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Forum nameOkay Activist Archives
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=24836
Posted by didi, Sun May-07-00 09:21 AM
Okay, Players.

I have seen the upmteenth post about how wack B.E.T. is - in fact, I have even participated in them.

I AM ALL FOR DOING SOMETHING ABOUT THE BULLSHIT B.E.T. KEEPS PASSING ON FOR "ENTERTAINMENT!" We ain't gotta like it because it's Black-owned or Black people are in it: "Black folks are in jail - do you like that?" (c) Chris Rock

Now that we have this spiffy OkayActivist Board up, let's devise a plan. Keep the following things in mind:

1) Are you ready to hear the bitching and moaning from people who will say "But that's all we got! We gotta support it!"

1a) People of Color: Are you ready to be called a sell-out for supporting this effort?

1b) European-Americans: Are you ready to be called RACIST for supporting this effort?

2) In your plan, does it call for a SPECIFIC plan of action and/or timeline for action, with detailed activities, objectives, tasks, and evaluative measures for success (i.e., benchmarks)?

3) Are you ready to boycott advertisers who still buy time on B.E.T.? (Let me go buy my George Foreman Grill first ...)

4) If Bob Johnson decides to respond (most likely with lipservice to placate the masses), are you willing to FOLLOW THROUGH AND HOLD HIM ACCOUNTABLE?

5) Is preparation to contact Cable Providers to ask for the removal of B.E.T. in the proposal for action?

6) If all this fails, do you have suggestion on how people can invest in A NEW BLACK ENTERTAINMENT NETWORK?

7) Are you REALLY READY if B.E.T. goes off the air because of this? I mean, when the mainstream networks begin to exploit us again because, after all, this will mean that we are not satisfied with the crumbs that we have, are we willing to take the heat?

More things should be considered later, but I'll let this marinate for a minute.

"Don't talk about it - BE about it!!!!!"

The Smut PhoeniXXX

"D(i), muthafucka, D(i)!!!!!" - Radio Raheem, "Do the Right Thing"

"Just be 'bout what you about, dog" - Jay Dee of Slum Village

"Contrary to made-for-the movies and what you think you see on the street corners, Afro-Americans are the most puritanical people in the U.S. cause they're always trying to live up to or live down stereotypes insteada being themselves." - Reginald Martin, "What Makes Siedah Zip"
24837, thoughts...
Posted by guest, Sun May-07-00 11:24 AM
BET reflects societal attitudes. When you attack BET you are going for the symptoms - not the problem.

There was an article in the boston globs a few months back (I'll try to find it) and it talked about a guy who did a class on modern music. He made the kids read the lyrics to Back dat azz up, and the like. No longer would they just bob their head and repeat the chorus - they listened to the songs.

A BET boycott would have to be a grassroots effort - but would have to extend past rightous educated folk. How do you find a message that nearly all BET viewers can relate to that will stop them from watching BET?

Don't worry about being billed a sellout, racist - or planning marches - until there is one coherant message that people can get behind.

Now the question is - what is that message.

Next you worry about how to get MTV to do clandestine funding :D

24838, where do we start
Posted by nushooz, Mon May-08-00 08:45 AM
first of all, bet programming is not marketed to us - johnson's target audiene is 15 - 21 approx. A lot of us - thinking individuals that we might be- don't fall into that category. AND IF YOU THOUGHT that it wasn't about the dollars, think again. We all know that Johnson makes money!

I do beleive that we - Black folk - don't have the luxury of independent wealth and/or detachable responsibility. Until WE ALL OVERCOME NOBODY OVERCOMES!!!!! Sure, BET owes us but will they pay?

Yes, BET should have been a target in the NAACP directives but I'm sure that Kweisi had to consider what Johnson does for black folk as a whole. Alebit, I don't know what he does exactly - for black folk other than providing video employment for all the woman on D'Angelo's dick -opps, did I say that?

But I think our first course of action should be persuading him - by any means necessary- that he should provide more for us that we're getting.

I,I, I Can't Wait!
24839, RE: where do we start
Posted by cpoindex, Mon May-08-00 10:21 AM
What would be the specific goals of a BET boycott?

we could say imporve the content but its so objective how do we judge improvements. I was surprise to here from People in a similar discussion that they like that virtual chicken head VJ. If we can not agree that that is offensive, than how do we determine what changes need to be made?

My Latest Post to a similar discussion in General:

I'd Like to Pose the very serious Question what will writing Letters seriously accomplish in affecting the change of BET programming? I ask this question not as a cynic but as a person who works in Television Programming. Robert Wood Johnson could receive 20,000 Letters Personally, but as long as BET ratings remain stable and continue to rise, you will see no change in BET's Programming. Even a boycott Sounds like a good idea. But just not watching BET is enough. Only people with Neilson Families affect rating. A boycott would only work if people contact their cable provider and demand that the network be taking off the Air. Another way a boycott could work is if pepole threaten to Boycott the products that are advertised on BET. A threat to BET's advertisement money will have more of an impact on the network than any amount of letters. Its important to recognize that the Powers that be are:
"Johnson has to act like a good negro to have his wonderful business still running or the powers to be will find a way to shut that muthafukka down. Johnson ain't a fool."

I agree with the statement, but the Powers that be is not the Government or the City of DC. It's advertisers and Distributors of DC. The Bottom line is that Television is a Business. Unless you threatening the revenue of a BET there is no reason why that financially successful business will change its course. Cash Rules Everything Around Us.

"Thoughts of you are warm & gooey and leave a sweet taste in my Mouth."

"Turns out the Revolution WAS TELEVISED, but was cancelled due to low ratings."

From "Cold French Fries,MPweaves & other daily Nutriments"


24840, how about a visable hit in the head...
Posted by nushooz, Tue May-09-00 08:00 AM
we should show up. live tapings of teen summitt, call in on tavis's show, at the dc studio, ACTIVE disgruntlement. I figure if we can come together in philly for a reunion, we can congregate in dc to be heard and/or seen. Yes, it's old fashioned but it works.

ok. And then what?
Any serious person can list their concerns... no bull shit, no rhetoric, no speeches, just plain out-I think BET should pick up shows like City of Angels, or Living Single; I think BET should produce its own quality show(s)(and give a number of shows that we think it should be). We can come up with a list of things that concern us, that measurable solutions.

I also think that amongst the talent that exists at okayplayer, we should be able to accuratley describe our demographic-who the hell we are and who we represent. Cuz you see if we only appear to represent some kind of cult-ish faction, nobody gives a damn what we think.

Do some damn homework! Whose paying Johnson? Where does he get the bulk of his money from? How much does he reinvest? Engage Black Artist.

Look baby, if you serious, then i'm serious. This ish is do-able. "The fields are right for harvest but the laborers are few."
Reparations from the government is good, but if the brother down the street owes me, I expect him to pay SOONER. BET owes black folk!

Talk to me and then move me!
I,I, I Can't Wait!
24841, I am SOOOO disgusted
Posted by BooDaah, Tue May-09-00 08:24 AM
These OkayPlayers have truly broken my heart.

All at bitching and this gets less than 5 responses.

Oh well, screw 'em. Do what we gotta do y'all. Make it happen.

Formulate some ideas, make a plan and give it legs. We don't need the fake-a$$ fakers anyway.

(yeah I'm pissed)

Help BooDaah STAY the Moderator for the OkayActivism Board....

Fill Angiee's Mailbox full of requests for me (HAHA she'll LOOOOVE THAT!!!)

How's THAT for pandering HMMMM???
24842, I believe that Digable Planets
Posted by nushooz, Tue May-09-00 10:44 AM
said it best...
"The masses should get up off their a$$es"

Boo, Baby, if you ever read any of my posts, you gotta know that they ALL (my okay activists post) involve ACTION!!!!
I am a firm believer of two things:

1. A nigga can say what they wanna say outta their mouth, but it's ACTION shows the true desires of their hearts - what they are really all about

2. IF you are not a part of the SOLUTION, you are a part of the PROBLEM!

It's too much talent and too much consciousness at okay playa for nothing to become of this.

Let's give them what Black folk really don't have-time.

Live from the Shoe Sto'
I,I, I Can't Wait!
24843, RE: how about a visable hit in the head...
Posted by guest, Mon May-15-00 06:26 AM
I like this active disgruntalment idea...be back with more...
sig starts here~

Mouse: "Do not bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead, try to realize the truth."
Neo: "What truth?"
Mouse: "There is no spoon. Then you'll know that its not the spoon that bends...but you." ~the matrix

Sometimes, when I'm alone, I think about ketchup, because I know that the true is that it's just sitting there in a bottle, by itself. I'm pretty sure it's red. Sometimes when I'm with ketchup, I think about being alone, in a bottle. Standing next to the mustard all day. ~ chester from sifl and olly

24844, Why would you boycott BET again?
Posted by unohoo, Wed May-10-00 11:11 AM
I mean what's the beef against BET? Is it that they don't have varied programming? Is it that you feel the images projected are negative? Is it that you feel you are not represented? IS it that BET is making money? I don't understand why so much vitriol is being spewed at BET.

I'm not saying that it couldn't use some improvement, but a boycott just seems extreme especially when no one has really clearly outlined a legitimate reason to boycott BET. This same energy could be directed at the major networks, and even Hollywood who have far less representation of black people, black voices, much less black culture. Before I get attacked though, what do you really want out of BET that you don't get right now?

Be easy kinfolks...

New album by my younger broski on Blue Note Records Jason Moran entitled "Facing Left" in stores June 27th!! Go cop that!! And if you really wanna support a brothers brother then buy his debut "Soundtrack To Human Motion".
24845, RE: Why would you boycott BET again?
Posted by BooDaah, Wed May-10-00 11:33 AM
>I mean what's the beef against

They could be doing better and their not. And worse, they act like they don't give an eff (the reasonaing and excuses are pretty pitiful). Perhaps something as drastic as a boycott would get their attention.

>Is it that they
>don't have varied programming?


>Is it that you feel the
>images projected are negative?


>it that you feel you
>are not represented?

Respresented? Maybe (depends on your perspective). Represented properly? Not really. But this is subjective. I'd just like to see folk who feel like they aren't doing right to "get up, stand up"

>IS it that BET is making money?

No, it's that they are making money at the expense of our image and culture. If you're going to represent yourself as "The Black Voice" on cable, you gotta do better than videos and infomercials (sorry one hour day to tavis, and one news show ain't cutting it). BET is borderline pimping the community. Why can they, because we really don't have much choice. But that don't mean we gotta take whatever crap they send.

>I don't understand why so
>much vitriol is being spewed
>at BET.

Then frankly you're not paying much attention (to the channel, or to the folk who have many legitimate beefs).

>I'm not saying that it couldn't
>use some improvement, but a
>boycott just seems extreme especially
>when no one has really
>clearly outlined a legitimate reason
>to boycott BET.

Desperate times, desperate measures.

>This same energy could be directed at
>the major networks, and even
>Hollywood who have far less
>representation of black people, black
>voices, much less black culture.

Why not both. One doesn't expect to have "the majority" represent us properly (at least I don't), but when one of our own does it, to me that's 100 times worse.

>Before I get attacked though,
>what do you really want
>out of BET that you
>don't get right now?

Quality programming. Less coonism (LA Tonight-or whatever-its-called/ALL/THAT DAMN CYBER HOODRAT). Less infomercials. ORIGINAL programming like documentaries. Why not consilidate the three channels they have (BET MOVIES, BET on Jazz -- if that's still on, and BET) into one QUALITY channel instead of thre half a$$ed ones?? Wait, I know why. $$$.

That any help?

Help BooDaah STAY the Moderator for the OkayActivism Board....

Fill Angiee's Mailbox full of requests for me (HAHA she'll LOOOOVE THAT!!!)

How's THAT for pandering HMMMM???
24846, Interesting...
Posted by unohoo, Thu May-11-00 04:17 AM
This is where I don't get as riled up as you do I guess. You see coonisms, and negative images, I see black folks being themselves in the company of other black folks. The cyber-hoodrat/ALL/LA Tonight? The problems those shows have are all quite minor I think. The channel is called the Black ENTERTAINMENT Channel and primarily what it does is showcase black music. (what's wrong with that?) BET has been quite limited in the past in its programming but I do think it is branching out and doing a much better job.

Am I watching BET? Of course! Are you? For an ENTERTAINMENT channel I think it does quite well, with Mad Spots, Body and Soul, Teen Summit (for the lil duns), Tavis Smiley's show, The Black Voice(w/Armstrong Williams the black republican), Out The Box, Hits, Docugroove even those crony Arabesque movies. These are all recent developments and they are being shown obviously to the blind cause no one wants to acknowledge them.

All of these shows employ and highlight black talent. Say what you want about LA Tonight but it does give you a chance to see some black people who would otherwise barely be seen on mainstream late night shows. Yes the show could use improvement, but I think that will come with time. Same with those corny Arabesque movies, they give black actors a chance to work and play characters outside of their stereotypes. I'm not saying BET couldn't use some substantial work, but I also don't think they are dropping the ball bad enough to the point where a boycott is in order. That's all I'm saying.

Be easy kinfolks...

New album by my younger broski on Blue Note Records Jason Moran entitled "Facing Left" in stores June 27th!! Go cop that!! And if you really wanna support a brothers brother then buy his debut "Soundtrack To Human Motion".
24847, But you know what...
Posted by BooDaah, Thu May-11-00 05:20 AM
Desperate times call for desperate measures. If a boycott (or the threat of one) is enough to get the folk at BET to make folk realize that giving us crumbs and calling it Thanksgiving dinner ain't gonna cut it, then I say BOYCOTT on.

I'm not saying they gotta go, but after 20+ years they can do better. Period. They have enough money to start a movie AND Jazz channel but can't give me anything besides rotisseriee infomercials and re-runs of coolio on the weekends? C'mon. If all they WANT to be is entertainment then stop faking and representing yourself as the voice of Black folk on cable. Seriously. If they wannt be the Shuck and Jive Network, then cool. I like to watch a video every now and then. I like to see black comedy (you do know they rob the hell out of thhose comedians right?). But damn dog. WE are not the only ones who watch those broadcasts. What message are we sending out in terms of what WE want to see? All the talented Black actors and acresses and you can't do better than that Arabesque mess? Where are the Black History shows? Where are the programs on Dance and the arts? Ain't that as entertaining as Q-Tip?

Honestly though, if you don't have a problem, then don't join up. If you're cool with the status quo (and I'm not being judgemental either. really.), this fight ain't for you.

This is a call to arms for all those OkayPlayers who wanna bitch and moan. Folk have been fussing for a LONG time, and nobody (still less than 20 original posts) wants to do jack. What's that old saying? Oh yeah:

"If you ain't part of the SOLUTION, you're part of the problem"

Help BooDaah STAY the Moderator for the OkayActivism Board....

Fill Angiee's Mailbox full of requests for me (HAHA she'll LOOOOVE THAT!!!)

How's THAT for pandering HMMMM???
24848, Yeah...
Posted by unohoo, Thu May-11-00 05:59 AM
I like that saying, it's a great way to somehow convey guilt on people who don't necessarily see things your way. It's genius.

So black folks have to be ashamed of being themselves because someone else may or may not be watching? Misperceptions that are already well ingrained into the psyche of others as well as black folk have to be taken into account everytime a show is to be aired? I say hell no. Desperate times call for desperate measures? This ain't Vietnam. The Shuck and Jive network? Based on what? Black people being themselves. How elitist. I never said BET doesn't need work, but I just don't think it is that bad either.

BTW if this is a call to arms for supporters only then I apologize. I thought this was a discussion about a possible boycott of BET.

Be easy kinfolks...

New album by my younger broski on Blue Note Records Jason Moran entitled "Facing Left" in stores June 27th!! Go cop that!! And if you really wanna support a brothers brother then buy his debut "Soundtrack To Human Motion".
24849, Addendum...
Posted by unohoo, Thu May-11-00 06:06 AM
If you want to really affect BET, I don't think a boycott will work. Not watching BET won't affect people who do watch BET nor its money supply. I think if you want to hurt BET then you write to it's advertisers en masse. To me corporations always want to take a very non-offensive role in everything they do, and I think the last thing they want to do (or at least they want us to think the last thing they want to do) is promote any sort of perceived negative images about black people.

Be easy kinfolks...

New album by my younger broski on Blue Note Records Jason Moran entitled "Facing Left" in stores June 27th!! Go cop that!! And if you really wanna support a brothers brother then buy his debut "Soundtrack To Human Motion".
24850, Why you acting all touchy?
Posted by BooDaah, Thu May-11-00 06:41 AM
"If you ain't part of the SOLUTION, you're part of the problem" means to me that if you view something as an issue that needs changing, then if you don't do something to change it, you are simply one of the problems purveyors. Disagree with that interpretation? Ignore it. Guilt is only accepted by the guilty.


"So black folks have to be ashamed of being themselves because someone else may or may not be watching? Misperceptions that are already well ingrained into the psyche of others as well as black folk have to be taken into account everytime a show is to be aired? I say hell no."

You can say what you like. No biggie. You're fully entitled to your opinion. I say that perception can be strenghtened by observation. If BET shows 90% videos, booty shows, and wack movies and then represent themselves as "what Blacks wanna see" then they are misrepresenting. Similarly, it ain't just the "outside" folk I'm worried about recieving the messages that all young black folk care about is money/hoes/and clothes. I'm worried about my nieces and nephews who get part of their image of the Black world that's beyond their neighborhood from watching BET. They go to school and get little to no knowledge about themselves as a people or as an individual, and then come home and see CITA? They listen to the world describe them as a million and one things things of little or no substance and then watch people who are JUST LIKE THEM share the same thing? WTF? Like I said. They have no excuse for being so damn low-budget. They have been around for 20+ years and they can simply do better. You SAID your agree. If you don't agree to the point where you feel a boycott is necessary, then dammit don't boycott. WHAT??!

>Desperate times call for desperate measures?

Sure do.

>This ain't Vietnam. The Shuck and Jive network? >Based on what? Black people being themselves. How >elitist.

You know what? You can call me an elitist or whatever you like. I don't care. The point remains that BET can do better than those same tired reruns of 227 and Amen. Yeah, they were cool, but wat about Frank's Place? The Cosby Show? The White Shadow? Fat Albert? Julia? The Mod Squad. Why has BET never shown Roots, Eyes on the Prize, or Africans in America? Why do I find out the stories about Black artists like Dr. Dre, Hammer, Barry White, and whomever else on VH1? Instead of Arabesque, why not make a movie about Harriet Tubman/Assata Shakur/Nefrititti? Why is Teen Summit only on once a week? Why not have a show about Black health care issues? Remember when they used to show Black College GAMES every weekend? What happened to that. Definitely not expense, cause I know for a fact that Black Colleges fell all overthemselves to get the publicity of having their sports on TV gave. As a result, BET got off dirt cheap. When BET first started it was mostly videos with one or two news shows, and Bobby Jones on Sunday for a hot second. Guess what? They still doing the same damn thing.

Don't the above ideas encompass "Black folk being themselves" too? I literally just came up with all that off the top of my head, do you mean to tell me that after 20+ years, somebody who works there couldn't have thought thte same damn thing?

You're neither my enemy nor opposition, why resort to attacking ME?

>BTW if this is a call to arms for supporters only >then I apologize. I thought this was a discussion >about a possible boycott of BET.

It is. If you don't think boycotting is the way to go, rather than rant and rave with me why not suggest something else? Yeah I read your "addendum". That was cool. But isn't a boycott of their advertisers, or merely the threat of a boycott is still taking action right? THAT'S what this post is REALLY about. Taking action. Period.

Stay blessed :-)
Help BooDaah STAY the Moderator for the OkayActivism Board....

Fill Angiee's Mailbox full of requests for me (HAHA she'll LOOOOVE THAT!!!)

How's THAT for pandering HMMMM???
24851, Not touchy at all....
Posted by unohoo, Thu May-11-00 07:53 AM
Just combatting rhetoric with more rhetoric. I'm not attacking you. I just wanted to know the beefs against BET that make this a "desperate time for desperate measures." You're the only one who stepped up, so you're the only one I'm dialoging with.

Be easy kinfolks...

New album by my younger broski on Blue Note Records Jason Moran entitled "Facing Left" in stores June 27th!! Go cop that!! And if you really wanna support a brothers brother then buy his debut "Soundtrack To Human Motion".
24852, let's get at the real problem
Posted by unity, Wed May-10-00 12:12 PM
If we really want to change things we need to get at the heart of the problem rather than putting band-aids on it.

First of all, the simple fact that there is ONE channel to represent ALL black people is ridiculous!!!

We need to have MORE CHANNELS that represent our diversity. We should focus the talent and energy of okayplayer on creating new stations, programming etc. rather than undermining what we do have regardless of how wack (cuz all we need is for BET to get pulled altogether and then "the man" (for lack of a better term) to get the idea that we don't need any black stations because they aren't successful or even supported by black people).

The underlying issues is, as was already stated, society attitudes itself and this is a long-term project for us to undertake. It requires "eternal vigilence" and perseverance. We must educate ourselves, and those around us and help our communities to, in the words of KRS-One "visualize wealth and put selves in the picture. The rich get richer, cuz they work towards rich. The poor get poorer, cuz their minds can't switch from the ghetto. Let go. It's not a novelty. You can love your neigborhood without loving poverty..."

These words translate not only in the arena of economics, but into all aspects of our community. If we allow ghetto mentalities to prevail, we get ghetto television...

"So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole earth."
24853, Enough Debate
Posted by nushooz, Thu May-11-00 05:56 AM
either you in or you out!
If you happy then dammit be happy!

Why target BET? Why not! Once again Black folk cannot afford - fiscal, physical, social - detachment from each other. Until we ALL OVERCOME ain't nobody goin' no where. So, as a consequence of this sentiment, JOHNSON along with BET OWES ME! He owes me positive images & positive, race liftin' programing. AND I WANT IT!

SO enough with the debate. How about some action..... what? what? what?
Do we need a meeting, a conference call, what???? Let's ORGANIZE & MOBILIZE!

Live from the "We shall overcome" workshop...

I,I, I Can't Wait!
Posted by guest, Thu May-11-00 06:30 AM

Are we to all draw up individual plans? Because mine is simple. I can break into the DC Armory...get a rocket launcher...go over to New York Ave...sit on the hill...and blast off! Just kidding...but I think calling all of our respective cable companies, mail-bombing (NO! Not on some Unabomber shit), advertiser harrasing....something is bound to give. You know how to reach me.

Your brother in this,

More Gems from Dad lata

http://www.politicallyblack.com -Go Learn Something. While you're there...sign up for Politics On The Groove...good news and funny too.
24855, Umm ...
Posted by didi, Thu May-11-00 09:23 AM
I guess the reason why I posted this is because I saw the umpteenth post about how wack B.E.T. is, yet I saw little proposals for action. And since this is the OkayActivist Board, I thought, "hey - why not put this board to use?"

Plus, I wanted everyone to be mindful of what needed to be thought through when we talk about bombing the HQs. I am down for whatever - I'm sick of seeing the shuckin' and jivin' myself ...

But since you're full of ideas (amongst other things), please share ... your ideas, that is! :P

The Smut PhoeniXXX

"D(i), muthafucka, D(i)!!!!!" - Radio Raheem, "Do the Right Thing"

"Just be 'bout what you about, dog" - Jay Dee of Slum Village

"Contrary to made-for-the movies and what you think you see on the street corners, Afro-Americans are the most puritanical people in the U.S. cause they're always trying to live up to or live down stereotypes insteada being themselves." - Reginald Martin, "What Makes Siedah Zip"
24856, Perhaps a Conference Call
Posted by nushooz, Thu May-11-00 10:37 AM
Now here's some ish to talk about.

But 1st and foremost, I HATE THE HELL OUT OF SOME RHETORIC! I don't care to hear you if all you want to do is talk and NEVER LISTEN!

So, why don't we throw up an agenda for a call and do it?


Both Feet In!
I,I, I Can't Wait!
Posted by Gloworm, Thu May-11-00 01:45 PM
whoever is a good writer could flesh out an email petition or a form letter stating problems and possible solutions....

"Here's another speech you wish I'd swallow. Another cue for you to hold your ears. Another train of thought too hard to follow." - Fiona Apple

"I'm going to save R&B" - Sisqo

"Questioning why you should listen to my words, the way I say them, my flow.
Ignoring the fact that my spoken word will make your mind glow." - jose3030

24858, I could get with that....
Posted by nushooz, Fri May-12-00 08:38 AM
We don't have time. We loosing brothers and sistahs buy the boat load.

instead of I,I, I Can't Wait!
try We,We, We Can't Wait!
24859, Boo, Baby don't get caught up
Posted by nushooz, Fri May-12-00 08:43 AM
in a seemingly "un-winnable" debate. I think it was your quote that said something about putting some legs on this ish and rolling with it (paraphase)

In those immortal Go-Go words "I feel like bustin' loose." So, let's go with the folk who are interested and concerned, who wanna be a part of the solution!

You da' best, Boo-dah!

I,I, I Can't Wait!
24860, I'm not stressing
Posted by BooDaah, Fri May-12-00 09:26 AM
I must admit I probably shouldn't have let it go that far, but whatever. I'm smart enough to know that if you spend too much time explaining what you're trying to do, that you wasting time that could be spent DOING it.


I'd like to compile a list of things we'd like to see changed. From there we could start a good old fashioned pass the email. I know of some folk who might be able to make sure the "right" people get wind of it.

My list is pretty much above, but I can refine it if necessary.

Next up....You All.

Help BooDaah STAY the Moderator for the OkayActivism Board....

Fill Angiee's Mailbox full of requests for me (HAHA she'll LOOOOVE THAT!!!)

How's THAT for pandering HMMMM???
24861, Oops I forgot..
Posted by BooDaah, Fri May-12-00 09:31 AM
When comiling your list please give specific issues/gripes (ex. not paying the comics on Comic View anything beyond the first appearance, and then running their performance ad infinitum FOR FREE. OR having enough money to open two more channels, but not enough to not have freakin infromercial on all the damn time (sorry that one really iggs me). Possible suggestions to "fix" those things would definitely get you a gold star :-).

More specific comments than "your shows suck" or "CITA is wack" please.

Help BooDaah STAY the Moderator for the OkayActivism Board....

Fill Angiee's Mailbox full of requests for me (HAHA she'll LOOOOVE THAT!!!)

How's THAT for pandering HMMMM???
24862, I think some people are forgetting
Posted by guest, Mon May-15-00 03:22 PM
the simple fact that BET is Black ENTERTAINMENT Television. I hear a lot of people saying that BET should have more informational and documentary programs (I agree, I'd like to see that too), however, this station's purpose is to "entertain", not to inform.

Now, I do realize that MTV has shows not related to music videos. However, I think MTV is a whole different ballpark. Why? Because MTV is not "White Entertainment Television".
24863, I dont think YOU are realizing
Posted by nushooz, Tue May-16-00 02:48 AM
that entertainment is a relative term. Documenutaries maybe entertaining TO ME. Hell, that's why I bought the damn TV - to be entertained. Comic view is sometimes NOT entertaining to me.

So, Wise - no disrespect- I don't think that's relevant here. This thread is for people looking to find solutions, not continue debate.

Live from the Shoe Sto'
(Hell, I find buying shoes ENTERTAINING)

I,I, I Can't Wait!
24864, PLEASE READ the whole thread B4 U reply
Posted by nushooz, Tue May-16-00 02:52 AM
We are at the solutions part now. Talk is SO cheap; put up or shut up! And if you ain' puttin' up, this aint your damn thread! IF YOU ARE NOT A PART OF THE SOLUTION, YOU ARE A PART OF THE PROBLEM (Lord, I wish we could underline & bold!)

I,I, I Can't Wait!
24865, check yourself
Posted by guest, Tue May-16-00 04:57 AM
Before you so boldly call this a solution check yourself and tell us what exactly you're solving.

Why boycott a community asset thats struggling as it is. You call that a solution? How boycotting Mobil that bleeds the earth of natural resources- or corporations that count on abusing the rights and dignity of wrokers here and abroad.

I understand you dont like what you see on BET but Im willing to bet that you just dont watch it that much. Are you watching the gospel programming? Are you watching the four hour special on debit and credit management this weekend? Are you watching open forum discussions with al Sharpton and mayor Gulianni on the matters of polic brutality in New York- if you are please tell me what boycotting all that is gonna solve.

If you have a problem with particular programming like Comic View or Jam Zone- then write a letter, thats your solution. A boycott? what the hell are you gonna boycott- you just gonna stop watching; most of y'all only watch about two hours of it a day so dont think you'll be missed. If you boycott the sponsors how on earth will they know that you're boycotting coca cola cuz of BET?

What you claim to be a solution still only seemse to be talk even though you demand you're beyond these stages.

Its called solidarity people- get together and work at that. If you're not part of the solution ou are indeed part of the problem but in the face a nation wide adversity dont you dare say that BET is the problem.

24866, Don't misunderstand
Posted by BooDaah, Tue May-16-00 05:51 AM
This is not an attempt to cut BET off at the knees. This is an attempt to let our voices be heard. Nobody is suggesting we shut them down, just that we let them know our concerns and what we think might be solutions.

You're going off unnecessarily. If you don't like the term boycott, hell, call it a wake-up.


>Before you so boldly call this
>a solution check yourself and
>tell us what exactly you're

Again this is an attempt to tell the folk at BET what we think could be better/changed. Rather than sit and bitch about how it sucks we are trying to find out specificallu what folk don't like and present some alternatives. You've seen the same post I have with folks complaining. Now we're saying "put up or shut up" to all those in the peanut gallery.

>Why boycott a community asset thats
>struggling as it is.

BET is not struggling. Please. You can do better than that. Secondly, perhaps but diagnosing what some people think is wrong, they can get better serve those folk (meaning us) right?

>You call that a solution?

It's better than being crabs inb a bucket and badmouthing them right? IF you have a problem with me or something I do, I'd MUCH rather you bring it to my face and let me dialog with you tahn have you snipe me behind my back.

>How boycotting Mobil that bleeds the
>earth of natural resources- or
>corporations that count on abusing
>the rights and dignity of
>wrokers here and abroad.

Abusing the rights by say like not paying you what your work is worth (the comedians on comic view), by presenting partial viewpoints and a only slice of what the Black community is about? BET does both of those and many more. We're not saying they need to close up shop, but we ARE saying there are some things that could be fixed. Period.

>if you
>are please tell me what
>boycotting all that is gonna

It will simply let the opinions of those who choose to boycott be heard. Perhaps somone will care enough to make a few changes, if not at least those who are upset can say that they said what they had to say.

>If you have a problem with
>particular programming like Comic View
>or Jam Zone- then write
>a letter, thats your solution.

In your opinion (I'm going to stop repeating myself any second now). One or tow letters PROBABLY WILL be ignored. But if a unifed group of folk make their opinions known it has a better chance to get results. Strength in numbers right?

> most of y'all only watch about
>two hours of it a
>day so dont think you'll
>be missed.

Most of who? And how do YOU know what they do?

>If you boycott
>the sponsors how on earth
>will they know that you're
>boycotting coca cola cuz of

Anybody who has any iddea of how a boycott (or any other form of protest) works knows that the person who is protesting makes their views known through a myriad of methods. Don't be silly. You're much more intelligent than that.

>What you claim to be a
>solution still only seemse to
>be talk even though you
>demand you're beyond these stages.

Again that's your opinion. It is duly noted. But so what? We supposed to stop because you don't agree? If you don't wanna play, then hit the bench. You know you my dog Koala, but why block or throw rocks from the sidelines? If you don't like the idea, or don't think it is going to amount to anything, then let it fail. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get folk excited enough about a thing to actually DO something aabout it? Please don't piss on these people's spark. Even though I don't think a "boycott" (in the traditional sense) is the way to go I'm still going to support and direct because I'm excited to see SOMEBODY takining some initiative.

>Its called solidarity people- get together
>and work at that. If
>you're not part of the
>solution ou are indeed part
>of the problem but in
>the face a nation wide
>adversity dont you dare say
>that BET is the problem.

Again this is your opinion. Others feel differently, as such let them do what they have to do.

Help BooDaah STAY the Moderator for the OkayActivism Board....

Fill Angiee's Mailbox full of requests for me (HAHA she'll LOOOOVE THAT!!!)

How's THAT for pandering HMMMM???
24867, RE: Don't misunderstand
Posted by guest, Tue May-16-00 07:44 AM

>You're going off unnecessarily. If you
>don't like the term boycott,
>hell, call it a wake-up.

Please try that- perhaps a "letter campaign," boycott is a far more serious endeavor.

>BET is not struggling. Please. You
>can do better than that.
>Secondly, perhaps but diagnosing what
>some people think is wrong,
>they can get better serve
>those folk (meaning us) right?

Perhaps- but if some of those people are currently fairweather viewers all their talk and suggestions may amount to nothing. As Ive always said in defense of BET- its hard as fuck to answer the call of people who want positive shows cuz those same people dont watch the positive shows that are already on.

As far as Bet struggling- I find it hard to believe that any Black enterprise in america is not struggling but i digress. Bet is in need of support- make no mistake about this.

I say- lets first get a tally of what exactly these complainers are watching and let them know all the other shows that theyre missing. If they cant fit them into their schedules or program a vcr then you might have a reasonable leter campaign- if they dont know those shows exist and arent gonna even try to watch them i think you should save the ink and paper.

>Abusing the rights by say like
>not paying you what your
>work is worth (the comedians
>on comic view),

How does a corporation determine what work is worth? and how could we possibly blame them for the entire American capitalist system. Who's telling you that the comedians are underpaid- the comedians?- that figures. But it couldnt be because BET is struggling financially cuz they arent- you think they want to show infomercials all day Saturday- thats ridiculous.

by presenting
>partial viewpoints and a only
>slice of what the Black
>community is about?

Financial news and information, Gospel programming, Political news and information, Hip Hop entertainment, Film and sports entertainment, a lot of viewpoints are represented in BET programming the question is what are you watching.

BET does
>both of those and many
>more. We're not saying they
>need to close up shop,
>but we ARE saying there
>are some things that could
>be fixed. Period.

Then accept that your role as a viewer is also in need of being checked. There's programming on BET that serves the purposes you're demanding yet you're not watching that programming- how then do you expect BET to answer your claims.

>In your opinion (I'm going to
>stop repeating myself any second
>now). One or tow letters
>PROBABLY WILL be ignored. But
>if a unifed group of
>folk make their opinions known
>it has a better chance
>to get results. Strength in
>numbers right?

I guess but if all those numbers are zeroes... What Im saying is qualify your complaints. you cant just say- there isnt enough positive programming especially if you're not watching the positive programming there is. Its important for you to assess our own circumstances before we hope to have a corporate entity meet our needs. Its like having a plate of food on your table and demanding the cook prepare more food; if you want to eat you must demonstrate that you are WILLING to eat before you are fed.

>Most of who? And how do
>YOU know what they do?

Ask em- thats what Im saying; ask them how much BET they watch.

>Anybody who has any iddea of
>how a boycott (or any
>other form of protest) works
>knows that the person who
>is protesting makes their views
>known through a myriad of
>methods. Don't be silly. You're
>much more intelligent than that.

are you sure that the people around here- know that much about a boycott. As i said- ask them. Its obvious that the people being enlisted here are not aware of the nature or development of a real and effective boycott. But you can be- the first step is to be organized, that doesnt mean coming together under a cause- that means assessing all of the causes and complaints that people have currently and making sure that those circumstances arent the product of some other problem.

>Again that's your opinion. It is
>duly noted. But so what?
>We supposed to stop because
>you don't agree? If you
>don't wanna play, then hit
>the bench. You know you
>my dog Koala, but why
>block or throw rocks from
>the sidelines? If you don't
>like the idea, or don't
>think it is going to
>amount to anything, then let
>it fail. Do you have
>any idea how hard it
>is to get folk excited
>enough about a thing to
>actually DO something aabout it?
>Please don't piss on these
>people's spark. Even though I
>don't think a "boycott" (in
>the traditional sense) is the
>way to go I'm still
>going to support and direct
>because I'm excited to see
>SOMEBODY takining some initiative.

Im throwing stones because its apparent that your people are going the wrong way. I am offering up a reasonable idea as gudiance for whatever actions these people are going to take.

Get organized- surveys, demographic results, contact information. Your discontent is duly noted- but it doesnt substantiate anything- not for the sake of opposing business. Fight fire with fire, business with business.

>>Its called solidarity people- get together
>>and work at that. If
>>you're not part of the
>>solution ou are indeed part
>>of the problem but in
>>the face a nation wide
>>adversity dont you dare say
>>that BET is the problem.
>Again this is your opinion. Others
>feel differently, as such let
>them do what they have
>to do.

All Im telling you is how things work- if you dont agree fine but carry on in the fashion you're speaking of and watch it go along in the same fashion as several atempts previous to this.

What you people need to do is assess your role in the BET audience before demanding they comply to your demands. You must establish where it is that you fit into BET before you can ask that they make more room for you. You must effectively demonstrate how much of a viewership you represent. What do you watch on BEt- when do you watch it? What are you missing? You must be aware of these things cuz they are crucial to your argument- they address what you have available and what you are not appreciating- fix those things within your own ranks before asking anyone to work with you.

How do you expect to go anywhere if you dont know where you are?

24868, Sometimes I wonder..
Posted by BooDaah, Tue May-16-00 08:05 AM
....if you read the entire thread before you comment.

Quite a few of the points you made in that last point have been addressed already, but what the hell nobody is charging for the number of bytes used so whateverman. Again I say, KoalaLove's opposition/guidance/cajoling/protest/advice is duly noted and appreciated. To those who have suggested this methodology as a means of getting your opinions heard, I say: Pay attention to Koala, Wize_7 and anyone else who has taken the time to share their viewpoints. In their own ways they have shown their wisdom and in nothing else, have kept this post from dropping by the wayside.

Good luck in your endeavors, as always I stand in support of you taking action to make yourself heard and your opinions known.

Help BooDaah STAY the Moderator for the OkayActivism Board....

Fill Angiee's Mailbox full of requests for me (HAHA she'll LOOOOVE THAT!!!)

How's THAT for pandering HMMMM???
24869, My only point
Posted by guest, Tue May-16-00 08:14 AM
Is that to proceed effectively you must establish what the okaplayer viewership is before you can demand that BEt meet their expectations.

As many in this thread- yes i read it- its hard to make any moves when the people making the demands havent made any solid or unified conclusions.

Does everybody feel that BEt should be taken off the air- thats what the original post calls for.

I say before we get to all that and above and beyond the debate as to what is quality programming and what is not- lets be clear on the few things that we can establish as facts (our personal viewing habits) and then proceed from there.

Ive provided a survey to call for that information. im willing to bet that most of the concerns held currently can be answered by programming that is already available. The reason why we dont see more of that programming is cuz people arent watching it as it is.

24870, check myself?
Posted by nushooz, Tue May-16-00 10:53 AM
READ the whole thread

I,I, I Can't Wait!
24871, Um
Posted by guest, Tue May-16-00 11:03 AM
I did
24872, You know what else is funny?
Posted by guest, Tue May-16-00 09:30 AM
Everybody is talking about change (with the word "boycott" whispered silently), but what you all need to realize is that we all should have been involving ourselves in BET's agenda from the jump-start. I mean, why wait until we are utterly sick of such dismaying material. I'm sure that most of these programs were going on way before these last two years.

Also, (I know it's been said before), but what is so bad about showing some ass in videos? Okay, you may not like it, however, it's entertainment and most of our people do like it. I'm not buying that argument that BET never shows any perspective of Black lifestyles outside of freaknik. Sure, they show a considerable amount of videos with sexual enuindo, however (just as Koala said) do not discount the fact that they show "Heart & Soul", "Lead Story", and a few other programs that do recognize other aspects of the Black diaspora.

Is BET perfect? Hell no! Who is? nobody.
Consider that BET is not as rich as MTV or VH-1.
Sure, those informercials are wack, but look....they need to pay bills.
Understand that I'm not taking a passive stance, I'm still very militant. However, let's not destroy our own people, let's help our own.
If y'all "boycott" BET and their sponsors, then how on earth are they gonna get the funds to provide substantial programming that we are so much demanding for?

Sure BET has the power to do so, but they also need the financial support. Don't blame BET for corporate America's atrocities.
I understand where some of y'all are coming from. Meaning, you have to resort to drastic measures in order for BET to really listen to what is going on.
Just remember, if White America sees certain images of Blacks and they want to stereotype us according to those things, then does that mean we have to stop (for instance) having sex?
I don't like Comic View anymore than some of y'all do, but please don't over-look the loaf of bread by picking at crumbs.
24873, You know what...
Posted by beautifulpeace, Tue May-16-00 09:42 AM
You're absolutely right! It's time for us to stop bitchin and complaining and finally do something to help each other out. I'm guilty too for just sitting on my ass and complaining about ghetto programming - so hey- why don't we stop the myth that most of us are just a barrel of crabs. What can we do?
24874, Watch the good shit
Posted by guest, Tue May-16-00 09:54 AM
Watch the good shit and make it known that you are watching the good shit and you want to see more.

Too many of these okayplayers are like...

"I dont watch that bullshit and I wont start watching it until you change it"

do you think any reasonable broadcast company would honor such demands?

All those programs that have been on for a while now dont exist cuz we let it slide- they exist because people watch them, love them, and respond. We should all be doing the same.

If you are not in contact with BEt - how on earth do you expect them to hear you? Dont you dare complain that the people who are in contact with them are getting what they want- and act like you should get the same when you aint doin shit to make it happen.

If you want to see something on BET- watch BEt and make sure they're not showing it to you before you complain that they arent.

24875, SEARCH for it..
Posted by BooDaah, Tue May-16-00 10:24 AM
..then watch it.

Again, I'm still wondering why if those of you who don't think it is necessary just don't shut up and let the foolish among us just tilt at our windmill?

Help BooDaah STAY the Moderator for the OkayActivism Board....

Fill Angiee's Mailbox full of requests for me (HAHA she'll LOOOOVE THAT!!!)

How's THAT for pandering HMMMM???
24876, Who said
Posted by guest, Tue May-16-00 10:41 AM
It wasnt necessary- its just horribly misguided and disorganized.

You're representing a people who want change but wont demonstrate how it is their viewership that is in need of adjusting.

You claim they need to search for positive programming- but you posted a schedule right here


now how hard was it for you to find that?

We're not gonna wathc you guys take a ball and fumble- we're on the same team. if you want my help ive offered it. if you want to continue with rants and biased blame go right ahead- ill argue with that too.

24877, RE: Watch the good shit
Posted by nushooz, Tue May-16-00 11:02 AM
I watch BET tonight, I watch Heart & Soul, I've seen most of the positive peices that BET has to offer. But I don't think I should settle for crumbs.

For every action there is a reaction. I don't want to shut BET down, I just want them to realize that I want more .... more than those mind numbing, repetitve, ass showin' "I Can Treat You Better Than Your Man OR Your Woman Can" Videos. AND ANY discussion about action is better than A WHOLE LOT of discussion based in complaints. I thought this dicussion was for people who wanted that. I'm happy if you're happy with BET; I AM NOT. So if there is a concerted effort, perhaps BET will pay attention -react.

I,I, I Can't Wait!
24878, Thats better
Posted by guest, Tue May-16-00 11:06 AM
Now we're getting somewhere.

But if you're watching videos and hoping for an accurate depiction of Black reality or even an even handed distribution of media then you're barking up the wrong tree. Music video broadcast is an entirely different beast- you're problem is apparently not with BEt but with video producers...

unless of course you're suggesting BET should prohibit certain content in its broadcasts.

24879, What are you watching
Posted by guest, Tue May-16-00 09:49 AM
Thats the problem

too many cats complain- but ask them if they watch Lead Story or Bet Tonight or even all that Gospel programming. If you dont- then why should BET rearrange its programming- just so you can continue watching Rap City and claiming to be unhappy about it?

Thats Bullshit- straight up.

If you cant watch the shows or AT LEAST program your vcr then your demanding psoitive programming is useless. Nobodys gonna develop more programming for people that dont watch it as it is. That would be ludicrous.

If you are actually trying to watch positive progamming on BET then it already has about 10 hours (and thats the stingy estimate eliminating all video shows except out the box) weekly. If you're watching all 10 of those hours then maybe you'll have a reasonable argument for wanting more- but even then you run the risk of begging the question; how much tv should a progressive and upwardly mobile Black person watch- cuz you're getting dreadfully close to being a lazy ass couch potato if you're going over 10 hours.

If you want more positive programming on BET you tell me how much of it you're watching as it is.

24880, I'm glad y'all came up in this piece...
Posted by unohoo, Tue May-16-00 10:03 AM
Cuz I felt like I was getting lambasted for stating an opinion other than what was expected. Furthermore no one has really outlined any specific grievances.

Be easy kinfolks...

New album by my younger broski on Blue Note Records Jason Moran entitled "Facing Left" in stores June 27th!! Go cop that!! And if you really wanna support a brothers brother then buy his debut "Soundtrack To Human Motion".
24881, A little note....
Posted by BooDaah, Tue May-16-00 10:19 AM
Our brother KoalaLove decided to start another whole thread on this matter. Please note teh BET survey post also.

Thank you and please continue your previous discussions.

Help BooDaah STAY the Moderator for the OkayActivism Board....

Fill Angiee's Mailbox full of requests for me (HAHA she'll LOOOOVE THAT!!!)

How's THAT for pandering HMMMM???
24882, where is it?
Posted by nushooz, Tue May-16-00 11:05 AM
I'd be happy to complete it. I mentioned in an earlier post on this thread about "who we (okp) represent", the talent at OKP, etc...
I recognize programming efforts, demographics, etc.... I am a THINKING, CHECKED individual.

READING -the whole thread - IS FUNDAMENTAL!

I,I, I Can't Wait!
24883, My Official List Starts here
Posted by nushooz, Wed May-17-00 10:20 PM
If BET insists on running re-runs, how about some positive shows like "Living Single" or "Different World."

Stop showing sexually perversive videos in the middle of the day and through the "family hour" - my 8 year old neice should not have seen the "Untitled" Video.....Moreover, BET should air all those mind numbing videos more responsibly.

Tavis Smiley should be aired twice a day

Black College Bowl should return

And yes! Pay the Black Comics more/underwrite their trips for Comic View appearances or at least give them residuals from the re-airing of their work.

Re-air their work responsibly as well. (I heard how their preempting ruined this one comedienne)

Mocho Lee should do an exercise show - 30 minutes of aerobic - maybe in the morning. who needs videos or paid programming at 6:30 am mon - friday?

hummmmm......giving more thought to my list; i'll be back

I,I, I Can't Wait!
24887, pushing up ...n/m
Posted by didi, Fri May-19-00 10:49 AM
"D(i), muthafucka, D(i)!!!!!" - Radio Raheem, "Do the Right Thing"

"Just be 'bout what you about, dog" - Jay Dee of Slum Village

"Contrary to made-for-the movies and what you think you see on the street corners, Afro-Americans are the most puritanical people in the U.S. cause they're always trying to live up to or live down stereotypes insteada being themselves." - Reginald Martin, "What Makes Siedah Zip"

(Conversation overheard in my office on 5/15/2000)
M: Wyclef Jean put Carlos Santana on the map!
J: That's bullshit! Carlos Santana was hot in the 1970s, just like that Black dude with the afro that played the guitar ... I think his name was Sammy Davis, Jr., right Ms. ____ ?
Me: You mean, Jimi Hendrix.
J: Yeah! That's right!
Me: Neither of y'all know what you're talkin' about. SHUT THE HELL UP AND GO HOME!