my porog. PERIOD. I also thought some of old girls stmnts were un called for as well. This is not an attack.
Oh yeah and "fuck the police !" You don't need to respond to my lil comment to make me feel special =) PEACE

The mind is everything; what you think, you become. -Buddha

Knowledge of self is like Life after Death -Talib Kweli

How you gone have HIGH expectations but got LOW patience? -Mos Def

Peace, Luv, Power
30996, errr...
Posted by suave_bro, Wed Jul-20-05 10:12 PM
"know nothing for sure...but i have a STRONG feeling i might have to whip yo ass at some point and help you drop some of that excess"

- aaawwrighty then.
30997, RE: errr...
Posted by buttersoul, Wed Jul-20-05 10:57 PM
Um Thank you SUAVE BRO!

"What people think of me is none
of my business." ~O.Winfrey


30998, With all due respect Ms. Wright
Posted by buttersoul, Wed Jul-20-05 10:47 PM
First I’m gonna say that I have been a supporter of yours for a long time...even against my better judgment in light of you ability to have a lack of consistency with your expressed artistry. But we are not bound but any rules I guess when we are artist. I'm am sure that all of 16 dollar’s is in your bank account from me personally, after the man gets his of course. So excuse me if I have something to say in response to what you put out into the universe...or did you forget all that holistic stuff in you traipse back to the hood.

Second since you want to take it to the mat here in the activist league let me post my initial response to your fuck the police bit since you chose not to respond to the serious inquiry and entertain the minimal observation...

56. "(((((((((((I love ya sis BUT))))))))))"
In response to Reply # 0
Tue Jul-19-05 06:10 AM by buttersoul

YOUR POINT IS????????????????????????

So is ya man locked up from the Part 3 of other side of the game?
Do you have 2 blood brothers doing time for thugishness, gun charges or drug peddling...

Oh you've experienced this in the glam your call artistry.

I so respect you for your perspective but I'm finding myself lacking the reality of taking your bebe to the prison at 5 am after driving all night since you got off work to see you honey while you slept for 2 hrs in the car while the busses of women from the city roll on in and you loose you place and have to wait and it now like 10 am and you aint seen your man yet while you got 20$ of quarters in you pocket for snacks and a bill or two for a Polaroid.

Ms. Badu I love you but you just seem to celestially pimp a portion of the game that you can or want to notice...


You are close to glamorizing something that is heart wrenching for many and deeper that a part 1, 2 or 3 of songs you capitalize off of...maybe this is that misunderstanding that is an issue for you....but try to shine on all sides then...and listen harder cause we both know that talk is cheap!


And to take it further...you talk bout fuck the police...but when is the last time you were racially profiled and pulled over while driving in a hood not your color in a car that aint suppose to be yours?
That ish happened to me this weekend on my way to the beach...

So if you gonna NWA it and talk ya fuck the police ish...have some solid footing sis.


...and I ask you again...what is your point????? What are you really saying or are you reaching for attention? Is that your present artist statement for your work?

Do you really think the thugish idolatry is good for (y)our people as you so tongue in cheek attempt to imply with you own attempt in a demeaning response to me. Did I touch a mantan nerve. Cause that’s all it is when you mutate you professional personality and regress to this point further glamorizing the very thing we all strive to move beyond. And don’t get it twisted I’m no judge of you. You are but an image you put out for the world to see. I have know comprehension who Ms Badu is...But I will take response to you words and what appear as attention hungry post. Cause the initial fuck the police post wasn’t bout fuck the police it was all about you. Your response to me is "either you sad or mad or a frustrated artist" isn't that you transferring your own frustrations on me and my opinion. Actually I’m a very productive and fulfilled artist never mind if I never got the bank roll you have for what I do. Some artist aint sensitive bout they shit, they NIKE! With little or no acknowledgement of their efforts they produce...without mantan'in.

So did this “fuck the police” bit your on come from the DOC? Where is it coming from? There is no logical process in my opinion…just a gimmick for attention if you are unable to explain beyond this “other side of the game” theory you got going. Oh, fuck the police cause my man is a drug dealer?...And that isn’t as "mantan" of a statement as the yin yang twins and the whisper song? Come on Sis. Lets talk about how the hood especially a southern hood is a marketable statement in your industry right now...lets be honest. Shit we got puffy in the south doing his own brand of bullshit too.

Yeah this board, our art is to say exactly what you feel. But there is always a critic or critique to be had. Yes, I believe you when you say you aint a celebrity...sike ya own mind...that’s why you post ish like this in response...
"i post just so you can write the lil' comments that make you feel like someone speacial."
You post to get your fill of attention that is necessary for a "celebrity" like you. Myself I live in the shadows and the little airtime you thing your giving me has no worth. I could give 2 shit if you or any one else reads my response...but I know I'm being true to my truth. Do you know what your truth really is Ms. Wright?

So make your way to whup my as since you got this "strong" feeling. Do you need an address? We can have a durrty south show down and you can put in on pay per view and make lots of money on the "mantan" tip. But your right lets call it tough love. Cause all in all I still appreciate what you do regardless what issues I have with your fluidity and consistency.

No you’re not the enemy but I wonder if you've lost you way on that path of stardom you've been on. How common it is to buckle and loose the original thought when your artistry becomes financially a lotto ticket. No you ain't the enemy but are you the house nigga telling massa to wake up while his house is on fiyah and I'm blowing on the house, praying for wind, praying it burns. Are you gettin' that bucket water to put the fire out? Are you pretending to blow so the niggas don’t realize you a house nigga that really don’t give a fuck bout them field niggas? Cause really I thought that wasn't where you were coming from but now your just suspect and been suspect for some time with the fake dreads, the pseudo Queen Afua talk of Khemit and incense, the afro wigs now this gangsta yack. Where is the truth? Where is your truth ? I'm so eager to know. Who are you really schoolin' Ms. Wright?

And if you read this far I'm proud of you...whoever you are.
Maybe you or someone got some answers instead of backfire rebuttals and kickback. I have asked many questions and all the “SISTAH” talk you got and love and respect you kick ain’t answering any questions!

Looka me??? Or does glorifying some culturally obnoxious ish really make a point? or a PROFIT???

peep this...

"If you don’t know the kind of person I am,
and I don’t know the kind of person you are
a pattern that others made may prevail in the world
and following the wrong god home
we may miss our star...” -William Strafford

YOU keep shinin'

~Afeni aka buttersoul

"What people think of me is none
of my business." ~O.Winfrey


30999, DAYYUMM
Posted by cinderblock, Wed Jul-20-05 11:23 PM
31000, RE: ..lemme say that shit with a little more *umph*...GODDAMN!!!
Posted by Airbreed, Wed Jul-20-05 11:33 PM
WOOOOOOO! (c) ric flair.

31001, Deleted message
Posted by Bdiddy04, Thu Jul-21-05 12:04 AM
No message
31002, negroe please
Posted by NYC upt JUX, Thu Jul-21-05 12:07 AM
>Or does glorifying some culturally obnoxious ish <

so you are saying fuck the police is culturally obnoxious, yet we see time and time again that police all over the country kill "us" ( mainly black man, and i'm a black man) and they get away wit it. a teenager shot in the chest becuz a cop was so scared seein a bird chest 18 year old goin up a stair case wit cd's. laws are pasted specifically for black people to go to jail and this has been goin on since the slaveships. my point is any negroe has a right to say fuck the police.
31003, RE: "negroe please" get a dictionary then can you spell NEGRO!
Posted by buttersoul, Thu Jul-21-05 02:45 AM
AGAIN is "fuck the police really the point or is it just a financially gainful ploy of a "celebrity"? I dont see no Ms. Wright in the street protesting when a nigga get shot!

31004, what has protesting ever done for the negroe...
Posted by NYC upt JUX, Thu Jul-21-05 06:59 AM
accept have the system give us lip service and promises only to do the same shit agian. she doesn't have to protest, her influence isn't that great anyway.

>I dont see no Ms. Wright in the street protesting when a nigga get shot!<

so her rage as a black woman / black person isn't enough for you, you need a negroe to parade in front of white gov't officials pleadin for justice to a bunch of old white people.
31005, RE: check it out....
Posted by Airbreed, Thu Jul-21-05 10:12 AM
>accept have the system give us lip service and promises only
>to do the same shit agian. she doesn't have to protest, her
>influence isn't that great anyway.

she doesnt have to protest. but she also doesn't have to be a habitual line stepper and split hairs between who's the police and who isnt. between who's the so-caled 'REAL' enemy, or who's the dumb being lead by the blind.

okay ...so who the fuck ARE the police then?

who were the pigs who sodimized abner louima?

who were the pigs who shot and killed the three young black brotha's on the new jersey turnpike?

if they weren't the police then....who ...were...THEY?

and now that she found out that her homegirl 'tifah... who by the way aint got clean hands herself.... has a pops who's an ex-cop.....

...oh! so now the whole meaning of 'fuck the police' has changed? has she changed it in order to align her definition of the term in order to absolve herself from the feds or the poilce harrassing her and forcing promoters to deny her shine time to perform and further capitilze on the misery of minority families whos loved ones were murdered by some racist cop?

...yet she wanna still holla fuck the police. ....but spilt hairs.

fuck outta here.

> >I dont see no Ms. Wright in the street protesting when a
>nigga get shot!<
>so her rage as a black woman / black person isn't enough for
>you, you need a negroe to parade in front of white gov't
>officials pleadin for justice to a bunch of old white people.

anyone who gets on the worldwide stage hollerin 'revolution' and 'the movement' and 'fuck the police' BETTER COME CORRECT and practice the shit they preech.

ESPECIALLY if they claim to be a 'revolutionary'. which is a term that is FAR too loosely used by these so called 'conscious' artists... when they themsleves didnt march with the panthers onto the floor of the state assembly in sacramento california, or faced up against any fire hoses.

imo ...if your gonna play the role, you need to BE that role. otherwise, it aint nuffin but a whole lot of shit talkin'.

31006, RE: check it out....
Posted by NYC upt JUX, Thu Jul-21-05 12:58 PM
nigguhz aint taken over court houses cuz there ain't enuff of us down. too many are sleep walkin, and we dont need the scared.
31007, RE: check it out....
Posted by Airbreed, Thu Jul-21-05 01:11 PM
31008, RE: check it out....
Posted by bamaredboneclay, Thu Jul-21-05 03:07 PM
>>accept have the system give us lip service and promises
>>to do the same shit agian. she doesn't have to protest,
>>influence isn't that great anyway.
>she doesnt have to protest. but she also doesn't have to be a
>habitual line stepper and split hairs between who's the police
>and who isnt. between who's the so-caled 'REAL' enemy, or
>who's the dumb being lead by the blind.
>okay ...so who the fuck ARE the police then?
>who were the pigs who sodimized abner louima?
>who were the pigs who shot and killed the three young black
>brotha's on the new jersey turnpike?
>if they weren't the police then....who ...were...THEY?
>and now that she found out that her homegirl 'tifah... who by
>the way aint got clean hands herself.... has a pops who's an
>...oh! so now the whole meaning of 'fuck the police' has
>changed? has she changed it in order to align her definition
>of the term in order to absolve herself from the feds or the
>poilce harrassing her and forcing promoters to deny her shine
>time to perform and further capitilze on the misery of
>minority families whos loved ones were murdered by some racist
>...yet she wanna still holla fuck the police. ....but spilt
>fuck outta here.
>> >I dont see no Ms. Wright in the street protesting when a
>>nigga get shot!<
>>so her rage as a black woman / black person isn't enough for
>>you, you need a negroe to parade in front of white gov't
>>officials pleadin for justice to a bunch of old white
>anyone who gets on the worldwide stage hollerin 'revolution'
>and 'the movement' and 'fuck the police' BETTER COME CORRECT
>and practice the shit they preech.
>ESPECIALLY if they claim to be a 'revolutionary'. which is a
>term that is FAR too loosely used by these so called
>'conscious' artists... when they themsleves didnt march with
>the panthers onto the floor of the state assembly in
>sacramento california, or faced up against any fire hoses.
>imo ...if your gonna play the role, you need to BE that role.
>otherwise, it aint nuffin but a whole lot of shit talkin'.

Nah-it aint about changing the meaning of who the police is...its about systems and who keeps the systems moving. If u wiped out all the po-po, u haven't destroyed anything. Just people who can be replaced. However if you destroy the concept-the system that is the "police" than you've destroyed it at the core.

Blk poets die from not being read.

-Don L. Lee
31009, RE: check it out....
Posted by analoguegirl, Sun Jul-24-05 11:11 PM
31010, Why?
Posted by ProLix, Wed Jul-27-05 12:20 AM
The question asked most by 85....


please re- read her post and dont ask why after.. cause WHY is just, not a real question.

sounds like my 6 year old stepdaughter...

me: the leaves are green
her: Why?
me: what?


I have a really big mouth...
31011, RE: what has protesting ever done for the negroe...
Posted by bamaredboneclay, Thu Jul-21-05 03:04 PM
>accept have the system give us lip service and promises only
>to do the same shit agian. she doesn't have to protest, her
>influence isn't that great anyway.
> >I dont see no Ms. Wright in the street protesting when a
>nigga get shot!<
>so her rage as a black woman / black person isn't enough for
>you, you need a negroe to parade in front of white gov't
>officials pleadin for justice to a bunch of old white people.

Precisely! She is a BLACK woman. Her rites to speak is the skin she's in. Secondly she's an artist. We all have gifts. Some folks are Doctors for "the ppl". Some are "Lawyers". Some are prolific speakers. Some emcees, writers, and sangers. You need every instrument in the orchestra and u damn sure dont attack the drums for not sounding like a trumpet.

Blk poets die from not being read.

-Don L. Lee
31012, RE: "negroe please" get a dictionary then can you spell NEGRO!
Posted by analoguegirl, Fri Jul-22-05 03:51 AM
''i dont see ms. wright in the street when a nigga get shot?''

am i on the right board?
what in the HELL are you talking about , sister?

you just wanna talk hu?

well go on talk...

what is this?

some kiddie opinion corner?

bless your heart , young queen. and shame on you.
i got lots on my plate .... quite enough.
i cant show you my whole hand , young butter.
so ill just bite my lip and keep this poka face.

we just might be on the front line together one day....
(shakes head)

peace queen
31013, RE: "negroe please" get a dictionary then can you spell NEGRO!
Posted by NYC upt JUX, Fri Jul-22-05 08:22 AM
negroes have always shown more agression towards their own than the enemy, so this shouldn't surprise you. even if she does have some knowledge of self. she will tell you what you ain't doing, but the schools inher "hood" are turnin out criminals at an alarming rate, and she would be civil as hell in front of the white man handlin the education budget in her city.
31014, *Edit* No, the personal attacks stop here. We don't allow it
Posted by buttersoul, Fri Jul-22-05 09:02 AM
with OKPers or OKartists. Make a point or make a harmless joke, or keep it moving. Period.

Right back at ya kid with all the universal positivity.

*raising the fist as I go gets ma gunz*

"What people think of me is none
of my business." ~O.Winfrey

31015, RE: With all due respect Ms. Wright
Posted by SkRaTcH1, Thu Jul-21-05 09:26 AM
Now you learn.

Remind me never to argue with you.
31016, Why I wouldn't want to be famous...
Posted by The Pixie from The Sticks, Thu Jul-21-05 12:13 PM
This is why I wouldn't want to be famous because the whole world is watching. If singers come out being who they truly are from jump, then people wouldn't jump all in their faces about being "frauds."

But some singers come out as a gimmick to get money and then when they get a little bit of money, they want their "true" selves to shine through -- Mariah Carey comes to mind. I wonder what her "Vision of Love" fans are thinking, hearing her singing: "Chickens be ashy like lotion" -- I don't know what she's saying, but it's some silly mess like that. She came out as a "gimmick" to get money and that's the bottom line. Everybody loves money. That what makes the world go round and that is why, to me, this world is a bore, so I stay in my own little world, my dream world, and live my life as I see fit: quietly and simply.

Anyway, the one singer that I have seen so far that has been consistent (music, personality wise) is Fiona.

Oh, I just wanted to add as a sidenote -- Just because people are famous doesn't mean their "craft" is better. I'm a writer and I know I am much better than some of these people that get stuff published. BUT I want to be seen as literary, NOT Terry McMillian. That is why I would always think twice about becoming some "gimmick" to sell a book. I couldn't bare to be seen as a writer with skills less than Katherine Mansfield or Anton Chekhov.

Famous people think they proved their "craft" just by becoming famous, but some of the best singers, best dancers, best writers, and best painters are not being paid and STILL ENJOY what they do and still are maintaining and living life! They aren't seeking fame. They are secret, quiet geniuses.
31017, RE: Why I wouldn't want to be famous...
Posted by TheLittlestLamb, Thu Jul-21-05 12:39 PM
Yes, I agree with EVERYTHING you posted! I do!!!!!!

To me, the famous ones -- the ones that "made" it-- they are the ones whose TALENT is ambition. That's it.

The real ones with the talent are usually of a shy, quiet nature and would rather the fame just come to them or just happen upon them. They don't go searching for it because they know they can live with or without the fame. They know their talent will be there whether they are on TV/Radio/Magazines or not These people, with the real talent, you will never ever or hardly hear about! It's the ones that can emulate TALENT that become the stars. You can only emulate talent for so long! Well emulate isn't a good word-- fake is a better word. Some stars fake talent until they can't fake it any longer and so their true colors start to show.

Just think, there is some real talented person out there just walking around happy because he/she thought of a story or a song or some composition-- and they want nothing more!

31018, See, this is exactly the problem...
Posted by asuecion, Thu Jul-21-05 04:26 PM
here we are in the realm of our shit (okp) and we can't even get along. Do you not understand that the makeup of this society is to divide and conquer us? We can't even be at peace on our own boards without someone feeling it necessary to start some shit up in here. What are you on the board for? To verbally masterbate? See how many people you can piss off in 5 minutes or less? We got to come together... There is strength in our numbers, just because we have not each been through the same shit doesn't mean that we ain't been through some shit... Sister, let's take that aggression and put it toward some rights of passage programs so we can stop this bullshit in its tracks, and then there won't be no other side of the game for anybody, it will be how high we gonna get.

And believe me Erykah is not trying to glorify the game, she is bring some light to it. The next phase will be a revolution. So are you ready?

Be Strong. Stay Strong. Live Strong. Stay Strong.

31019, stop the madness n/m
Posted by buttersoul, Wed Jul-20-05 11:00 PM
31020, Deleted message
Posted by BassyJazzy, Wed Jul-20-05 11:30 PM
No message
31021, Deleted message
Posted by SoulSis_7, Wed Jul-20-05 11:36 PM
No message
31022, Deleted message
Posted by SavageFlowers, Wed Jul-20-05 11:58 PM
No message
31023, Deleted message
Posted by HoChiGrimm, Thu Jul-21-05 02:09 AM
No message
31024, Please tell me cause I missed the POINT
Posted by buttersoul, Thu Jul-21-05 02:57 AM
I dont hear anyone telling me, wtf the original point was of Ms. Wright's post. So we can throw a coined phrase, now a cliche, "fuck the police", around like it's some "take one and call me in the morning" phrase. N199@z that really believe that ish and talk that ish for years get SHOT by the fucking police or better yet one of us. My point is consistancy and conscientiousness (you know that badu ish she use to be on.). Yeah, fuck the police when it can make you a dolla dolla bill yall , or when its convenient or better yet puts you back in some sort of spotlight.

I doubt most folks was spitting that when Ice T was saying it way back when...let's not list the folks that said it when they had everything to loose and little to switch hit with or gain.

spare me.


"What people think of me is none
of my business." ~O.Winfrey

31025, Now see, that's a salient point whether I agree with it or not
Posted by FireBrand, Thu Jul-21-05 03:03 AM
and that's why it won't be deleted. That bullshit seconding and thirding not feeling what a poster said can be left for GD. In activist, that shit gets deleted on sight.

That's BEEN the rules.

"And where today is the stable community that would sustain such a couple, where one can be both poor and diginified and raise one's children with decency and hope..." Poitier
31026, ummm interesting n/m
Posted by buttersoul, Thu Jul-21-05 03:08 AM

"What people think of me is none
of my business." ~O.Winfrey
31027, You missed the point:
Posted by Otto, Thu Jul-21-05 10:14 AM
She wasn't dogging you...you totally took offense at her joking with you...she was trying to edify you, and you totally made an ass of yourself...

31028, Deleted message
Posted by Airbreed, Thu Jul-21-05 10:31 AM
No message
31029, RE: sorry b but....there was no point to that shit.
Posted by LadySoulflower, Thu Jul-21-05 11:44 AM
now, i'm usually pretty quiet around here 'cuz i'm *supposed* to be getting work done & don't always have time to keep up with the convos. today, however, i feel the need to speak up a little..

lemme preface by saying, i feel like everyone has a valid p.o.v., but i think that folks aren't considering everything that has been said. (which is to be understood, 'cuz there's a lot of wordage goin' on...) so i just want to point out a couple things...

Airbreed, you said:
>so its easy for anyone to blow it off as 'humor'... when they
>themselves cant possible imagine what someone actually
>experiences w/ the police Vs. someone who manifests
>'perspectives' of these experiences.

*but* i don't think you & buttersoul thought about what eb said:
>I am a charecter , as i am in most of my songs.
>i am a writter who enjoys telling a story from all sorts of >perspectives....
>these are real sittuations from my perspective .
>its important to me to give it to ya'll like that.
>one thing i find uncomfortable is being misunderstood.
>but thats life. lol.

i take this as her artist's license to present what she sees in a way that works for her. granted, she may be "manifesting her perspective" on the situation, but isn't that part of what this artistry is all about? on a broad scale, how is eb's whole saga any different from "the message" by grandmaster flash & 'nem? i just see two artists using different methods of describing what they see going on around them? a person doesn't actually have to experience something to feel empathy for those who do.

ok, i'm getting off my soapbox now.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love." -I John 4:18 (NASB)
31030, RE: sorry b but....there was no point to that shit.
Posted by Airbreed, Thu Jul-21-05 12:59 PM
>now, i'm usually pretty quiet around here 'cuz i'm *supposed*
>to be getting work done & don't always have time to keep up
>with the convos. today, however, i feel the need to speak up
>a little..
>lemme preface by saying, i feel like everyone has a valid
>p.o.v., but i think that folks aren't considering everything
>that has been said. (which is to be understood, 'cuz there's
>a lot of wordage goin' on...) so i just want to point out a
>couple things...
>Airbreed, you said:
>>so its easy for anyone to blow it off as 'humor'... when
>>themselves cant possible imagine what someone actually
>>experiences w/ the police Vs. someone who manifests
>>'perspectives' of these experiences.
>*but* i don't think you & buttersoul thought about what eb
>>I am a charecter , as i am in most of my songs.
>>i am a writter who enjoys telling a story from all sorts of
>>these are real sittuations from my perspective .
>>its important to me to give it to ya'll like that.
>>one thing i find uncomfortable is being misunderstood.
>>but thats life. lol.
>i take this as her artist's license to present what she sees
>in a way that works for her.

which is the main arguemnt here. she does what works for HER. but at WHO'S expense?

the expense of those who are directly impacted by these kinds of things?

the expense of those who have family/loved ones oppressed by the ameriKKKan judicial system?

the expense of making money off the boho crowd who talk revolution but dont' know the first thing about what the 'revolution is about?

artist: we here for the revolution!

crowd: yeah!

artist: a revolution for freedom!!

crowd: yeah!

what the fuck? ...does anyone know what that means??

she's made herself clear to me that shes an entertainer. and that's cool. her coin phrases such as "revolution" worked and were bought and sold by pseudo-pro black boho's who wear che guevarra t-shirts but don't know shit about the motorcycle diaries.

but aside from that....


...so since she has license to say things that 'emphathizes', people also have license to criticize her message and disminate that from the truths of REAL situations that people go through.

for some... its insulting to feel like your just a name or a face in someone's song when your experiences are exploited by those who've never had to deal with the pain of seeing your kin behind bars or, have your child beaten by indivuiduals who are supposed to 'protect' you. and neither you nor i can sit a judge whether if these people should feel the way they do if we've never gone though thier pain.

its also arrogant to assume that people who have REAL experiences with these atrocities... are simple enough to be written into a hook for the next big r&b song.

granted, she may be "manifesting
>her perspective" on the situation, but isn't that part of what
>this artistry is all about?

sure it is. but these artists also need to be prepared to be challenged by those who live 'that shit' everyday of their lives... and aren't penning imaginary stories from what they 'think' they hear and see around them.

this is what happens when these 'artists' try to play the game.

on a broad scale, how is eb's
>whole saga any different from "the message" by grandmaster
>flash & 'nem? i just see two artists using different methods
>of describing what they see going on around them? a person
>doesn't actually have to experience something to feel empathy
>for those who do.

maybe so. but like i said... people who talk 'that talk', need to be mindful of the consequences of thier rhetoric. and if they cant stand thier ground with some useful converstaion and build from that ...then what the fuck are they really saying?

and to turn it into some humorous shit makes thier whole game no different from the ignorant shit currently being pimped and explioted on minorities.

31031, yeah!
Posted by buttersoul, Thu Jul-21-05 02:30 PM
I cosign that.

when you put yourself and your ides out there the audience has the right to challenge those ideas.

"people who talk 'that talk', need to be mindful of the consequences of thier rhetoric. and if they cant stand thier ground with some useful converstaion and build from that ...then what the fuck are they really saying?"

Really who does it serve to have the ball and drop it when it's too heavy or there is some pressure. Responses talking bout whuppin asses and such are building anything. If you have a point to make then make it and allow there to be a dialogue to better understand all positions. But when you put your words out there take responsibility for them. I see little responsibility where you talk all the peace and love then flip it to fuck the police. Their is a greater responsibility to that which is the muse in these artistic semantics. Artist aren't excused cause they create art.
31032, Wait
Posted by Nettrice, Thu Jul-21-05 02:38 PM
>Artist aren't excused cause they create art.

Music is most certainly an influential means of delivering ideas because it comprises such a significant portion of the communications market. However, folks need to be careful about mixing politics (or religion) and art. It's like putting art in a box and saying that it's supposed to be this or that when it's really up to each person to discern, think critically and make their own decisions about what it is.

31033, RE: yeah!
Posted by analoguegirl, Fri Jul-22-05 12:18 PM
well said...?
31034, i see where you're coming from, but...
Posted by LadySoulflower, Thu Jul-21-05 05:43 PM
>which is the main arguemnt here. she does what works for HER.
>but at WHO'S expense?

>the expense of those who are directly impacted by these kinds
>of things?
>the expense of those who have family/loved ones oppressed by
>the ameriKKKan judicial system?

so are you saying that anyone who produces art in response to what they "only" see is hurting those who've experienced it? i hope not, 'cuz i feel that type of view would fatally stifle art & what it means to be an artist. i spoke to a coworker of mine about this thread & she made a good point: artists create work based off of life. to me, that might mean any number of things: their own personal experience, what they observe going on in the world, what they experience in their own fantasy world; i could go on & on. if badu had tried to come from some other angle not true to herself, wouldn't that invalidate her art to at least some extent? we always complain about folks who lie in their "artistry", so why are we not okay with badu putting her take on things out there? after all, it is HER take on things. no, it probably doesn't jive with what someone else sees, but that's why we all have different pairs of eyes and different brains.

>the expense of making money off the boho crowd who talk
>revolution but dont' know the first thing about what the
>'revolution is about?
>artist: we here for the revolution!
>crowd: yeah!
>artist: a revolution for freedom!!
>crowd: yeah!
>what the fuck? ...does anyone know what that means??
>she's made herself clear to me that shes an entertainer. and
>that's cool. her coin phrases such as "revolution" worked and
>were bought and sold by pseudo-pro black boho's who wear che
>guevarra t-shirts but don't know shit about the motorcycle

ok, so (some of) this part is me playing devil's advocate... what are the pre-requisites for a person to feel that change is necessary? does one have to be well-researched and super-versed in every last detail of the drama? or could it be enough to just notice the pain & tension in the air when people have been violated? i mean, yeah, i've been racially profiled, so i know what that isht is like in a way that a "priviledged" peson can't. on the other hand, i've never had to live on the street, but i can still see that the system is too effed up & has no intent to really effect change in society. so would it be wrong of me to argue and/or fight for a change in the system?

>...so since she has license to say things that 'emphathizes',
>people also have license to criticize her message and
>disminate that from the truths of REAL situations that people
>go through.

this is all true, BUT(call me a hippie if you want), i think it's important to communicate (and receive communication) in a way that respects that there are billions of ppl in this world. what's real to you may not be real to me. that doesn't mean i can't have an opinion or feeling about what you've been through. not having actually experienced something does not completely invalidate how someone feels about that issue. to me, what you've been saying has come across like a slap in the face to folks who want to provide a network of support in solidarity with those who have experienced the drama.

>for some... its insulting to feel like your just a name or a
>face in someone's song when your experiences are exploited by
>those who've never had to deal with the pain of seeing your
>kin behind bars or, have your child beaten by indivuiduals who
>are supposed to 'protect' you. and neither you nor i can sit a
>judge whether if these people should feel the way they do if
>we've never gone though thier pain.
>its also arrogant to assume that people who have REAL
>experiences with these atrocities... are simple enough to be
>written into a hook for the next big r&b song.

i can't be upset with you about how you feel. but it sounds kinda like you have issues with the industry as a whole, not just this particular artist. granted, she's got a big name & a big following. whenever anyone blows up, it's to be expected that a bunch of posers are gonna hop on board just 'cuz it seems cool. imho, i don't get the sense that badu is out to just please these folks. i don't know her, so i could be grossly incorrect. but (again, call me a hippie if you want), i try to consider various viewpoints & possibilities. it's not improbable to me that perhaps badu is just saying "yo, i see what you're going through, & this is how i feel about it. i'm in y'all's corner."

>granted, she may be "manifesting
>>her perspective" on the situation, but isn't that part of
>>this artistry is all about?
>sure it is. but these artists also need to be prepared to be
>challenged by those who live 'that shit' everyday of their
>lives... and aren't penning imaginary stories from what they
>'think' they hear and see around them.
>this is what happens when these 'artists' try to play the

i think the very nature of art is set up to spark all kinna isht, so yeah, talk about it. on the flip-side of the coin you tossed, remember not to take everything so personally. an artist has just as much right to defend (or to not defend) his/her work as does the critic.

>on a broad scale, how is eb's
>>whole saga any different from "the message" by grandmaster
>>flash & 'nem? i just see two artists using different
>>of describing what they see going on around them? a person
>>doesn't actually have to experience something to feel
>>for those who do.
>maybe so. but like i said... people who talk 'that talk', need
>to be mindful of the consequences of thier rhetoric. and if
>they cant stand thier ground with some useful converstaion and
>build from that ...then what the fuck are they really saying?

sometimes folks decide to bow out of certain battles - whether just for a while, or for good. their reasoning is anyone's guess, but not really anyone's business.

>and to turn it into some humorous shit makes thier whole game
>no different from the ignorant shit currently being pimped and
>explioted on minorities.

while i feel you on this, i also wonder if that could be seen as a bit of a leap? humour is an art unto itself, and sometimes i think it's a casualty of interpretation much more often than other art forms. although i agree that lots of "funnyisms" are grossly distasteful, i tend not to try & argue too much on humour, so i'ma leave this one be.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love." -I John 4:18 (NASB)
31035, RE: ...
Posted by Airbreed, Thu Jul-21-05 08:02 PM
>>which is the main arguemnt here. she does what works for
>>but at WHO'S expense?
>>the expense of those who are directly impacted by these
>>of things?
>>the expense of those who have family/loved ones oppressed by
>>the ameriKKKan judicial system?
>so are you saying that anyone who produces art in response to
>what they "only" see is hurting those who've experienced it?

honestly, i don't know how you came to assume that since that's clearly not what i said.

>i hope not, 'cuz i feel that type of view would fatally stifle
>art & what it means to be an artist. i spoke to a coworker of
>mine about this thread & she made a good point: artists create
>work based off of life. to me, that might mean any number of
>things: their own personal experience, what they observe going
>on in the world, what they experience in their own fantasy
>world; i could go on & on. if badu had tried to come from
>some other angle not true to herself, wouldn't that invalidate
>her art to at least some extent? we always complain about
>folks who lie in their "artistry", so why are we not okay with
>badu putting her take on things out there? after all, it is
>HER take on things. no, it probably doesn't jive with what
>someone else sees, but that's why we all have different pairs
>of eyes and different brains.

im not arguing over 'artists' having a right to express thier views. im saying if these artists are going to talk about 'fuck the police' yet in the same vein have cute quotables like 'peace n light' in their sig.... these 'artists' are going to have to be expeceted to be questioned by people.

all these 'artists' do is sing and rap on records.

they have no special entitlements from not being scrutinized for thier rhetoric.

and they will have to accept the fact that people will challenge the shit they say.

>what are the pre-requisites for a person to feel that change
>is necessary? does one have to be well-researched and
>super-versed in every last detail of the drama?

if someone is going to throw on 'colors' or pictorals of 'freedom fighters' across thier body and not have any sense of history associated with those images.... what is the revolution for?

what does 'fuck the police' supposed to mean, then?

to feel 'cool' or 'down' with some bogus, boho bulllshit ideology is short of being some nigga standing on the streetcorner talking about how they got the block on lock.

if they cant back thier shit up... then what the fuck are they saying??

or could it
>be enough to just notice the pain & tension in the air when
>people have been violated? i mean, yeah, i've been racially
>profiled, so i know what that isht is like in a way that a
>"priviledged" peson can't. on the other hand, i've never had
>to live on the street, but i can still see that the system is
>too effed up & has no intent to really effect change in
>society. so would it be wrong of me to argue and/or fight for
>a change in the system?

i don't know... would it? only you can answer that question.

>not having actually experienced
>something does not completely invalidate how someone feels
>about that issue.

it does...IF these 'artists' cant support their position on the message they're showcasing on worldwide venues.

otherwise, ...they would be asked again. ""what the hell are you really saying???""

THAT is the CRUX of this issue.

to me, what you've been saying has come
>across like a slap in the face to folks who want to provide a
>network of support in solidarity with those who have
>experienced the drama.

lmao! a network of support????


a network of support for who??? ....buttersoul?? ask her what kind of support this network of solidarity your talking about...has helped her and her family.

you talk about solidairty? solidarity against what??

....i havent seen ANY of these 'artists' who shout REVOLUTION! ....at the front lines denoucing the racial attack against glenn moore in howard beach, queens three weeks ago.

i didnt see ANY 'artist' shout FUCK THE POLICE! when an african-american womans home was recently raided by new jersey police officers by 'mistake', while her teenage son was sleeping in bed and her pregnant daughter was walking down the stairs. oh! ....how about an outcry for REVOLUTION! ...when the woman asked for an apology, the cop turned to her called her an ANIMAL?

or how about the FBI who've been profiling arab/black americans in lido, california... following them in thier cars as they go to work or to school or stake out thier homes day on night.... innocent law-biding citizens who have absolutely NO affilation or association with any 'terrorist' organizations.

..these are NOT isolated events.

..these events were broadcast on the national media circut.

so where are the rally's? ...where is the solidarity? ....sure...it seems to be prevelant at the concerts and tower record store promotionals across the world when these 'artists' relese a new album.

these 'artists' seme to only build on solidarity when its convienant for packing concert venues and vie for that platnium plaque ....at the expense of the brave few who DID march and protest in howard beach with sharpton, with little next to no outcry or demands for justice from these 'artists'.

so please... stop.

>i can't be upset with you about how you feel. but it sounds
>kinda like you have issues with the industry as a whole, not
>just this particular artist.

1. no.

2. your bringing up a subject that has nothing to do with the issue of this post.

3. you clearly didn't read and understand what i was saying.

>it's not improbable to me that perhaps badu is just saying
>"yo, i see what you're going through, & this is how i feel
>about it. i'm in y'all's corner."

she's not in anyone's corner if she's talking about beating someone's ass to help them lose thier 'baggage'.

oh, but wait! .....peace n light. right?

uh huh.... whatever.

>>granted, she may be "manifesting
>>>her perspective" on the situation, but isn't that part of
>>>this artistry is all about?

'this' artistry? ...or 'her' artistry?


but that doesn't make it excusable either.

>>sure it is. but these artists also need to be prepared to be
>>challenged by those who live 'that shit' everyday of their
>>lives... and aren't penning imaginary stories from what they
>>'think' they hear and see around them.
>>this is what happens when these 'artists' try to play the
>i think the very nature of art is set up to spark all kinna
>isht, so yeah, talk about it. on the flip-side of the coin
>you tossed, remember not to take everything so personally. an
>artist has just as much right to defend (or to not defend)
>his/her work as does the critic.

i agree.

"or to not defend."

which is why badu's post ended up being straight up and down foolery.

>sometimes folks decide to bow out of certain battles - whether
>just for a while, or for good. their reasoning is anyone's
>guess, but not really anyone's business.

its EVERYONE business if these 'artists' shout this 'fuck the police' bullshit in public.

ALL artists are open to scrutiny and judgement once they open thier mouth and claim knowledge on the political and social platform.

personally ..badu....sade...jill scott...jayz..common....whoever. all they do is sing and make music that i like ...sometimes.

and in the REAL WORLD...none of these people are absolved from criticism just because they are celebrities.

if they are going to talk about situations, scenerios... shit that REAL folks go through on a daily basis... their words are going to be examined and questioned.

that is the price these 'artists' pay when they say shit and are put on the spot to explain thier shit.

and if they can't ...they need to stop with their pseudo-black liberation army mockery bullshit. because imo ...that alone is an insult to the REAL freedom fighters and REAL revolutionaries who fought and DIED to expresss thought and challenge the oppresive authorites who to this day...continue to villify minorities.

31036, RE: ...
Posted by analoguegirl, Fri Jul-22-05 12:49 PM
been fightin.
been loving.

31037, RE: Please tell me cause I missed the POINT
Posted by analoguegirl, Fri Jul-22-05 12:12 PM
you get the point.


YOU JUST TALKIN, YOUNG BUTTA.... ( and very well spoken)

PRACTICING ON ME....BUT YOU AINT HEAVY, GIRL. ( thats good tho , cause you gone need all the practice you can get , trust me)


THE HOOD NEED SOME THO. most people i know who in the revolution is broke.

aint no dollars in ''fuck the police''...corporate sponsors run from that shit, girl.

i can think of a whole lot other glamerous ass shit to say that'll get me payed, love.

luckily for me spirituality was " in " in 1997 or id be assed out...believe that.

WE need YOUR help . You strong .hit me on the private message thing and ill give you some info about our organization, kay?

been working for many years all over the world to make change....

where you been, sis??

go back and do yo research, young activist....

somebody know.

stand up for me , sis...this aint no easy load.

i need you.... leave that slave , '' who got the biggest chains '' shit at yo job.

i know imma hear from you...

31038, Chimes in---
Posted by ProLix, Fri Jul-22-05 07:25 PM
Look while I feel your.
I am a revolutionary stance.
You have to understand that saying (to butter) your not as down as me - come join my team and we will be on the front line together... is dumb.

The way to school someone is not by saying I may have to whoop your ass... (cause 1st don’t you weight like 10 pounds)- and after you SAY that aint nobody trying to hear you... you aint nobodies elder.... my granny could say that but YOU... ehhh * shakes head* joking or not. that is the end of our conversation.

Or that shit you said about posting to make people feel special.... that shit is silly...

I don’t feel special ... You could be a FAKE a big ass man with stubble and nuts perping E.Badu....

it all seems rather ego driven. and the shit sound a bit contrived.. But hey If you are doing for the community.... POST that shit...

Keep doing it and show and prove.

Words mean nothing to a nation that has been promised FREEDOM and Justice and got NADA.

All this other phony baloney shit is...
Sort of a turn off to me... I mean I read what your saying AND I HEAR YOU... but your presentation is OFF.

Pump your fist and roc them weave locks girl ... do the damn thing...

What I am trying to say is
YOU are a human.
Incase you haven’t looked under your big ass Afro wig lately... you are subject to your audience questioning your validity. If you sold 1 copy or 50mil

Singing with a head wrap or a dead prez tee shirt does not a REVOLUTIONARY make, shit I live in BEREKLEY CALIFORNIA, we got like 500 thousand of yous.. and they sing and rap and dance and own nonprofit orgs... So that will not excuse you from having to pay dues... in the revolution department. and if you put it out there 120 - 360 or 85 people are gonna ASK if your REAL... so just keep doing what it is your doing to raise awareness, and whatever
but you sound kind of ummm, I dont know.

Its ALL in Love and light, you are my sister and I dig some of your songs.
But I aint gonna blow smoke up you ass cause you sold a few records...

And I think thats what ummm whatem name was saying.

Look I have been know on this OKP thing for my shit starting so let me just be quite....

PEACE after Revolution...

That shit was the dopest shit I ever heard you say, that and fuck the police.

31039, Ya'll a hot mess. Maybe she sees something in the
Posted by FireBrand, Sun Jul-24-05 01:49 AM
responses from Buttah that she thinks can be of benefit for the cuase and wants to help build because of that.

I mean damn.

Ya'll always so fucking defensive. Take a valerian root.

Kava Kava,

Make salah

or maybe ya'll need Jesus or SUMIN.


*hands coke and smile*

"And where today is the stable community that would sustain such a couple, where one can be both poor and diginified and raise one's children with decency and hope..." Poitier
31040, RE: Chimes in---
Posted by analoguegirl, Sun Jul-24-05 05:58 PM
your chime may be 'lil out of pitch, chief.

i am not my hair

i am not my skin....
31041, that shit!!!!
Posted by ProLix, Wed Jul-27-05 12:39 AM
again one of those 6 year old comments.

Of course your not your hair, or hair that you purchased from a wig/weave shop.
nor are you just those nasty things they say about you in the tabloids.

But as you blah blah in here, you are getting a real world view of your banter.

some people just dont buy it.

some people are impressed by you.

balance , RIGHT?

All I was saying was--
think before you speak, especailly if your talking to people that ARE on the front lines.
and have graduated beyond the popular slogans of Revolt,

we are all entitled..

* yawn*

I am going back to sleep....


I have a really big mouth...
31042, RE: Chimes in---
Posted by analoguegirl, Sun Jul-24-05 11:03 PM
its all in love?
31043, Ummm... Maybe she meant to say mainTAIN???
Posted by CHASE SwAyZe, Thu Jul-21-05 09:03 AM
Then again, Maybe not...
31044, RE: Ummm... Maybe she meant to say mainTAIN???
Posted by championsound, Thu Jul-21-05 11:02 AM
Actually, I think she was saying ManTAN,in reference the the movie "Bamboozled", a character who wore blackface and performed in a minstrel show along with his partner, "Sleep 'n' Eat." Interestingly, there were actual characters in film history with those names on which the "Bamboozled" characters were loosely based.

"Men have been taught that it is a virtue to agree with others.
But the creator is the man who disagrees. Men have been taught
that it is a virtue to swim with the current. But the creator
is the man who goes against the current. Men have been taugh
31045, u are on the wrong board
Posted by suave_bro, Thu Jul-21-05 11:09 AM
if you feel you have to explain bamboozled to folk.
31046, RE: lol
Posted by Airbreed, Thu Jul-21-05 11:12 AM
31047, lmao n/m
Posted by buttersoul, Thu Jul-21-05 11:24 AM

"What people think of me is none
of my business." ~O.Winfrey
31048, RE: sall I gotta say is "MANTAN"
Posted by bamaredboneclay, Thu Jul-21-05 02:55 PM
alright miss badu. thats real.
31049, RE: f!#@ the police...
Posted by oakhill78, Tue Jul-19-05 07:22 AM
This joint penned by a friend of mine best fits how I feel about the subject at hand...

Kweli asked me what to tell his son
“The kid still thinks cops are cool
How do I tell him that when he’s older
They’ll see him as a threat
Forty-one shots to the body is what he can expect”

I know all cops aren’t evil
That’s what I tried to tell America about black people
But like all niggas
Every cop is still

Whether they walk the beat to enforce peace
Or forcibly beat brothers to pieces
I don’t know every policeman
So I approach them all with skepticism and suspicion
Same as that lady did me when I came in or passed

Bad Image
That’s what tends to happen
When your cohorts smash the innocent
Nah, I don’t trust yall
But like I said it ain’t personal

Kweli tell him what you know
He’ll have to learn the rest on his own
Just pray the lessons don’t kill him

Kweli said
“What do I tell a dead cops wife?
Cops kill my people everyday…
That’s life”

-E.S. Knowles
31050, RE: f!#@ the police...
Posted by Chidi, Thu Jul-21-05 01:01 AM
31051, F anyone that goes through po-po's initiation
Posted by NYC upt JUX, Wed Jul-20-05 11:44 PM
they represent a repressive, opressive, and historically racist system that has had its foot on the neck of the negroe for years. and black cops are merely pawns involved in something that they have no power in. i have seen police do to much shit to black and brown people for me not to say "ftp".

where in the u.s. is there a white neighborhood exclusively ran by and controlled by negroe police? and would they be allowed to stomp out 15 year old white kids for any reason? highly unfukkin likely.
31052, speak on it sun...
Posted by iLLoGiCz, Thu Jul-21-05 10:57 AM
31053, Yo Kah, Lets make Babies queen!!!!
Posted by , Wed Jul-20-05 11:50 PM

20G iPod

31054, RE: Yo Kah, Lets make Babies queen!!!!
Posted by SunDevil, Thu Jul-21-05 12:11 AM
i've never been in the activism thread until now! lol
31055, I started here.
Posted by , Thu Jul-21-05 12:30 AM

20G iPod

31056, Buttersoul is an example of...
Posted by micsource, Thu Jul-21-05 09:49 AM
why people in the public eye rarely pop up in places such as chat rooms, website, etc. under their real persona...

for better or for worse...
31057, RE: right
Posted by Airbreed, Thu Jul-21-05 10:25 AM
>why people in the public eye rarely pop up in places such as
>chat rooms, website, etc. under their real persona...
>for better or for worse...

the reason why they rarely pop up is because much of these celebrities talk alot of shit in order to further they shit. albiet: image, swoll pockets.... **insert here**

especially when it comes to these conscious artists who talk all of this rbg - freedom shit. but will they stand on the front line if the war on black people gets dirty and hits the streets of bed stuy, brooklyn or south jamaica, queens... like iraq and palestine?

i didnt see ONE of these artists stand with sharpton to protest the bias beating of the young brotha in howard beach, queens this past month.

when someone who has a college education...someone that these artists assume is some net surfing homebody, steps up and questions thier motives....they can't and dont back they shit up.

so its best they stay away from soemthing they cant handle.

31058, To paraphrase the loquacious...
Posted by micsource, Thu Jul-21-05 10:32 AM
Marlon Wayans,

"yall niggas need a hug...or something."

31059, RE: ....
Posted by Airbreed, Thu Jul-21-05 10:38 AM
...as expected.
31060, RE: ....
Posted by micsource, Thu Jul-21-05 12:07 PM
>...as expected.

one thing u can always count on...

the smugness of okayplayers...
31061, I think you & buttersoul are buggin out...& I honestly can't follow yall point
Posted by Intelligently95, Thu Jul-21-05 12:30 PM
Yall really think Badu saying
fuck the police is a monetary

She can't identify w/police
terrorism unless she has had to visit
her baby daddy in jail or have been pulled
over by the police from racial profiling?

Many of us share the same sentiment as she
articulated...fuck the police! & some of us
have not "personally" been acosted by police,
however share that sentiment.

Yall feel as though she's inconsistent or
riding the fence on issues? Maybe I missed
something that the two of you are articulating
31062, Yeah...pretty much
Posted by Nettrice, Thu Jul-21-05 01:55 PM
>Yall really think Badu saying
>fuck the police is a monetary

She doesn't have to say anything at all...but she does and that's cool.

>She can't identify w/police
>terrorism unless she has had to visit
>her baby daddy in jail or have been pulled
>over by the police from racial profiling?


>Many of us share the same sentiment as she
>articulated...fuck the police! & some of us
>have not "personally" been acosted by police,
>however share that sentiment.

You are correct.

>Yall feel as though she's inconsistent or
>riding the fence on issues? Maybe I missed
>something that the two of you are articulating

I haven't read anything that shows Erykah Badu as being inconsistent. I mean let's not confuse style with substance here. The styles may change but I find the substance of her lyrics to be pretty consistent.
31063, RE: Yeah...pretty much
Posted by bamaredboneclay, Thu Jul-21-05 03:28 PM

>I haven't read anything that shows Erykah Badu as being
>inconsistent. I mean let's not confuse ***style*** with ***substance***
>here. The styles may change but I find the substance of her
>lyrics to be pretty consistent.


Blk poets die from not being read.

-Don L. Lee
31064, RE: right
Posted by analoguegirl, Fri Jul-22-05 03:01 PM
31065, RE: right
Posted by analoguegirl, Mon Jul-25-05 12:50 AM
you sound like a woman...
31066, RE: right
Posted by analoguegirl, Mon Jul-25-05 02:51 AM
well actually ...you wouldnt have SEEN me because i haven't actually MARCHED on anything since ALTER MATOX lost his practicing liscense defending TEJUANA BRAULLY. (well ''protest'' in that form anyhow) ill leave that to yall.
i've moved onto other methods and platforms since then.( no need to elaborate on public board )

however, i have stood side by side - PROTESTED, BUILDED, AND OR MARCHED with jesse jackson, ,rev. al sharpton, chairman fred hampton jr., dr. ben chavis muhammed, assata shakur (cuba), THE MINISTER, the FOI, , dr khalid muhhamed (r.i.p.), the NBPP , malik l shabazz, dr. m. york, been to jail, been to hell , slung dope, been called a nigger,...ALL BEFORE i got a'' record deal. ''
and what diff. does this make . am i more qualified to say fuck the police now?

any time i get a call i go. have not slept in days... between building schools ,writting music and talking shit
i manage to fit in a bath or two also.

i desire peace and light for this planet and others. this is my general demeanor.... but untill that day comes i must maintain a heathy since of balance to stay woke.

and yes,
i was joking wit the sister bout the ass whippin. Stevie could've seen that. ( made her mad tho.)
made me mad first with her unqualified attacks on my character... that pisses one off ...work too hard for that Howard Kosal shit.
wouldn't be a woman if i didn't clear that up.
i was retaliating when i made the ''.... i only post just to make you feel speacial....'' post.
uncalled for. trully, sorry.
(ill be more mindful of who im dealing wit.)

my artistic style is only an asthetic image. every move or change is not intended to be a political statement. although most of them are. lol . i do alot shit cause its fly to me.
check my catalog.

t.v. will trick the shit out of you if you let it....dont confuse me wit those artist you described .
matter of fact i dont believe most of us are even qualified to make such strong accusations and assumptions about ANY artist .
any lil work that an artist or any of us do for the community is only a move toward all of our freedom...the slaves and the slave masters.

im sittin here nursing my daughter...1 of 2 children that i gave birth to naturally with no pain killers...
point: it hurts MORE to read the mentality of some of these post.


not just another
signed artist
interrior designer
freedom fighter
bad speller
incense holder

but no different either.

31067, Right !
Posted by buttersoul, Thu Jul-21-05 10:50 AM
When you aint sayin nothing!

"What people think of me is none
of my business." ~O.Winfrey

31068, Oh so we ALL supposed to kiss ass
Posted by lingo, Thu Jul-21-05 02:36 PM
just because we have their album...the purpose of these boards are for discussion. We rag on each other all day every day, but are suddenly supposed to change because so and so stopped by? please.
31069, Deleted message
Posted by Airbreed, Thu Jul-21-05 04:20 PM
No message
31070, RE: Oh so we ALL supposed to kiss ass
Posted by analoguegirl, Sun Jul-24-05 06:21 PM
hahahahaha.......be yo self.
31071, I was thinking the exact opposite....
Posted by brokenchains79, Thu Jul-21-05 05:06 PM
If "celebrities" were more in touch with the masses it would be less mystification in their art and connection to the people and they'd be able to stomach some criticism instead of feeling attacked. I'm sorry but when it comes to the struggle art does not put you on a pedestal and make you beyond criticism. Whatever Buttersoul has said whether right or wrong is her right, and artist shouldnt be able to duck and hide to avoid accountability.

Gina is out of control
I'm out of control
the whole--damn--party
--is--out--of control!
(c) White Bob
31072, RE: I was thinking the exact opposite....
Posted by analoguegirl, Mon Jul-25-05 04:06 AM
i dont give a damn if you an artist are not....
any person attacked either defends or runs.

''mantan'' thats no critique ...thats a straight shot at my head...

and i guess everyone in my life is a celebrity.

i probably know less celebritys than you do .

good point, but

you missed with that , fam.

come again.
31073, RE: I was thinking the exact opposite....
Posted by marlastar, Tue Jul-26-05 10:50 AM
poppycock, you missed me with that one.anyone can talk a good game about themselves if the devil is to come in righteous people's straight path who are you not to. of course everyone in your life isn't a celebrity. Oh well let me keep silence. i am the innocent bystander in this dialogue but MANTAN dang that is more than a blow.This world is so Dramatic..The worship of your own celebrity, (shaking head) what a genocide.
31074, from Peace & Blessings to f!#@ the police?
Posted by NotYaAvgBrotha, Thu Jul-21-05 03:08 PM
Ms. Badu, while I am very moved by a good portion of your catalog, I smell a big contradiction here. How do you go from all the peace, love , light and speaking about "the creator" to F!#@ the police?

31075, she been rolling with DP'z
Posted by suave_bro, Thu Jul-21-05 03:55 PM
id like to see them cats get up on here and drop sumthen. ever been to their web sites message boards? nothing but angry white teens.
31076, RE: she been rolling with DP'z
Posted by micsource, Thu Jul-21-05 04:50 PM
>id like to see them cats get up on here and drop sumthen.
>ever been to their web sites message boards? nothing but angry
>white teens.

funny...but have you been to okp...? nothing but frustrated activists wanting to change the world through poetry...lol

be careful when u throw out generalizations...
31077, RE: from Peace & Blessings to f!#@ the police?
Posted by cleva, Fri Jul-22-05 10:28 AM
Before I even say this, I'm not saying erykah is like Christ....before ya'll start in cuz i know ya'll will...BUT

I recall Jesus getting pissed and tearing up some stuff when they were selling goods in the synagogue. MLK started to view "violence" a little differently towards the end.

I don't see the contradiction. Evolution in thoughts, circumstances and situation may cause a different reaction.

And how many of us look the same as we did 8-9 years ago. I don't...because you move on, grow up, etc.


>Ms. Badu, while I am very moved by a good portion of your
>catalog, I smell a big contradiction here. How do you go from
>all the peace, love , light and speaking about "the creator"
>to F!#@ the police?

We need to be careful of the classism that is taking over the black community. Is this the next revolution?
31078, RE: from Peace & Blessings to f!#@ the police?
Posted by analoguegirl, Sun Jul-24-05 06:11 PM
when one recieves a gift does he/ she smile and give thanks?

when that same person recieves a POLICE BEATING DOES HE/SHE SMILE and give thanks?


shouldn't one express every emotion?

31079, Wow
Posted by Unique1ne, Thu Jul-21-05 05:05 PM
I just wish I could see the deleted post cause it's still some pieces missing to this puzzle yet and still it has been interesting and entertaining, Activist ain't no punk, Imma get me a book and be back here to post...whatchall think bout that!

I still love you Erykah but she does have a point.
31080, RE: Wow
Posted by bamaredboneclay, Thu Jul-21-05 05:55 PM
If Erykahs views have changed ova the years why is that contradiction and not growth? evolution?

For EXAMPLE(and this is certainly not to compare badu to king)...Dr. King started out on the path of religion and civil rights and ended up on the path of economics...thats not contradiction its change...growth...the mind is always in motion-hopefully.

I hope to Gd that ten years from now Im not writing the same work the same way.

Blk poets die from not being read.

-Don L. Lee
31081, RE: Wow
Posted by buttersoul, Thu Jul-21-05 06:11 PM
growth? possibly Ill buy that for a dolla

regression? just maybe Ill place a bet on that.

But I would agree with you

"Change is the nature of genius." ~J.D.

"What people think of me is none
of my business." ~O.Winfrey

Posted by NotYaAvgBrotha, Thu Jul-21-05 07:30 PM
that image on the first two album was contrived/manufactured.... all that shit about tea, incense, head-wraps, food for thought, and the creator was playing to a certain crowd and it worked. Now she is going after another crowd. It started with Love Of My Life, and WWU.

I wish some of these "artists/entertainers" would just shut the fuck up and make music. they are taking themselves WAY TOO SERIOUSLY. Everybody wants to be Bono

From SoulQuarian to Freakquency, from Peach & Blessings to Fuck The Police From (A)ndre (B)enjamin, to (C)ommon, to (D.) O. C.

Give It A Rest Already......
31083, RE: LMAO!!!
Posted by Airbreed, Thu Jul-21-05 08:27 PM

>From SoulQuarian to Freakquency, from Peach & Blessings to
>Fuck The Police From (A)ndre (B)enjamin, to (C)ommon, to (D.)
>O. C.
>Give It A Rest Already......


31084, You type cats are really really reaching
Posted by Intelligently95, Thu Jul-21-05 08:38 PM
I mean what does her relationships
have to do w/her saying fuck the police.

If you disagree w/her political stance
that's one thing & discourse/open dialogue/
information exchange is good...but all these
shots yall are taking at her is unnecessary
& attention seeking imho.

Y are so many of yall bent outta shape behind
this sister saying what so many oppressed
people have articulated?
31085, NIGGA PLEASE!!!
Posted by suave_bro, Thu Jul-21-05 08:51 PM
as many ad hominem attacks are hurled on these boards on the daily!? why stop now?
31086, Homeboy, 4 future reference, please do not refer to me as nigga
Posted by Intelligently95, Thu Jul-21-05 09:42 PM
The remarks in reference to her personal affairs
that holds no relevance to the subject
at hand are corny/immature & detract from
discussing the topic.

So it truly shouldn't exist in the exchanging
of ideas & information regardless of subject

However, I'm aware that shit like that occurs,
but yall cats are taking this shit too far &
turning it into personal attacks inundated
w/slander & lack-luster comedic attempts
*insert that ABCD shit you conceptualized here*

Real talk...yall should let that go
31087, *sigh*....
Posted by suave_bro, Thu Jul-21-05 11:24 PM
>The remarks in reference to her personal affairs
>that holds no relevance to the subject
>at hand are corny/immature & detract from
>discussing the topic.

- this is an everyday occurance on activist. dont believe me? go read up on any posts about jesse peterson.

>So it truly shouldn't exist in the exchanging
>of ideas & information regardless of subject

- ive been arguing this since i first signed up on here .

>However, I'm aware that shit like that occurs,
>but yall cats are taking this shit too far &
>turning it into personal attacks inundated
>w/slander & lack-luster comedic attempts
>*insert that ABCD shit you conceptualized here*

- with all due respect, back up off her. if this had been just an ordinary okp, your ass probably wouldnt even be here. as many personal attacks that were hurled at bill cosby up on here? somebody even said that that man had the nerve to talk even though he couldnt keep his kids off drugs...wha-what was that!? thought so.

P.S. - i know what you're thinking, and i'm just an asshole like that.
31088, lol
Posted by suave_bro, Sun Jul-24-05 11:07 AM
washing my mouth out with soap now? man i tellya. i hope the next time i ask for folks to not use the term "uncle tom" the mods will heavily edit those cats.
31089, 2 things
Posted by suave_bro, Thu Jul-21-05 08:48 PM
1) im noticing alot of cats who normally dont visit activist running up in here just because an okartist posted up in here - thats taking the groupie shit to another level

2) that whole A, B, C, shit? cmon now. can i get my royalties?

31090, well actually......
Posted by NotYaAvgBrotha, Fri Jul-22-05 12:26 PM
when the daily update draws you to a post, one normally reads it.... It has nothing to do with being a groupie......

Secondly, a royalty check MIGHT be warranted....
31091, Nah
Posted by Nettrice, Thu Jul-21-05 10:19 PM
I haven't read anything that shows Erykah Badu as being inconsistent. I mean let's not confuse style with substance here. The styles may change but I find the substance of her lyrics to be pretty consistent...

...when Erykah was rocking the headwrap and dreads I was wearing afro puffs. So what?

Music is most certainly an influential means of delivering ideas because it comprises such a significant portion of the communications market. However, folks need to be careful about mixing politics (or religion) and art. It's like putting art in a box and saying that it's supposed to be this or that when it's really up to each person to discern, think critically and make their own decisions about what it is.
31092, I've NEVER seen these screenames before. I wonder why.
Posted by FireBrand, Fri Jul-22-05 07:38 AM
What the fuck are you talking about? Why are you making statements that aint got shit to do with the fucking topic at hand?

We need to take a break and have a class on logic in here, cus shit is getting type ridiculous.

"And where today is the stable community that would sustain such a couple, where one can be both poor and diginified and raise one's children with decency and hope..." Poitier
31093, LMAO It's type hilarious to me at this point.
Posted by buttersoul, Fri Jul-22-05 09:05 AM
get yo chuckle on!

"What people think of me is none
of my business." ~O.Winfrey
Posted by Starscreen, Sat Jul-23-05 01:39 AM
go to school.
31095, Shit, in 95 who knew that crowd was spending money?
Posted by FireBrand, Sun Jul-24-05 01:52 AM
Come on.

Wasn't SHIT out there like that at the time.


Not with them messages, the look, etc. You know how many folk was SCARED behind that shit?

A lady I was dating told me I needed to stop listening to Badu cus it was sacriledge. (course, she was technically right beind that I was die hard Christian- I aint know what she was talking about then tho)

"And where today is the stable community that would sustain such a couple, where one can be both poor and diginified and raise one's children with decency and hope..." Poitier
Posted by analoguegirl, Sun Jul-24-05 06:39 PM
(badu to self....voice over)

i knew they would turn on me....
just like they did jesus.
damn....what um gone do now?
been found out....
i could run and hide.
naw......to typical....
maybe ill just quit the music biz and they'll believe me.....
yeah...thats it...fuck it.
i quit.
31097, LMAO
Posted by Unique1ne, Mon Jul-25-05 09:04 AM
Oh I love you and that pisces snare in ya. Keep on keepin on.
Posted by analoguegirl, Mon Jul-25-05 03:09 AM
well i never.
31099, "some of ya'll done lost ya'll minds" (c) Kilo Ali.
Posted by FireBrand, Thu Jul-21-05 11:17 PM
I mean damn.

"And where today is the stable community that would sustain such a couple, where one can be both poor and diginified and raise one's children with decency and hope..." Poitier
31100, totally agree.
Posted by tonywashington, Fri Jul-22-05 06:51 AM
cats in here never can a have an adult conversation. that is why i always wonder the age of the folks who are posting.
31101, Deleted message
Posted by NYC upt JUX, Fri Jul-22-05 07:15 AM
No message
31102, (exhaling sound)
Posted by ZaMira, Fri Jul-22-05 08:03 AM
... yep! We keep running in circles, like rats in a maze, instead of helping one another to find a way out, we bite each other´s tails off for nothing... maybe it´s just a symptom of loneliness and frustration and missing perspectives?!
I won´t stop believing in and fighting for a better way, on my own terms but for all of us... "ONE is the magic number"!

Seriously, do you really think we have time for hatin´?
31103, An old head told me before
Posted by FireBrand, Fri Jul-22-05 08:19 AM
That you can't worry about what the next man is doing. As long as you have a plan and stick to it all that matters is that folk are contributing. If they are helping alot or alittle is up to them, but anything helps.

Now, I personally don't know how much the sista is doing, but to hate on her for what you BELIEVE what she is doing to be small is just childish.

How u know what's going on behind closed doors?

I do know this. For ME? Her music is part of the reason why I was even active in College. When I left for school in '95 I was in a place where I wasn't really certain about what I was about and to hear somone talking about shit in a way that (even know I still know very little about the math, and 5% lingo) SPOKE to me? That shit made all the damn difference. I thought I was alone in that regard. I was like, oh shit. OTHER people think like that.

That shit was powerful to me and prolly to countless others. IMO that in and of itself is ministry.

"And where today is the stable community that would sustain such a couple, where one can be both poor and diginified and raise one's children with decency and hope..." Poitier
31104, co-sign n/m
Posted by LadySoulflower, Fri Jul-22-05 11:18 AM

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love." -I John 4:18 (NASB)

somebody respond to my blog so i'll feel special! h
31105, good points
Posted by NYC upt JUX, Sat Jul-23-05 08:29 AM
31106, see?
Posted by ZaMira, Mon Jul-25-05 05:55 AM
that´s astonishing, that there are so many out there... folks that wanna make a change for and by themselves (but not excluding, though)... feels good once you realized that. Who recognize the message behind the slogans and who see past the business and the game´s design... I guess despite all differences, which are worth to be appreciated and celebrated because they make our existence so precious and rich, we all long for basically the same... love, understanding, confidence, trust (add whatever you feel) that make up LIFE!!!
31107, *blows off an old & dusty*
Posted by StillWaters, Fri Jul-22-05 07:15 AM
in light of the present "events", i'd like to send this out as a shout of sorts...a reminder even.
and thus begins....KRS One's "Sound of the Police"

Stand clear! Don man a-talk
You can't stand where I stand, you can't walk where I walk
Watch out! We run New York
Police man come, we bust him out the park
I know this for a fact, you don't like how I act
You claim I'm sellin' crack
But you be doin' that
I'd rather say "see ya"
Cause I would never be ya
Be a officer? You WICKED overseer!
Ya hotshot, wanna get props and be a saviour
First show a little respect, change your behavior
Change your attitude, change your plan
There could never really be justice on stolen land
Are you really for peace and equality?
Or when my car is hooked up, you know you wanna follow me
Your laws are minimal
Cause you won't even think about lookin' at the real criminal
This has got to cease
Cause we be getting HYPED to the sound of da police!

Now here's a likkle truth
Open up your eye
While you're checking out the boom-bap, check the exercise
Take the word "overseer," like a sample
Repeat it very quickly in a crew for example
Officer, Officer, Officer, Officer!
Yeah, officer from overseer
You need a little clarity?
Check the similarity!
The overseer rode around the plantation
The officer is off patroling all the nation
The overseer could stop you what you're doing
The officer will pull you over just when he's pursuing
The overseer had the right to get ill
And if you fought back, the overseer had the right to kill
The officer has the right to arrest
And if you fight back they put a hole in your chest!
(Woop!) They both ride horses
After 400 years, I've _got_ no choices!
The police them have a little gun
So when I'm on the streets, I walk around with a bigger one
(Woop-woop!) I hear it all day
Just so they can run the light and be upon their way
31108, i <3 dead cops.
Posted by , Fri Jul-22-05 07:45 AM


31109, sing along with your best Jamaican accent...
Posted by micsource, Fri Jul-22-05 08:37 AM
"if you live in a glass house, don't trow stones...Lah'd have mercy!"
31110, RE: sing along with your best Jamaican accent...
Posted by analoguegirl, Mon Jul-25-05 04:12 AM
give thanx.
31111, Deleted message
Posted by mcdeezjawns, Sun Jul-24-05 11:49 AM
No message
31112, What is this?
Posted by Whateva, Mon Jul-25-05 08:54 AM
All due respect to analogue, but honestly.
31113, This forum has shown itself to be a wetdream
Posted by moot_point, Mon Jul-25-05 09:12 AM
for fans and haters alike.

In respect of the actual SUBJECT matter, this is nothing new. Care to offer a solution?
31114, lmao
Posted by cinderblock, Tue Jul-26-05 12:32 AM
31115, this reeks of self promotion
Posted by aslan21, Mon Jul-25-05 06:37 PM
ms badu,

a word to the wise, you're music is wonderful, your art is incredible.....however your judgement leaves little to be desired...you try to hard

let me repeat...YOU TRY TO HARD

I was just reading a great article on Ms lauryn Hill in Trace magazine.....as i was reading it, I got the sense that this is a true creative genius here, someone that just happened to get caught up in the business because she did it out of love....

The military and the monetary
Get together whenever they think its necessary
They have turned our brothers and sisters into mercenaries,
They are turning the planet into a cemetery.

The military and the monetary
Use the media as intermediaries.

Gil Scott Heron
They are
31116, To what end to you want to come down on an individual
Posted by moot_point, Mon Jul-25-05 06:47 PM
whose music you describe as wonderful, and whose art you describe as incredible?!

31117, my whole point was how does it feel
Posted by aslan21, Mon Jul-25-05 06:52 PM
>whose music you describe as wonderful, and whose art you
>describe as incredible?!

I was way too harsh, I admit........but earlier in the thread she talked down to a a couple posters as if she was god almighty herself.....just trying to turn the tables and show her how it feels....if she is a professional she should be able to take constructive criticism....


The military and the monetary
Get together whenever they think its necessary
They have turned our brothers and sisters into mercenaries,
They are turning the planet into a cemetery.

The military and the monetary
Use the media as intermediaries.

Gil Scott Heron
31118, That's what I was thinking.
Posted by FireBrand, Tue Jul-26-05 12:08 AM
Before I editted that response.

Damn. Folk aint see that BIG ASS anchored post on Activist rules???


"And where today is the stable community that would sustain such a couple, where one can be both poor and diginified and raise one's children with decency and hope..." Poitier
31119, Errr=Error (sumfinlikethat)
Posted by buttersoul, Mon Jul-25-05 10:15 PM
comparison to Ms. Hill gots no bid here.
As ill as I am I'm not even entertaining that ish.
Self promotion? Um eh...*bites tongue*
ITS ALL LOVE...but no Lauryn talk, take it to The Lesson!

Setting the echo or sumfin?
Or maybe I'm overlooking your look.!?

*pinches lips shut*

Dr.Ama is gone for the day!

**"What people think of me is none of my business." ~O.Winfrey**
**I never never coveted affluence and luxury and even despise them a good deal. My passion for social justice has often brought me into conflict with people..."~einsteins credo
31120, I love Badu, Like she could sleep in my bed & I wouldnt try nuffin
Posted by , Mon Jul-25-05 10:04 PM

"Like a beef scene, that leave tha Uzi smokin, or between Hokuto shinkin vs. Nanto Suoshokin" - Vik V
31121, EVENTUALLY...
Posted by buttersoul, Mon Jul-25-05 10:18 PM
...This post will get put to bed.


get some rest, non?

**What people think of me is none of my business." ~O.Winfrey**
**I never never coveted affluence and luxury and even despise them a good deal. My passion for social justice has often brought me into conflict with people..." ~Einstein
31122, Is that an informal request?
Posted by FireBrand, Tue Jul-26-05 12:04 AM

"And where today is the stable community that would sustain such a couple, where one can be both poor and diginified and raise one's children with decency and hope..." Poitier
31123, Deleted message
Posted by mcdeezjawns, Tue Jul-26-05 07:06 PM
No message
31124, f!#@ the police!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by , Tue Jul-26-05 07:17 PM

31125, From what I gather, a lot of heads came at Ms. Badu sideways.
Posted by HoChiGrimm, Wed Jul-27-05 02:34 AM
What the hell does changing from a
headwrap to an afro wig got to do
with someone expressing their dis-
dain for the legal/penal system?

Are relatives of those incarcerated
the only people permitted to say,
"fuck the police?"

How does switching from drinking herbal
tea to Tahitian Noni Juice compromise
a person's artistry?

31126, Noni Juice is known to effect a soprano's high C.
Posted by FireBrand, Wed Jul-27-05 06:26 AM
and D sharp.

"May the breath that I take be your sun when you awake, Afrikan woman" (c) Gregory Isaacs
31127, I guess I was wrong........
Posted by aslan21, Wed Jul-27-05 05:29 PM
you know I'm a level headed person.....I guess it stemmed from just her posting Fuck the Police!

I could go on about a few run ins I've had with NY's finest....the police are a joke....spent a few bullshit nights in central booking for petty shit

Its just the way she came across....like I'm teaching to these kids....set me off....

its like Fuck The war! ok, yes, obvious, lets build on this.....

I apologize for being too harsh, I shouldn't judge :)

The military and the monetary
Get together whenever they think its necessary
They have turned our brothers and sisters into mercenaries,
They are turning the planet into a cemetery.

The military and the monetary
Use the media as intermediaries.

Gil Scott Heron
31128, No you can't. I'll tell you why.
Posted by mcdeezjawns, Wed Jul-27-05 11:42 AM
Cus it's against the rules to make personal attacks in activist, and you know better.

This is the last time.
31129, Shit!
Posted by moot_point, Wed Jul-27-05 11:54 AM
Take no prisoners
31130, Commenting on moderation
Posted by mcdeezjawns, Wed Jul-27-05 05:31 PM
31131, Deleted message
Posted by mcdeezjawns, Wed Jul-27-05 06:04 PM
No message
31132, Deleted message
Posted by moot_point, Wed Jul-27-05 06:44 PM
No message
31133, Deleted message
Posted by mcdeezjawns, Wed Jul-27-05 06:57 PM
No message
31134, Deleted message
Posted by mcdeezjawns, Wed Jul-27-05 06:05 PM
No message