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Forum nameOkay Activist Archives
Topic subjectEXACTLY
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=20595&mesg_id=20603
20603, EXACTLY
Posted by guest, Mon Oct-23-00 09:50 AM
There's a method to the madness- I havent been around much lately so nobody's been able to see it.

The point is- if you cant stand firm to your opinion around here its virtually useless when you face a world that wholeheartedly believes the contrary. If we are aspiring or even training to be activists- then we must face the opposition with far more than our opinion.

If everyone is entitled to an opinion- then you need something more to change someone's mind- the best way to work up to that is to find that idea that you have and test it; find its faults and correct them, find its proofs and back them up.

Too often i see people who think believing in something is enough to make it true. And then people come along to support their entitlement to that belief. I never questioned the right to opinion- i challenged the veracity of that opinion. Im willing to bet that if anyone of you take the time to consider the things you think you already know you will find yourselves stepping down a very clear path of enlightment- it starts with changing your mind.

I do that everyday- Im not naturally opposed to anything anybody has to say- I am committed to the challenge of pounding away at the ideas until they can stand the test of battle- or at the very least make sense. Dont get me wrong- I share many of these views and perspectives but absolute agreement doesnt make for productive discussion.

Even if I come out lookin like an asshole- Id rather that than lettin one of my soldiers run off with a half cocked argument and meeting the same end.

If you cant or wont change your mind- then dont bother trying to change the world.