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Forum nameOkay Activist Archives
Topic subjectRE: The Black Man/White Woman thing....
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=23285&mesg_id=23305
23305, RE: The Black Man/White Woman thing....
Posted by guest, Fri Jul-14-00 10:49 AM
Black men have inspired me to look beyond color in an individual. There was a time when white/other men came on to me and I felt as if I would somehow betray myself (and my people) by accepting an invitation for a date. The irony here is that I live in a place where interracial dating is like second nature for black men though many sista’s are following suit in growing numbers. I have high hopes of marrying a strong, proud, beautiful and brilliant black man and raising numerous healthy children.

I truly believe that this whole black man/white woman thing has divided the sexes and created alot of unneeded tension in the community. But one thing I’ve learned from my surrounding environment is: find love where you can because if you wait around too long (in this day and age) you may not find it at all.