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Forum nameOkay Activist Archives
Topic subjectRE: See....
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=24723&mesg_id=24801
24801, RE: See....
Posted by guest, Thu May-25-00 08:23 AM
I dont mind commercials as long as Im in command of the media I produce. the thing about Koala is that he doesnt give a fuck about getting on or getting paid. Ice Cube said it best- i did this shit when i was broke I have no problem going back.

I dont know why Aaron doesnt have a cartoon on BET- I wasnt even aware that he was interested in animation. We actually met a long time ago- but neither of us would remember each other.

As for my work- Ill do it no mater who buys it who watches it etc. If I cant have things my way- Ill cut the shit straight to dvd and sell it on the web.

koala does not give a fuck- my inspiration is Dawud Anubwile who did Brotherman- he never had one bit of corporate support yet and still and lot of heads know exactly what brotherman was- I know specifically what it meant to me and as long as i can bring that - quality, energy, and experience to my people i will be satisfied.